
Zhenyue immortal pinched a seal on his finger.


The gauze thin print immediately wrapped around Lin Yang, like a flower about to bear fruit.

Lin Yang dodged around, but found that there was no way out.

I can only resist!

Lin Yang stimulates Qi strength, covers the whole body and activates the martial god body.

Bata Bata

The gauze wrapped around Lin Yang made strange noises.

Although the sound was not loud, the impact of the light gauze on Lin Yang's body was extremely terrible. The impact of each inch of the light gauze reached thousands of kilograms. Such a large piece of light gauze wrapped around Lin Yang shocked Lin Yang's blood.

If the strength of Wu Shen's body were not strong enough, Lin Yang's body would be as fragmented as the egg shell on the ground.

"This is... Wu Shen's body?"

Water Saint Wudang lost his voice.

"How dare you have a martial god? You are not old, but your talent is so terrible! In this way, I can't let you go!"

Zhenyue immortal Leng hum, and then hurried the move: "everything!"

Hoo Hoo!

Her palms danced wildly, sending out streamer beams of air, like an elf flying toward Linyang.

Lin Yang looked around, his face tightened, especially careful.

At this time, Zhenyue immortal stepped forward and suddenly disappeared.


Lin Yang suddenly realized something and hurried back.

But it's a little late!

But in the void, a large number of Qi hands suddenly appeared, attacking Lin Yang like a storm.

Each palm carries endless destructive energy. With one blow, the energy explodes on the spot. Its power is no less than that of a small bomb.

Lin Yang tried to resist.

But the other side's offensive is too dense and terrible. He can't resist it at all. He can only rely on physical resistance.

Bang Bang

People only saw violent explosions coming from overhead.

The terrible explosion energy produces shock waves that directly smash the surrounding buildings.



"Come on, get out of here!"

"Run away!"

Pei Dashao and others fled Ye's house like frightened birds.

The Ye family also kept retreating to avoid the spread.

"If immortals fight, will mortals suffer?"

Water Shengwu stands on the wall and looks at it silently.

"Young master, let's go quickly."

The Yishui family ran to the road in some embarrassment.

"No, you need to retreat for a while! I'll have a look here! If the strong fight, the skills are infinite. If I wait and see, I will benefit a lot. I can't miss such an opportunity!" Shui Shengwu said.

The water family looked at each other, did not dare to say more, and retreated one after another.

I saw hundreds of explosions in the air, and then


A bright red flower blooms in the airspace where Lin Yang is located.

Then Lin Yang flew out upside down and crashed into a low house dozens of meters away.

The short house turned into dust on the spot, and even a fragment the size of a fingernail could not be seen.

After the explosion dissipated, the Zhenyue fairy reappeared in mid air.

As for Lin Yang, he was already black and blue lying in the broken ruins.

His martial spirit body was beaten by Sheng Sheng and was broken by the Zhenyue immortal!

Seeing this, shuishengwu took a breath!

"Is this the Zhenyue immortal? Even the martial god can break it by force..."

With this skill, you really deserve the word immortal!

"Your talent is very good and your strength is very good. In time, you will become an existence beyond me. But you don't know whether to live or die, and dare to oppose me. You can't blame anyone for dying here today!"

Zhenyue immortal said coldly. Xuan'er raised his hand, which would result in Lin Yang's life.

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