Chief Tianjiao

Lin Yang's mind tightened.

The next day, Lin Yang had seen the arrogant water Saint Wu.

However, the water Saint Wudu said that he was helpless and desperate in the face of the chief Tianjiao, which shows how terrible the chief Tianjiao is.

If so, the chief Tianjiao lives in a forbidden area such as holy mountain, which is a thing of the past.

Lin Yang didn't plan to enter the holy mountain. After packing his bags, he went to the foot of the holy mountain with Zhenyue immortal.

The holy mountain is located in the no man's land in the northwest of the Dragon kingdom.

There is no telephone signal here. A few years ago, some donkey friends wanted to walk through the no man's land, but almost all the people who stepped into the interior disappeared.

So far, no donkey friend has the courage to run here.

They took a special plane arranged by Mahai to a border city outside the no man's land. After getting off the plane, a vehicle sent them to the periphery of the no man's land.

For the rest of the road, Lin Yang can only drive by himself.

After all, even local people dare not enter it at will.

"This place is full of miasma. When ordinary people come here and accidentally step into the miasma area, they will faint. If there is no treatment, they will die in one day at most. However, some ignorant people always like to take risks."

Zhenyue immortal commanded Linyang route as he spoke.

Follow the path pointed out by Zhenyue immortal.

On the way, you can see the bodies of many tourists.

There are even some unique figures.

Lin Yang glanced at the bodies and found that they were all dressed strangely and wearing swords.

"Who are these people?" Lin Yang asked with a frown.

"I want to come to the holy mountain to ask for immortals, but how can those terrible guys in the holy mountain pay attention to them? Besides, there are no immortals in the world, but these foolish people are still searching hard!" Zhenyue immortal shook his head and smiled.

"If so, why do you call yourself immortal?" Lin Yang said strangely.

"The name of Zhenyue immortal was never taken by me. My original name was Wu Zhenyue, but it was said by some people who had nothing to do with their leisure. They blew me like an immortal, so I was called Zhenyue immortal. In fact, I was just a layman! I couldn't escape from old illness and death. If I were an immortal, how could I not revive my son?" Zhenyue immortal smiled bitterly, His eyes are full of self mockery.

Lin Yang didn't say a word.

After driving for a full four hours, the car drove to a huge mountain surrounded by thick smoke before it stopped.

"That's it! In front of you is the forbidden area of the holy mountain! There is miasma, poisonous snakes and beasts emerge one after another, and there are strange flowers and plants. Of course, these are not the most dangerous, but the most dangerous are the great powers entrenched in cultivation! It is said that this is a treasure land of blessing, so these powers are entrenched here and divide the land for cultivation. They don't allow anyone to step in without permission If they accidentally enter their land, it will be a dead end! Therefore, even if it is me, I dare not set foot in it at will. I can only find a cave at the foot of the mountain to practice. "

After that, Zhenyue immortal got out of the car and led the way ahead.

Lin Yang hurried to follow.

Soon, they arrived at the cave of Zhenyue immortal.

A cave at the foot of a mountain hidden in a dense jungle.

However, as soon as he entered the cave, Lin Yang felt an extraordinary cold.

In addition, the air also emits bursts of intoxicating fragrance.

"The smell?"

Lin Yang was shocked suddenly. He looked at the inside of the cave with hot eyes and said in a hurry: "is there any vegetation inside the cave?"

"There are indeed some vegetation. I don't know what it is, so I haven't managed it. Why? Does Doctor Lin know what it is?" asked Zhenyue immortal.

Lin Yang didn't answer, but ran inside quickly., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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