"Don't worry, I'll try my best, but you have to help me thaw your son first. I can't cure him across the Millennium ice," said Lin Yang.

"OK, but it will take some time."

The fairy in Zhenyue said hoarsely. She came forward and urged her Qi to break the Millennium ice with her bare hands.

The Millennium ice is not only extremely cold, but also surprisingly hard. It is not easy to break it off.

Every month, the fairy will tear a small hole, and the cold of the Millennium ice will freeze it immediately.

She can only keep pushing her Qi to isolate the cold, tear the hole a little bit and take out the people inside.

By this method, I'm afraid it's impossible for the people inside to drag out without ten days and a half months.

Lin Yang sighed, went straight forward, offered a different fire and said, "I'd better come."

"Doctor Lin, this..."

"Your method is too slow. My strange fire can slow down the cold. Give me a few hours to separate your son from the cold ice."

Lin Yang said, then took over and began to tear the Millennium ice.

"Then... Thank you, doctor Lin." Zhenyue immortal said helplessly.

After tossing about for three hours, he finally pulled out the people in the cold ice.

Lin Yang sat down on the ground. He was tired and sweating. His energy was almost exhausted.

Zhenyue immortal hurriedly took the medicine for recuperation and asked Lin Yang to feed it.

After a little rest, Lin Yang slowed down.

He carried the man to the next bed, then took out the equipment and began to diagnose him.

The nearby Zhenyue immortal was very nervous. He held his hands together and stared at Lin Yang.

I don't know how long it took, Lin Yang began to needle the man.

After more than 100 silver needles fell on the man, Lin Yang breathed and said, "there is an 80% chance that he can be saved!!"

"Really?" Zhenyue immortal trembled with excitement. Tears immediately flowed down and knelt down to kowtow to Lin Yang: "Doctor Lin! If you can save my son, Wu Zhenyue is willing to be an ox and a horse for you!!"

"Fairy, please get up!" Lin Yang quickly picked him up and said seriously, "although it can be saved, there is a sequelae!"

"What sequelae?"

"If he is cured alive, he may also be dementia. Of course, this probability accounts for only 40%, but one thing is certain, that is, after he is saved, he will lose his memory and don't remember anyone or anything." Lin Yang said.

"Amnesia?" Zhenyue immortal was stunned.


Lin Yang nodded: "I checked. Your son died because his internal organs were damaged by being possessed by evil, but before that, his brain was also injured. Although you sealed his body with a thousand years of cold ice, time is still passing. His brain injury is irreversible! So amnesia is inevitable."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. As long as my son can live well, I'll be satisfied!"

The town Moon Fairy shed tears.

Although she is regarded as an immortal, she is a mother after all. In front of this heavy identity, everyone is equal.

"Well, Daxian, you should go out and give it to me next." Lin Yang said.

"Good! Good! Doctor Lin, I'll guard the pass for you!"

Zhenyue immortal nodded repeatedly, then turned and walked outside the cave, sat down cross legged and guarded here.

Lin Yang took a deep breath and immediately began to treat.

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