Long Heng was born with his brother, the son of heaven. He was never afraid of heaven. Even if he made a mistake, he was supported by his brother.

Especially after long Tianzi became the chief Tianjiao, he was sheltered by him. Long Heng was even more lawless. He didn't pay attention to anyone in the world except his brother.

Let alone a small water house in Longchuan, even those hermits will not care.

But he never thought that these water families who had never been seen by him today dared to kill themselves!

Perhaps he never understood that once people are forced to hurry, they can do anything.

"No! Don't kill me! Don't!"

Looking at the water Shengwu coming from killing, long Heng completely collapsed and shouted hysterically.

But it didn't help.

Just then.


A violent spirit rushed towards this.

The water family surrounding Longheng was shocked to spit blood and flew out.

Even the water holy weapons attacked were temporarily forced back.

Look up.

It's the old man!

He didn't stop. Instead, he approached shuishengwu, directly hugged his waist with open arms, and shouted, "young master, go!"

Long Heng regained his mind and immediately twisted his hair and ran crazy.

"Go away!"

Shui Shengwu slapped the old man on the back.


The old man vomited blood, but his arms were locked to the water Shengwu, and his Qi power entangled him like a vine, but he refused to give up.

Shui Shengwu bombarded the old man's back crazily, and each blow contained endless Qi.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang

A dull noise came out.

The old man's back was hit with blood and flesh, several ribs were broken, and his internal organs were broken. He was half dead.

Seeing this picture, the fist bombarded by shuishengwu slowly stopped.

He looked into the distance.

Long Heng was already running away and disappeared. He immediately sighed, "why do you bother?"

"If I don't protect the young master's safety, it will be a dead end to go back. In that case, I can only do my best to protect each other!" the old man spat blood and water and couldn't clear his way.

"You and I are just afraid of the power of the chief Tianjiao. In that case, go."

Shui Shengwu hoarse road.

The old man looked at Shui Shengwu strangely: "would you like to let go of the old man?"

"It's meaningless to kill you. I've married Liang Zi, the chief Tianjiao, and he will come to Longchuan in person. If I defeat him, you naturally don't dare to do anything to me. If I can't defeat him and be killed by him, the water family can't escape its poison. Your life or death can't change anything. Instead, it's better to let you go. It's all a human favor," sighed Shui Shengwu.

Hearing this, the old man was in a complicated mood.

He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, hugged the water Shengwu, and whispered, "old man, thank you for the Tianjiao of Shengwu!"

Then he turned and left.

He didn't dare to go too dead. He looked back from time to time. He seemed to worry that Shui Shengwu would sneak attack from behind.

However, Shui Shengwu just sat on the stone beside him without saying a word.

The old man looked silently, his eyes shook, and finally jumped suddenly and fled away.

The war ended in this way.

Everyone around sighed.

"Why don't you have a good time? If you send someone to chase him, long Heng will not be far away." Lin Yang came forward and said faintly.

"No need!"

Shui Shengwu vomited his turbid breath, squeezed out a smile and said, "Doctor Lin, thank you for this time!"

"Needless to say, things don't seem to develop as we expected. What should you do next?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'll take my water family to escape here first! Hide!"

"You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime. The chief Tianjiao has excellent means. He will find you."

"If I can't hide it, I will go to the holy mountain in person and give my life to the chief Tianjiao. I just ask him to spare my water family!"

Shui Shengwu sighed.

The reason why he didn't pursue Longheng and kill the old man was that he didn't want to do everything and cut off his own way back.

Now he can only pray that the chief Tianjiao will be merciful.

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