Seeing this scene, everyone knew.

Dead territory failed.

It was a mess.

They were proud of their heart punishment. Unexpectedly, they failed in the first step when they performed on doctor Lin.

Feng Xiaoshui didn't say a word and sat down in his position without any blood on his face.

Zhou AI was so happy that he immediately picked up the microphone and shouted, "I announce that the winner of this duel is Doctor Lin!!"


"Lin! God! Doctor!"

"Lin! God! Doctor!"

"Lin! God! Doctor!"


The whole audience was boiling.

People cheered and cheered for Lin Yang.

More people ran down from the audience and wanted to rush to the challenge arena and hug Lin Yang.

However, without waiting for the audience to rush, Constable Zhang and other patrolmen have taken the lead in rushing to the challenge arena, lifting him up and throwing him high into the air.

"Eh? You..."

Lin Yang was stunned. Seeing the excited crowd, he had to smile helplessly and let them make trouble.

Airan silently withdrew from the stage and returned to her seat to rest.

"Miss airan, are you okay?" The man with short hair hurried to ask for warmth.

"I'm fine." Airan shook her head, but her eyes looked at Lin Yang on the challenge arena. Her eyes twinkled, like thinking about something.

"Miss airan, how about Doctor Lin's acupuncture now?" The woman with ponytail asked with a smile.

"I have to take back my previous words. This person's acupuncture is really extraordinary. When he is bound and obscured his senses, he can still rely on his touch to lock acupoints and use force to transmit force. This skill can be called superb!" Airan said hoarsely.

"Rely on touch? Transmit power by force? Miss airan, I don't understand what you mean. Doctor Lin didn't touch you in the challenge arena before. Where does this touch come from?" The short haired man asked in confusion.

"He didn't touch me, but I was on the same stage as him..." Love dye light way.

"The same platform?" The man was stunned. He suddenly breathed tightly and said in silence: "miss airan, you can't say that Doctor Lin sensed everything about you through the competition platform? This... It's impossible!"

"There's nothing impossible! You can't imagine that an expert can capture all the movements around. In particular, I'm not even one meter away from doctor Lin. in such a close distance, my breath and even my heart beat can be transmitted to the floor through my feet. For ordinary people, this frequency can be almost ignored, but for experts of this level, it's difficult Words are the source of all information, and this information is the most accurate. " Airan whispered.

Hearing the sound, they looked at each other, shocked and unsure.

Doctor Jiang Chenglin So strong?

"This trip to Jiangcheng is worth it." Airan sank, got up and left alone, leaving them stunned.

Feng Xiaoshui sat on the chair in silence and looked coldly at Lin Yang, who was regarded as a hero by countless people on the stage. His eyes were almost frosty.

He did not pay attention to the lost resurrection strange hand, but quickly left the scene and came to an unmanned staircase.

Feng Xiaoshui just took out the phone to dial it, but he saw that his mobile phone shook and dialed a number he didn't want to see.

Feng Xiaoshui breathed tightly, hesitated, or pressed the connect button.

However, the person on the phone did not speak immediately.

But after about seven or eight seconds of silence, three simple words came out.

"Come back."

Then, the phone hung up.

Feng Xiaoshui immediately felt weak and knelt down on the ground

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