"Longevity pill?"

White disaster water breathed tightly, and autumn eyes opened fiercely: "did you take the elixir of immortality?"

"No, no, no, it's not that pill. I don't have the ability to change my life against the sky!" Lin Yang shook his head again and again.

"What's its name, Changsheng Dan?" White disaster water suddenly lost interest.

"This pill can increase the longevity of normal people for 30 years. It is the best batch of Zengshou pills I refined! And the efficacy does not conflict with Zengshou pills." Lin Yang road.

"Really? Give me one!"

Bai Zhenshui didn't want to think about it. He felt the bottle and poured one into his mouth.

"You..... Oh, forget it, just be a part of the seer! Cao Songyang, you also get one." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Thank you, Doctor Lin!"

Cao Songyang was overjoyed. He came forward excitedly and poured one into his mouth carefully.

Those people in the dead area are staring and don't seem to be very interested.

"Don't you want it?" Lin Yang looked at these people and asked.

"Hum, it's just vulgar medicine. Do you want us to lower our eyebrows? Doctor Lin, you underestimate us dead people!"

"That is, we don't care if we increase our life by 30 years, even if we increase our life by 300 years!"

"We are not afraid of death. Will we still be greedy for life?"

Each of these individuals had a hard bone and a firm attitude, and all stood up to die.

"It's very backbone." Bai Zhenshui raised his mouth and squinted at Lin Yang. He seemed to want to see what means he had to make these iron men surrender.

Lin Yang shook his head: "you are not afraid of death, but you are not afraid of death in my hands. If I guess right, even if I don't kill you, you shouldn't live long?"

"Doctor Lin, what do you mean?" White disaster water was stunned.

"Because just before I came, they had taken poison. It should not take long for the poison to attack. It is extremely toxic and difficult for ordinary people to understand. In their opinion, they are already dead. What's the use of increasing longevity?" Lin Yang shook his head.

"If so?" Bai Zhenshui was surprised.

"It's Dr. Lin who is really good at medicine! Yes, we people in the dead area hide poison bags on our teeth when performing tasks. Once the task fails and we are captured, we will bite the poison bags and commit suicide, so as not to be tortured to extort a confession and tell the secret of my dead area! We are all the elite selected by the dead area. We have put life and death aside, and how can we live in a muddle?" The man is cold.

"You are all men, but if I tell you that this pill can not only increase life, but also detoxify hundreds of poisons, including the poisons on you, are you still willing to die?" Lin Yang asked.

As soon as the words came out, the people were stunned.

Who really wants to die if he can live?

But their loyalty to the dead domain made them dare not reply, and they hesitated one by one.

"Since we swallowed the poison, will we regret it? Don't humiliate others!" The man looked ferocious and said angrily.

"Don't get me wrong. I absolutely don't mean to insult you. Personally, I just think it's better to live than die! I can understand your feelings of loyalty to the dead domain, but I think you'd better keep useful people and work for the dead domain in the future. Why die here?" Lin Yang smiled.

"Oh, we can keep useful people to serve the dead domain, but we will never sell the dead domain. If you want to take this pill and let us obey, you are very wrong!" The man sneered.

"That's not what I mean."

Lin Yang shook his head and said, "just take this medicine. I won't ask about the dead area."


Several people were stunned.

"What do you want?" The man asked warily.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I invited you here to ask for some useful information from you. But now it seems that you are all first-class men. You are all people who value love and righteousness. It's hard to ask anything from you, so I gave up. I respect tough guys like you very much. So I don't intend to kill you, but I want to save you You, you must not have any suspicion. Take the medicine and save yourself for the time being. " Lin Yang sighed.

This confused everyone.

Bai Zhenshui and Cao Songyang are also confused.

What does Lin Yang want to do?

I sent out such good medicine for nothing, but I didn't want anything?

Did he blow his head?

No one can understand Lin Yang's intention.

Those dead people were confused and stared at Lin Yang warily.

"So you're going to let us go?"

"It must be unrealistic to let you go. I ordered someone to pretend to be a Taoist priest of heaven devil to hunt down Feng Xiaoshui, just to transfer the contradiction to the heaven devil road. If you let you go, my plan will fail, and my river city will not be peaceful. Therefore, you'd better stay with me for the time being. When the contradiction between me and the dead area is resolved, you can go back."


The man frowned.


At this time, a scream rang through.

He saw a dead man suddenly tremble and fall to the ground. His hands tightly pinched his neck. He looked like he had difficulty breathing. He couldn't help rolling and was in great pain.

"No, the poison in his body has broken out!"

"Brother, make a decision!"

The rest of the dead people turned pale and stared at the man headed by him.

The man's face was heavy. He simply gritted his teeth, grabbed the small porcelain bottle, hurriedly poured out the pill and stuffed it into the mouth of the dead man.

Seeing this, Lin Yang was relieved, and his eyes also showed a touch of expectation.

The matter became

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