Knowing the news, Lin Yang rushed back to the treatment room without stopping.

At the moment, Ji Peng has been supported by Zhao Cao and sits on the bed.

Looking at the other companions in the room, Ji Peng looked a little complicated.

Although they were speechless, everyone's eyes were clear, and they all supported Ji Peng's decision.

"Mr. Ji Peng, what can I do for you?"

Lin Yang walked in quickly, his face still looking quite pale.

"Doctor Lin, don't be so polite. Just call me Ji Peng."

Ji Peng nodded slightly, then said hoarsely, "this time, I don't want to do anything for him, just want to return the favor of doctor Lin."

"Return my favor?"

"Yes, isn't Doctor Lin always interested in the dead domain? We... Are willing to tell you all the information about the dead domain." Ji Peng said.

Lin Yang was stunned and smiled bitterly: "you think I saved you to get the news of the dead area in your mouth? If so, I don't need it at all. As I said, I saved you purely to respect you."

Then the man got up to go.

"Doctor Lin! Wait a minute!"

Ji Peng shouted.

Lin Yang's side head.

Ji Peng and several others looked at each other, and everyone nodded.

"Dr. Lin, you are a man. Ji Peng has realized that you have offended me a lot. Please forgive me. This explanation comes from the sincerity of Ji Peng and his brothers. There is no other meaning. We don't need to be loyal to them anymore. Dr. Lin, I'll tell you all the information about dead territory in detail. I hope you can go to jail Remember, don't refuse. "

"This... Okay."

Lin Yang sighed.

Ji Peng immediately rejoiced and immediately gushed.

"The dead area is actually located in a miasma forest between the veins of jixiling mountain. There are seven aristocratic families in the dead area, the curtain family, which is the first aristocratic family......"


Lin Yang spent the next three days indoors.

Ji Peng is the captain of the seventh elite team in the dead field. His official position is not high, but it is not low. The information he gave is very useful.

Lin Yang was distracted, but his state of mind also sank.

According to Ji Peng, the dead area is already subordinate to the gaowushi family!

The strength of the people in the dead area no longer belongs to the category of martial arts and Taoism recognized by Lin Yang.

After all, only Cao Songyang, Yuan Xing and other experts can deal with the strength of Ji Peng and others in Yanghua.

Ji Peng is just a member of an elite team. He is definitely not an expert in the dead field.

Gaowu aristocratic family is more than a hidden existence, which can be compared with it?

"No wonder my people can't enter the dead area to inquire about news. In such a place where there are many experts, my people will be noticed as soon as they get close..."

Lin Yang sighed.

By the third day, Ji Peng had told all the things he knew about the dead domain.

"Dr. Lin, there is so much information about the dead area that we know. You can consider it by yourself." Ji Peng said.

"OK, thank you!" Lin Yang nodded: "I will sort it out a little and take the lead in deployment. The dead area will start to fight against the river city. I have to prepare in advance. You can rest here and get your body well first."

"No need, doctor Lin. we decided to leave Jiangcheng and live in seclusion. After all, it's impossible for dead territory to go back. We don't want to stay here to help you deal with dead territory. After all, it used to be our home. I just hope Doctor Lin can fund some travel expenses and let us go far away." Ji Peng holds boxing.

"This... Good... I'll have someone arrange it right away."

Lin Yang immediately agreed.

When he got out of the house, Xu Tian came over.

"Prepare five million cash for each of them and give them two more cars." Lin Yang explained.

"Yes!" Xu Tian bowed and said with a smile, "Dong Lin, is it done?"

"Yes, I already know a lot about the dead domain!" Lin Yang's face didn't show any happiness, but showed deep anxiety.

"Dong Lin, why are you unhappy?" Xu Tian asked strangely.

"Dead territory is much stronger than I thought." Lin Yang shook his head.

So it seems that the previous preparations are far from enough.

Xu Tian nodded silently, as if aware of something.

At this time, his mobile phone vibrated.

Xu Tian took it out and looked at Lin Yang again.

"Take it." Lin Yang said lightly.

Xu Tian connects immediately.

However, after only listening for a moment, Xu Tian's face tightened.

"What happened?"

"The news just came from Tianmo Dao. The dead people have been defeated and have evacuated Tianmo Dao!"


Lin Yang was stunned: "the death domain was defeated? Are you sure it wasn't the defeat of the devil way?"

"Our people saw with their own eyes that Tianmo Dao sent only one person, so they defeated the team sent to Tianmo Dao from the dead area, and the dead area fled! It was very embarrassed!" Xu Tian said hoarsely.

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