Facing the terrible iron fist, Bai Nanli felt a little empty in his heart.

He probably doesn't know what his strength is, but at this moment, there is no retreat. Even if he is defeated, he has to fight.

Bai Nanli immediately raised his palm to resist.


The vast and terrible fist hit his palm and made a clear sound.



The surging power turned into ripples and vented around.


All the people around were overturned by this force. The scene was in a mess and the walls were cracked.

Several people from Jiuzhai immediately protected old lady Bai from being affected.

When the punch dissipates.

People found that Bai Nanli easily parried the blow.

Blue Chong's fist didn't seem to have any effect on him at all.


Blue was surprised.

Bai Nanli also looked stunned and subconsciously said, "your power... Why is it so small?"

Heaven and earth conscience, white hard to leave, absolutely just ask casually, without the slightest irony.

But this is completely different in LAN Chong's ear.

"What are you talking about?"

Blue Chong was furious, his green tendons burst up, roared, and then hit Bai Nanli.

However, both the speed and strength of this punch are extremely weak and slow in Bai Nanli's view.

Bai Nanli then stopped at will and wrapped it firmly with one palm.

Then he made a sudden effort and shook the fist.


LAN Chong flew out of the yard like a broken kite and hit a small soil slope outside the yard.


The whole slope burst.

LAN Chong was lying among the clods, embarrassed and difficult to get up.

In an instant, the whole yard was silent.

Everyone opened their mouths and stared at the scene.

Including Bai Nanli.

He stared at the palm of his hand, his head buzzing with melon seeds.

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and suddenly looked sideways: "Doctor Lin... I... this is..."

"Do you think the pills I give you on weekdays are ordinary pills? If you can't deal with people of this strength with my pills, isn't my name Doctor Lin in vain?" Lin Yang smiled lightly.

Bai Nanli was happy and excited.

Thinking that he had only been in the Xuanyi school for less than half a month, his strength had improved by such a leap. If he followed Doctor Lin for a year and a half, wouldn't he be able to fight even the chief officer surnamed Qian xieying?

Thinking of this, Bai Nan secretly vowed to talk to doctor Dinglin.

When you leave Qianxing aristocratic family, go back to Jiangcheng to refine medicine immediately.

It took a while for people to recover from the shock.

Looking at the blue Chong who was helped up by others, every Jiuzhai person's head and melon seeds were blank.

"How could this happen?"

"Lan Chong... Is it difficult to leave when he is defeated by Bai?"

"My God, what did I see?"

"When did Bai Nanli's strength become so strong?"

The people of sanzhai and Jiuzhai murmured and couldn't believe it.

"OK! WOW! Hahaha..."

Old lady Bai laughed happily and nodded again and again.

Shen Nianhua was stunned, but she was not an idiot. She immediately realized that it was Lin Yang's credit.

People's minds are complicated and shocked, but the most unacceptable is the Jiuzhai leader.

"This... This... This... How did this happen?"

"Stronghold leader! If you are afraid of them, I am not afraid!"

Bai Nan was so angry that he snorted and said to LAN Chong over there, "Lan Chong, what else do you have to say? Do you want to continue fighting?"

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