The tragedy inside the mountain gate was really shocked to the people who came in.

They stare at the wounded people and the guests who leave in a hurry.

Hall one is a mess.

The ground was pockmarked, as if it had been gnawed by a dog.

In addition to this, there is blood, there are corpses... Everything, there is not a bit of feast should have some joy.

"How could that happen?"

He opened his eyes and whispered to himself.

"Master Qisu, you can count! Now only you can take charge of the overall situation! " A disciple came in a hurry, such as the way of salvation.

"What happened? This... Who did this? And the Lord? " Asked qisuna.

The disciple's face was blue and his eyes were full of fear. The man trembled and said, "this is all done by Dr. Lin. as for the leader, he has been abolished by Dr. Lin."


As if struck by lightning.

She never thought that Dr. Lin's energy was so great that she really killed her door and stirred up the worship of religion.

"Just for a luoqian... Just for a luoqian?"

Qi Su came back to his mind, and his face turned white.

At this time, Wenhai came over in a daze.

"Little literature!"

Qisu went immediately.

"Elder Qisu, you are... Back..." Wenhai said hoarsely.

"Are you ok?" Qi Su asked.

"It's good for me to have my arms cut off by my father." Qi Su's face was extremely ugly.

"I've done bandaging, but I don't know if I can keep my arm. Ying Jia has got the news and is going here. Elder Qisu, please go and pick up the Yingjia people." Wenhai hesitated.

As soon as she heard this, she couldn't help shaking.

She fixed her eyes and said in a low voice: "Wenshao, you should understand what the Ying family is going to face when I worship religion. I should break through the waves and suffer heavy losses here. The miracle Doctor Lin will certainly face the Revenge of Ying family, but we will not be immune to the religious worship. Ying family will definitely punish us! Do you want me to face the anger of my family

"Otherwise? You didn't bring luoqian? If it wasn't for her... I believe in the church, what is it today? " Wenhai stepped forward, staring at her with bloodshot eyes.

"So you asked me to face the family?" Qi Su pushed aside Qi Su and snorted angrily.

"Qi Su, you..." Wen Hai was very angry.

"Since the leader of the sect has been abolished, the other elders have also been injured. I am in charge of the worship of religion, Wenhai! It's up to you to handle the reception of Ying's family. You are the leader's son at all. The Ying family won't do anything about you. " Starting from the cold channel.

"What do you say?" Wenhai breathed and trembled.

"You can only do that! Because it should be less than you invited! You are the first person responsible! " From the element close to a few minutes, cold channel.

Wenhai's face suddenly turned white, and the whole person stayed in place, shivering and speechless.

Qi Su snorted and said, "don't worry too much. We'll try our best to ease the mood of Ying's family. After all, it's Dr. Lin who makes yingshao into such a person. It's the king's way to transfer the anger as soon as possible and let the Ying family go to find Dr. Lin to settle accounts."

"What are you going to do?" Wen Haining asked.

"I'll send someone to Jiangcheng immediately and watch every move of Dr. Lin. then I'll send people to contact some big doctors for treatment. Ying's family is not unreasonable. If we get to the position, they won't take us for religious worship." From plain light road.

Wenhai pinched his fist secretly, but could not refute it. He had to bite his teeth: "this is the only way...

" don't worry, soon, three days at most... Three days at most! The man named Lin will pay the price. "




down the mountain, Lin Yang went to the hospital to see Luo Qian.

Luo Qian's injury has been a little better, at least people have recovered.

Xiong Changbai, Qin baisong and others are still sitting in front of the hospital.

Knowing that Dr. Lin had arrived, all the people from the nearby villages came to see the doctor. Lin Yang ordered them to follow suit. With the strong support of the hospital, there was a sea of people at the gate of the hospital. Fortunately, there were enough people with him this time, otherwise Qin baisong and others would be busy.

In the ward, Lin Yang pushed the door into the room.

Is looking out of the window into the spirit of Luo Qian suddenly side head, looking at this side.

"You're here..." she said with a gentle smile.

"How are you?" Lin Yang asked.

"It's a lot better, and then take a rest... Lin Yang, thank you very much this time." Luo Qian gentle way.

"You're welcome. I said I would take you." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"So... What are you going to do with religion?" Luo Qian asked carefully."It's settled."

"Solved?" Luo Qian's eyes are wide in autumn.

"Don't worry about religion." Lin Yang said with a smile.

"Is it?" Luo Qian looks confused.

She has been in the hospital, but I don't know that earth shaking changes have taken place in the worship of religion.

"I'll ask someone to handle the transfer procedures for you. This place is not Jiangcheng. I can't take care of many things. Moreover, the medical facilities here are not as good as those in Jiangcheng. If you go to Jiangcheng to recuperate, you will recover faster."

Luo Qian gently looking at Lin Yang, the twinkling light in her eyes, but she did not say anything, just gently nodded.

Lin Yang immediately sent someone to arrange. Soon, the ambulance stopped at the gate of the hospital. Lin Yang followed Luo Qian back to Jiangcheng, while Qin baisong and Xiong Changbai continued to stay here for treatment.

"You should live in Shiji Haoqing first. Don't go back to the Luo family for the time being. Recently, the Luo family will not be peaceful."

"Good!" Luo Qian nodded.

Lin Yang took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Gong Xiyun and Ma Hai, asking him to pay close attention to airports, highway junctions and other places, and pay close attention to the entry and exit of outsiders.

Yingjia can frighten the whole religious believers out of their wits, which shows the extraordinary energy of Yingjia.

Lin Yang has never heard of a family surnamed "Ying" in Yanjing. I'm afraid that the Ying family will be a high-energy hermit. Since the other party wants revenge, he should be prepared closely.

In fact, he already had a way to deal with it.

But not long after the text message was sent out, suddenly a phone call came in.

Lin Yang glanced at the caller ID and was immediately stunned.

This is Zhang Qingyu's phone?

Now Zhang Qingyu is very disgusted with Lin Yang. How could she call Lin Yang?

Is there any moth in Jiangcheng?

"Something?" Lin Yang asked carefully.

"Where are you dead? Come back soon! Something's wrong! Get out of here There was Zhang Qingyu's angry cry over the phone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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