People in Jiangcheng looked up one after another and were intoxicated at the gorgeous and beautiful scene.

"What's that?"

"Fireworks? What big fireworks..."

"How beautiful!"

Ordinary people said foolishly and took out their mobile phones to shoot. Some children were jumping and happy.

But those martial artists who lurk everywhere in the river city are shocked and inexplicable!

"What terrible energy! God, who is fighting here?"

"Too strong! Such energy, I'll die if I touch it!"

"No! No!!"

Countless people trembled.

The dead dragon sky standing above the building smashed his telescope to the ground.

"Asshole!" He hit the guardrail with a hard blow, and the guardrail broke immediately.

"Failed again?"

Behind him came a contemptuous laugh.

Dead dragon sky slightly turned his head and his eyes were cold: "it's like you haven't lost!"

"Even if I fail, I won't fail. I'm as embarrassed as you. I'm like a lost dog. I can only sigh here! What's more, how powerful the secret weapon of God fire is, but it's so unbearable by you! Your ability is really doubtful!" The man behind smiled.

Dead Longtian suddenly looked back and grabbed the man's collar, which was to raise his fist to beat him.

But the man did not resist, but looked at the dead dragon day.

"Do it! Why don't you do it? You losers can only be incompetent and angry here! Ha ha..."

The dead dragon Tianxin was so angry, but he didn't lose his mind. He stared at the man coldly and then pushed him violently.

The man stumbled two steps and stood in place, but he patted his collar and smiled with disdain: "I thought you could be bloody, but I didn't think you were not only incompetent, but also a counselor! What a pity."

"Do you think I don't know your purpose? You just want to make me lose my manners and make the Taoist Lord hate me and don't reuse me anymore! Put away your little tricks! I don't need anyone to tell me what to do." Dead dragon, it's cold, hum.

"Well, let's see how you explain to the master!"

The man smiled contemptuously and then disappeared into the shadow.

The dead dragon looked into the distance.

I saw two figures with fire falling down from the sky where the orchids were blooming.

That's Lin Yang and the divine fire venerable.

They fell straight like meteors.

Zhou Xuanlong returned to his senses and shouted, "help!"


The soldiers rushed frantically and caught them.

But the flames on their bodies were still burning, which was very terrible. They could burn their palms as soon as they touched them.

"Put out the fire! Put out the fire!"

Zhou Xuanlong shouted.

The people took the fire-fighting equipment and sprayed it on Lin Yang, but it didn't work.

"This is a magic fire! The flame generated by using magic gas as fuel cannot be extinguished by ordinary fire-fighting equipment!" At this time, Shenwu Zun stood up hard and shouted weakly.

"Can that anger be extinguished?" Zhou Xuanlong asked urgently.

"Qi strength... Can't be extinguished. There's only one way to extinguish it!"

"What method?"

"Human blood!" Shenwu zunshen said.

As soon as this fell, Zhou Xuanlong and others did not hesitate. They immediately took out their saber, cut their palms and sprinkled blood on Lin Yang.


The blood hit the flame on Lin Yang's body, making bursts of harsh sound, and the smoke floated.

"Commander, useful! Useful!" A soldier said happily.

"Not enough!! step up!"

Zhou Xuanlong clenched his teeth and directly cut his wrist!

Many people have followed suit.

Thanks to martial arts, if you were an ordinary person, you would have lost too much blood and died.

After only ten seconds, the soldiers put out the flame on them.

Seeing this, Shenwu Zun was completely stunned.

She never expected these people to be so desperate

Many people sat down on the ground and tried to breathe because they were bleeding too much.

The team doctor came to bandage and deal with everyone's wounds in a hurry.

"What do you care about me? I can't die! Come on! Go and rescue Doctor Lin!"

A team doctor was about to bandage Zhou Xuanlong when he was scolded by Zhou Xuanlong.

"Commander of the army, someone is already dealing with doctor Lin. you also need to apply medicine in time, otherwise you will be in danger if there is more blood flow!" A team of doctors said helplessly.

"I'm in good health! I'll just wrap it up myself! Doctor Lin needs help. Go quickly! I'll tell you! If Doctor Lin has three long and two short comings, I'll only ask you!" Zhou Xuanlong was so anxious that he stood up and roared.

The team doctor trembled and hurried over with the box.

Shenwu Zun looked silently, his eyes rippling with a strand of complexity.

"Miss, please sit down and I'll take care of your wound!"

At this time, a female doctor came over with a box and whispered.

Shenwu Zun looked sideways, but found that her eyes were red and some tears were spinning.

"Why are you crying? It's us who's hurt." Shenwu Zun asked inexplicably.

"Nothing... Nothing... Just can't see such a scene. In order to protect the river city, they are not afraid of life and death and bleeding. Can't I even shed two tears?" The female doctor squeezed out a smile and said, but the tears couldn't stop falling.

Shenwu Zun was slightly stunned, looked sideways at the messy scene, muttered his lower lip, hoarse and asked, "are they... Heroes?"

"They have always been heroes!"

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