"What? The people of Tianmo road failed?"

In the dead territory, in front of the towering hall, a man in Chinese clothes stared at the people kneeling on the ground with incredible faces.

"Report back to your excellency. Yes, the chief devil of Tianmo Dao died and Longtian fled, and the big killer of Tianmo Dao... Was also destroyed." The man kneeling on the ground said respectfully.

The man in Chinese clothes didn't speak for a long time and didn't know how long before he said: "I didn't expect that this Doctor Lin has such strength to deal with the big killer of Tianmo Tao... It's really surprising. It seems that we have underestimated this person all the time!"

"My Lord, it's not a small sight! Although the big killer of Tianmo Dao was destroyed, according to our investigation, Doctor Lin was also seriously injured and his life was in danger after this incident. Now the whole river city is in panic. All Chinese in Yang are surrounded by Xuanyi school, waiting for doctor Lin's news. At present, it seems that he is not out of danger 。”


The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and said, "if so, this is our great opportunity?"

"The villain thought, yes!"

"That's good! Send seven people from Youye to Jiangcheng to bring the head of Doctor Lin, and pick up Jingshi white lotus and soul reviving pill!"


The man ran down at once.

Soon, seven powerful dead domain experts headed straight for Jiangcheng.

However, when they were near Jiangcheng, they suddenly received the news about the transfer of Doctor Lin to the suburban villa and immediately reported to the dead area.

"Lin Sheng must have known our arrival and evacuated and hid in advance! Destroy the villa quickly and bring it to his head!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

The seven people in the quiet night didn't want to, so they ran to the villa immediately.

But when they were close to the villa, several figures suddenly stopped them and surrounded the seven people in an instant.

The seven people suddenly stopped, stared at several figures in front of them, and snorted coldly: "how? The mere Yanghua waste dare to stop us?"

"If you are interested, offer the head of Doctor Lin yourself!"

In a cold voice, the seven people pulled out their long swords one by one and walked over murderously.

However, the first of these people opened his mouth calmly: "what a dead area! You don't even pay attention to yourself! It seems that your dead area is really big, good! Good!"

The seven frowned.



A sky fire fell from the sky and directly hit one of them.

The man was so caught off guard that he almost didn't have time to release his scream that he turned into ashes and died on the spot.


The other six were stunned.

"This flame? Are you the God of fire?" Someone recognized the means and lost his voice immediately.

"It's a little eyesight at last, but it's too late!" God fire venerable Leng hum.


Without hesitation, the six turned around and ran away.

However, it has not run far.


A huge lotus exploded and bloomed among the people.

The six people were swallowed up by the white lotus in an instant, and even the residue could not be left.

Seeing the seven dead people in the distance, they were scared out of their wits and ran away quickly.

When the dead people were beaten back, Yuan Xing, Cao Songyang, Xu Tian and others came forward.

"Thank you for your help!"

"There is no need to thank you. If there were no doctor Lin, I would still be a walking corpse. This power is just to repay him!" The sacred fire master put away the white lotus of Jingshi and said with a little complexity: "however, Doctor Lin is really intelligent. He could have expected that people in the dead area would take the opportunity to retaliate. I can't reach his eyes..."

"This time the Venerable Master fights with our sect leader, they are the ghosts of the dead domain. They will certainly wait for the opportunity! I believe that after this lesson, the dead domain will converge." Yuan Xing smiled.

"Even if they don't converge, what are they afraid of? Doctor Lin has given me the Jingshi white lotus. Don't say a few clowns. I'm afraid that the army of the dead domain will pour out, and I can kill it at once!" The divine fire master hummed.

"The venerable is mighty!" Yuanxing immediately flattered.

But before he said a few words, the divine fire venerable coughed again.

Seeing this, people hurriedly helped the sacred fire venerable back.

"It seems that you can't accept it. Although you have just recovered from a serious illness, it will hurt your muscles and bones if you only use so much strength."

The divine fire venerable sighed and looked into the distance.

"The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Perhaps the future is the era of doctor Lin."

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