Lin Yang tried his best to push forward.

The miasma around him seemed to be stimulated. All of them rushed here, as if they wanted to surround him.

These miasma seem to be gas, but actually they are extremely heavy and hard, thicker than the city wall.

If you are wrapped by them, even Lin Yang can't escape from heaven!

Lin Yang clenched his teeth and rushed frantically regardless of the pain.

Finally, when the miasma was about to close him, Lin Yang squeezed out in an instant.

But it had exhausted all his strength.

He was in poor condition. He was naturally unable to save people by consuming so much gas. Therefore, as soon as he was surrounded by miasma, Lin Yang felt weak and hard to support.

Seeing that Mo Ping and others had rushed, he finally tilted his body and fell towards the mud.

Lin Yang can't remember the rest.

When he slowly opened his eyes, he appeared in a wooden room.

I was like lying in a bed with bandages all over my body.

He moved a little, but he felt incomparable pain all over.

After a lot of trouble, Lin Yang reluctantly sat up.

At this time, a few vague voices came from outside the house.

"Nonsense! Nonsense! Dare you touch the seven colored flowers? You're not going to die? Fortunately, you have noble people to help this time, otherwise you'll be in great trouble!"

"Dad, I advised them, but it's useless... I... alas, in short, I won't let them be so reckless next time."

"Keep these words and tell the village head. You must be punished. Face the wall and reflect on yourself!"

"I see, Dad, but the benefactor hasn't woken up yet. When the benefactor wakes up, we say thanks and then go to the wall, okay?"

"Hum, good!"

After the fine sound fell, there was a slight sound of footsteps.

The door was pushed open.

A pale girl in a white dress came in.

The girl has a delicate face and white hair over her shoulders. She looks only eighteen or nine years old. Although she is young and brilliant, her purity is somewhat strange because of the unique pale skin and white hair of the hidden demon family.

"Ah? Are you awake?"

The girl exclaimed.

The words fell, and the talk outside stopped immediately.

Then there was a confused sound of footsteps, and several figures entered the wooden house.

They are all hidden demons.

Lin Yang stared and sighed.

Sure enough, it's the same as mansha Hong said.

"How are you feeling, my friend?"

A middle-aged man with a pinch of beard came forward and asked.

"I'm still working. Where is this? Who are you?" Lin Yang asked, pretending to be confused.

Then the middle-aged man said, "this is the hidden devil village! We are all hidden demons! Who are you? Why did you appear in the death swamp?"

"Me? I'm just a dying man!"

Lin Yang smiled bitterly and said hoarsely.

"The dying man?"

The girl and others were stunned.

The middle-aged man noticed something, stared at Lin Yang for a while, and said in a low voice: "when the village doctor examined you just now, he found that you had a strange Qi, like magic poison, and you were full of magic Qi. If I guessed right, you should be a Taoist priest of heaven and evil?"

"What? Devil Taoist?"

Everyone turned pale.

The look in Lin Yang's eyes also became strange.

"You don't have to be afraid. Even if he is a Taoist priest, he won't harm you. Otherwise, he won't sacrifice his life to save you. What's more, a Taoist priest is poisoned by magic... I'm afraid there's only one explanation! You, a sinner of the Taoist priest, have been exiled here and abandoned by the Taoist priest, right or not?" The middle-aged man looked at Lin Yang and said.

Seems to see through everything.

Lin Yang was slightly stunned. Then he smiled and hugged his fist and said, "elder, you are really unrestrained. I admire you! I admire you!"

He doesn't have to explain.

"Is this a compliment?"

The middle-aged man's eyebrows moved slightly, but he didn't think deeply. He said, "friend, you saved the people of our hidden magic village. I'll repay this kindness to the hidden magic village. You have a rest here. I'll ask the village head for instructions and let him do it to detoxify you!"


Lin Yang was immediately excited.

"I Qin Zhuo's words can't be false? But I have to make it clear to you that even if I come forward in person, the village head may not be willing to detoxify you. I think your magic poison is very complex and the cost of detoxification is expensive! If the village head is not willing, I can't do anything." The middle-aged man said.

"Senior, but give it a try. No matter what the result is, Lin Yang is willing to accept it!" Lin Yang said immediately.

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