Outside the forbidden area.

The hidden devil village has become a mess.

However, a large number of dark figures appeared around the village.

They couldn't help saying that they directly attacked the hidden demons.

"It's the devil!"

"Asshole!! kill me!"

"Kill them!"

The hidden demons roared and fought back one after another.

The village head and others rushed out of the forbidden area and joined the battle immediately.

After a while, the demons on the scene were cleaned up, and the ground was full of corpses.

However, the battle is not over.

The village head looked up.

It was found that the whole village had been surrounded by a large number of heavenly demons and Taoists.

All of these demons took pills. Their eyes were red and they lost their reason. They stared at these people like beasts.

In front of these people is a man wearing black armor and a white cloak behind him.

The man has long white hair and two slender magic swords around his waist. One eye is dark and the other eye is red. His face is full of ferocious scars.

"Are you... A cripple?"

The village head recognized the man and lost his voice immediately.

"Dark devil, I haven't seen you for a long time! I didn't expect you to be so old. It's really sad." The white haired man said expressionless.

"Although I'm old, I stick to my original heart and stick to the devil's way! Unlike you, I don't break my means for strength, lose human ethics and morality, and have no conscience. I'm no different from that beast!" Village head Leng hum.

"The devil is the devil. If the devil also pays attention to a righteous and awe inspiring, it is also called a devil?" The white haired man shook his head.

"Stop talking nonsense! Crippled devil! What are you doing here with the scum of your heavenly devil way?" The village head shouted angrily.

"Dark devil, I'll give you a chance to lead the hidden devil people to obey the heavenly devil way immediately! At the same time, open the door of the forbidden area. In this way, the hidden devil family still has a way to live!" Residual devil light way.

"Open the door of the forbidden area?"

Everyone breathed tight.

The village head has understood everything.

"Are you here for the corpse of the ancestors of our hidden demons?" The village head Lenglie said.

"You hidden demons have a perfect method of storing corpses. Although it has been a hundred years, their bones will not melt. For example, there are many enemies in the devil's way today, so we urgently need a group of forces to deal with them! The corpses of your hidden demons' ancestors are good materials for refining corpses. If you give me Tianmo's way, we can refine them into living demons, let them live again, and become big killers for our Tianmo's way Effectiveness. " The remnant devil said calmly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Asshole! How dare you think of our ancestors?"

"Blasphemy! This is blasphemy!"

"Never forgive!"

The people of the hidden demon clan were angry.

"Remnant devil, do you know what this means? Dare to play the idea of our ancestors? I'm afraid you're going to meet the most angry anger of the hidden devil people!" The village head said coldly.

"No, destroy the village." The remnant devil said faintly, and then waved his hand.


A melodious horn sounded.

Then he looked in all directions and more demons came.

There are tens of thousands of them.

The people of the hidden demon clan stared with wide eyes, stopped breathing and stared.

How can so many heavenly demons and Taoists be enemies?

Moreover, what's more shocking is that many of these demons have a large number of stitching marks on their bodies.

They are all grotesque in shape, arrogant in strength and heinous in breath.

In terms of strength, the hidden demon clan has been crushed.

"Dark devil, are you sure you want to fight us? Are you sure you want to make the hidden devil family history?" The white haired man said expressionless.

"It seems that you Tianmo Dao came prepared today! But even if I want to surrender, these people behind me will not agree! Residual devil, kill if you want to kill, don't talk nonsense!" The village head growled.

"I don't know." The white haired man shook his head.

"Don't make me wait and bow my head!"

The village head leaped forward and killed the crippled devil.

He wanted to subdue the man first to contain the demons around him.

However, he is just approaching.


The remnant devil suddenly drank, his arm swelled and waved a punch in the air.


A violent evil spirit burst out and hit the village head in an instant.


The village head vomited blood and fell directly from the air.

"Village head!"

The people were shocked and immediately rushed forward and hugged the village head.

When he got up, he stared at the arm of the crippled devil.

"You... Your hand..."

"How? Familiar? This is your best friend Ling Mo's arm. His arms have great cultivation and infinite power. After death, his arm was removed and installed on me!" The remnant devil raised his arms and said calmly.

The village head almost collapsed when he heard the sound.

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