The gate was slowly pushed open.


More evil spirits rushed out of the gate and filled the whole scene like a dam with sluice gates.

The people trembled and were awed by the terrible evil spirit.

The scene was shrouded in smoke and could not see five fingers.

"What a strong braking force!"

The remnant devil frowned and felt something wrong.

After the evil spirit gradually dissipated, the scene inside the forbidden area gate gradually exposed to the public's attention.

The whole forbidden area was in a mess.

The tombs of the hundreds of ancestors of the hidden demon family were all blown open, the tombstones were broken and scattered all over the ground, and many stumps and broken arms were scattered around.

The ground cracks like dense cobwebs.

In the center of the broken forbidden area stood a man with bare upper body and white hair hanging down his waist.

The man was standing barefoot with his pants in tatters, facing the crowd with his back, trying to breathe.

I can't see his face clearly.

His whole body is more full of evil spirit! The almost substantive evil spirit revolved around him and set him off as hazy as an immortal or a devil.

However, what makes people's scalp numb is that the man's slender and strong back is actually covered with scars like earthworms.

However, although these scars overflowed with blood, the wounds recovered slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Everyone outside took a breath.

What a terrible self-healing ability!

Such a serious injury healed in more than ten breaths!

"Is this the man from your hidden devil village?" The remnant devil took back his eyes from the figure in the door and asked faintly.

Qin Ling heard the sound and then recovered, but she ignored the words of the residual devil, but tried her best to shout: "brother Lin! Run!! run!!"


The figure still breathing seemed to hear the figure and turned slowly at once.

What comes into people's eyes is a face surrounded by evil spirit.

See very vague, only a pair of bloody eyes is particularly clear.


The remnant devil smiled and pinched Qin Ling's hand.

Qin Ling couldn't breathe for a moment. His hands beat the wrist of the crippled devil powerlessly, but it didn't help.

"If you tell him to run so recklessly, he must be a very important person to you? In that case, I can't miss this good play. You said, I'll peel off his skin and bones, dig out his eyes and cut his tongue in front of you, break him down a little bit, and let him die in pain. What will you do?" The remnant devil squinted and asked.

Qin Ling's pupils tightened in an instant, and his small head melon seeds were blank.

"No... no... no..."

She shouted hard and struggled hard.

However, the more she did so, the more intense the excitement and heartiness in the eyes of the residual devil.

But the remnant devil didn't notice the shocked expression of other people in the hidden devil village when they looked at the figure.

"He... He didn't die?"

The dying village head here opened his eyes and was as numb as a chicken.

"How is it possible? All evil spirits are unified... He has survived? Fake! It must be fake!"

The old woman is almost crazy.

At this time, the people inside the door turned and walked towards Qin Ling.

Those blood red eyes stared at the remnant devil.

"Give her... To me..."

The figure made a hoarse voice.

Extremely harsh and depressing.

"You want her?"

The remnant devil asked with a faint smile, and then released his hand.


Qin Ling fell to the ground powerlessly.

The figure is slightly heavy.

And the next second.


The remnant devil stepped on Qin Ling's arm directly.


The arm was broken, and the severe pain made Qin Ling cry out in pain.

The figure stopped completely and stared at the scene with bloody eyes.

"You want her? Just come here before I break her completely." The remnant devil smiled.

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