The evil spirit of terror is like a surging wave, which takes the residual devil as the center and vent and disperse around.

All the demons who felt this evil spirit knelt down and were frightened.

Even the people of the hidden demon family were conquered by this evil idea, trembling, shaking and hesitating, and didn't dare to come forward at all.

At this moment, the remnant devil has become the greatest devil in the world.

No matter what kind of devil he was, he had no intention of fighting. He had to bow down and beg for mercy.

"It's over! It's all over!"

"What should I do?"

The village head and others stared, retreated in fear, and locked their eyes behind the line of defense of the Tianmo road.

But there was a black fog, thick smoke, and a ferocious figure came out.

It's the remnant devil.

The remnant devil at this time is quite different from that before.

His body shape has doubled, his whole body is full of muscles, his skin is extremely red, magic lines are all over his body, his limbs are covered by soaring muscles, his fingernails are as slender as a machete, and his teeth become sharp.

"This is my strongest moment."

The cruel devil stared at the figure fiercely and said coldly.

He had never had such a strong moment in his life, and his strength filled every blood vessel and every inch of bone and flesh.

At the moment, he feels that he can even compete with the Lord.

"Although I will eventually die after releasing my demonic nature, I will not allow failure. You, I will tear it up with my own hands! I will defend the glory of the heavenly demon road!"

The remnant devil roared and rushed directly to the man.


At a speed like a blink, the residual devil appeared directly in front of the figure, then clasped his hands into a fist, aimed at the figure's head and smashed it suddenly.


Several circles of force lines erupted from the impact point, like turbulent waves, constantly blooming around.

Countless people around were lifted by the force pattern, and those closer were shocked to vomit blood, and some died on the spot.

As for the figure, it was hammered into the ground by the residual devil.

A bottomless hole formed.

"It's not over yet!"

The remnant devil roared and went straight into the ground to dig the earth.

Gollum, Gollum

People only saw that strange sounds were constantly emitted from the ground, and the ground shook intensively. It didn't take long.


Another explosion sounded, and the figure hammered into the ground was beaten out and flew at a high altitude.

The remnant devil also rushed out of the ground, and his body broke out countless evil Qi, turned into thousands of tentacles, and wound around the figure in the air.

After a while, the people in the air were wrapped into zongzi, and then


The startling explosion bloomed in the air.

The zongzi wrapped by the tentacle was detonated directly.

The explosion light like a cross formed in the air.

But the remnant devil didn't stop there.

He roared and stared at his legs. The magic Qi on his body turned into tentacles again and wrapped it around the man. At the same time, he was close to the man. His strong fists beat and killed the man madly. At the same time, his tentacles wrapped around his body madly and detonated.

On one side was a huge blow with a fist waving more than 100000 kilograms.

On one side is the energy explosion of tentacles transformed by terrorist magic Qi.

In this intensive attack and killing, let alone people, even God has to be blown to powder.

Everyone raised their heads in horror and looked at the place that kept exploding on the sky. They were all stunned.

The diffuse magic gas darkened the sky, obscured the sun and moon, and swallowed up the figure.

This lasted more than ten minutes.


A cracking sound like the roar of the abyss Troll came out, and then the figure flew straight out of the strong magic gas and crashed into a towering mountain outside the hidden devil village like a meteor.

Boom, boom

The whole mountain suddenly turned into powder and was destroyed by the earthquake.

The world was stunned.

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