People are staring at Lin Yang, every brain is shaking at the moment...

LUO Furong is also very surprised.

But soon he recovered and said to lecturer Huang calmly: "teacher, have you seen it? This Mo Xiaowu's brain is really abnormal. Now he has been stolen and obtained. He is still talking nonsense here. I suggest that he should be driven out of the strange pharmacy immediately. If he continues to be allowed to stay here, it will be bad if he makes any mistakes. "

"That's right."

Lecturer Huang nodded, then waved: "pull Mo Xiaowu down!"

"Yes, teacher!"

Cried the students.

"Lecturer Huang, I have evidence to prove that all these are Luo Furong's tricks and that he framed me! Shouldn't you listen? " Lin Yang light road.

Luo Furong's face turned white and he hummed: "Mo Xiaowu, are you still nervous here? Pull him down, pull him down, don't listen to him, come on

Luo Furong appeared to be a little anxious.

He didn't know what evidence Lin Yang had to prove this, but even if he just bluffing himself, it couldn't let him succeed!

Huang is also a little uncomfortable.

She shook her eyes and snorted, "it's time for you to waste my time? This medicine identification competition is about to start. I don't have time to talk to you! " With that, Huang will leave.

As soon as she leaves, all this will be settled.

And she obviously stands on Luo Furong's side, and does not intend to give Lin Yang a chance to refute.

But Lin Yang was not flustered.

He said calmly: "lecturer Huang, you can punish me in such a rash way, regardless of the nature. I don't care, but what will the students around you think? There are hundreds of pairs of eyes here. Even if they don't look at me today, they will spread it out in the future. The world knows about it. Do you dare to say to the world that today's affairs are handled impartially and have a clear conscience? I'm afraid it's hard to preserve your reputation. "

As soon as he said this, Huang's face changed.

"Teacher, don't listen to his nonsense. You are selfless today. We all see it in our eyes." Luo Furong said in a hurry.

"If you have any evidence, show it to everyone." Huang ignored Luo Furong's question.

"Teacher..." Luo Furong was anxious.

But it doesn't work.

Lecturer Huang values reputation and knows that once she leaves, she will feel guilty.

So she had to stay.

Lin Yang was not polite. He reached out his hand and touched it in his pocket. He took out a mobile phone and shook it in front of the public.

"Cell phone?"

All of us trembled.

"In fact, when Luo Furong wanted to move me, I had already photographed the whole process with my mobile phone! Luo Furong, Mr. Huang, now I have everything just happened in my mobile phone. From the beginning to the end, I didn't touch Liu Qiao. On the contrary, Liu Qiao and others fought for their lives to attack me and beat me! I am the real victim Lin Yangyi said in a proper way.


There was an uproar.

People were shocked by Lin Yang's words.

"Luo Furong, you said that Liu Qiao's injuries were caused 10 minutes ago, right? At the same time, I also took a picture of your injury test. Combining with this video, we can calculate the time difference. From this video, no one moved Liu Qiao 10 minutes ago, so it can be easily proved that you are lying! Luo Furong, you are lying Lin Yang said again.

Luo Furong was extremely pale.

Liu Qiao and others were shaking.

It's boiling all around.

Who could have thought that this "Mo Xiaowu" had such a means that he secretly recorded the previous pictures. How did he record it?

People's eyes widened. They could not have expected that Lin Yang still had this killer mace.

"Cheat! You're talking nonsense here, full of nonsense! You said you recorded a video. Why didn't we see you? If this is true, please put out the video Luo Furong gritted his teeth and yelled.


If you lose your face, you will lose your face

"I'm not afraid!"

Luo Furong's eyes were red with blood.

He didn't believe Lin Yang could record video in that situation! I'm afraid even if it is recorded, it must be vague, not enough to prove what.

Hum, this man must be scaring me!

Think I'm afraid of you? You don't have a video! Definitely not!

Luo Furong stares at Lin Yang, constantly implying himself.

"Yes, since you are not afraid, I will release the video in public. After all, it is related to my reputation, and I have to prove my innocence! Ladies and gentlemen, after the video is played, I hope you can make a certificate and report this matter to the public. We must make sure that such a despicable person as Luo Furong can not stay in the special pharmacy. This kind of scum will only destroy the atmosphere and interests of our special pharmacy. "Lin Yangyi said in a proper way. After the voice dropped, he held up his mobile phone and touched it with one hand.

After a while, the phone screen is a video format file.

"It's going to play!"

Lin Yang reached out his hand, aimed at the play button, and moved it a little bit.

On the scene, countless pairs of eyes were staring at the document.

At the moment, even if it is the field, but also breath solidification, looking at the mobile phone screen, eyes do not dare to blink.

Lin Yang is not in a hurry, and slowly moves his hand away.

Just look at that finger bit by bit towards the play button, bit by bit, about to touch.

And at this critical moment...

"stop it!"

After that, a figure came quickly and took off Lin Yang's mobile phone.

That's lecturer Huang.

After she got her mobile phone, she did not look at it, but directly deleted it.

This series of actions completely shocked all the people on the scene.

"Lecturer Huang, why did you... Destroy my evidence?" Lin Yang looks shocked.

"That's the end of the matter!"

Huang threw his mobile phone to Lin Yang and said with a heavy face.

The audience was shocked.

Countless eyes in all directions looked at Huang lecturer in surprise.

Lin Yang also laughed in his heart.

It seems that Huang still cares about Luo Furong.

After all, he is one of the top ten geniuses. If Lin Yang really let the video out, it would be ruined.

But lecturer Huang is too rough!

She destroyed the video like this... Isn't there no silver here?

But Lin Yang is not going to give up.

"Lecturer Huang, what do you mean? Why did you destroy the evidence? I'll go up there and ask for it! " Lin Yang shouts.

"Mo Xiaowu, what do you want?" Lecturer Huang's face was ugly and he asked.

"I want Luo Furong and them to come over in person and apologize to me. This is the end of the matter, or I will pursue it to the end! After all, if the video is deleted, it can be restored. " Lin Yang light road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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