Never one dare to disobey luobeiming!


We should know that he is a famous doctor of a generation. He is deeply rooted in the people. Not to mention those people, even the key public officials are respectful to him and dare not to neglect.

How many people dream of becoming his disciple, fame and wealth.

But now, someone not only rejected him, but even insulted him.

Luobeiming took a deep breath, repressing his anger.

His old face was back to indifference.

"Old man Luo, we seem to have no speculation. Don't let's go about it." Linyang is too lazy to talk about it again, so he will turn and leave.

"Who let you go?" North Ming cold road.

When the voice fell, the open living room suddenly rushed out of dozens of figures in Tang costume, directly surrounding Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was not surprised, his hands were attached: "now is the rule of law society, how? In the light of the day, will the old man still beat people? "

"The old man's means are not so vulgar, you will never break the law if you want to move!" Luobei has no expression on his face.

It is too simple for a person to pack up at this level, and he will never take legal responsibility because he will not take the hand.

"Is it?" Lin Yang smiled.

At this time, I can laugh, and I really have a big heart.

"I'll give you another last chance, take the money, kneel in front of me, kowtow to me and make tea, and announce that all your medical skills are my Luobei Mingjiao, if you do, I can do it when it never happened." Luobei Ming closed the light road.

This is his last chance to Linyang.

It's also an ultimatum.

Lin Yang believes that if he refuses, these people will definitely rush up and let him down and then paralyze him.

Then the police came, and the disciple went to take the crime. Luo family lost money to treat it. That's all.

No way. If luobeiming doesn't break that bottom line, there will be no big deal.

Luobeiming is really smart.

Unfortunately, he didn't know Lin Yang.

Linyang spits up his mouth and cloud. He reaches out his hand and caresses him in his chest.

Well... It's been so long since I came out of the police station. My strength has recovered. It should be a little bit of a problem to leave here.

Lin Yang was thinking.

He looked up, his eyes were shining a little cold, and his hands were not touched by his waist.

But at this time...


A low and painful voice sounded.

People are all stunned, look at the side, only to find Luo Qian did not know when to seize a tea cup, to the next column a smash.

I want to know.

The cup was broken, and her palm was cut, and the blood was pouring out.

But she knew nothing about the pain, holding a piece of debris, directly against her white neck.


Luobeiming has changed his old face.


The rest of the people were also exclaimed.

"Grandpa, let Lin Yang go!" Luo Qian clenched the silver tooth road.

Luobeiming Qi of the hands tremble, but no longer insist.

"Let him go!" Ming Shen road, Luobei.

For luobeiming, his granddaughter's life is much more important than this boy. He knows Luo Qian and uses Luo Qian's temper to say that he can't really do anything stupid.

With the words of luobeiming falling, the disciples and Luo family of luobeiming scattered around them.

"Lin Yang, go back."

"Luo Qian, in fact, do not have to make this..." Lin Yang wants to talk and stop.

"You go quickly!" Luo Qian hurriedly, tears all came out.

Linyang opened his mouth and sighed: "well, I'll go back first, and take care of yourself."


At this time, Luo Qian shouted again.

Linyang turned and looked at her.

But I saw the girl drooping her autumn eyes, the teeth biting the cherry lips, hesitating for a while, and then said hoarsely, "thank you, and... Sorry..." br >

these words weigh as much as a kilogram to her.

Lin Yang slightly shocked, and shook his head: "not your fault, do not blame yourself."

Then the man disappeared into the night.

Luo Qian eyes are lost, powerless will hang down the hand.

The blood stained tea cup pieces fell on the ground and made a "clanging" voice.

"Come on, wrap the wound for miss. Hurry!" Uncle Zhong drinks and cries.

Several Luo family women immediately ran over, pull up Luo Qian's fibril jade finger began to dressing dressing.

Luo Qian the whole person is like a puppet, lost the soul, let people around.

Those eyes are empty...

br > you let me down, Qianqian "Luobeiming stood up and said coldly.

Luo Qian didn't speak.For some reason, the grandfather suddenly became strange...

at this time, a Luo family trotted over.

"Master, director Hao of the health bureau is here!"

Luo Beiming frowned slightly and then waved.

"Miss, let's go to the inner hall."

Several female dependents said, then took Luo Qian down.

A moment later, a middle-aged man with golden glasses and a white shirt stepped in quickly.

The man's face was grim, his pace was fast, and his walk was windy. It seemed that there was something urgent.

"Director Hao, about today's medical accident, I will tell the public the truth at tomorrow's press conference. Don't worry." Luobeiming road.

"Mr. Luo's words are heavy. He's coming over at night, not to tell you about it." Hao Zhengsong congeals the heavy road.

"Oh?" Luo Beiming was surprised: "what's that for?"

However, Hao Zhengsong took out his mobile phone from his pocket, pressed it a few times and put it on the coffee table beside luobeiming.

The screen of the mobile phone shows a piece of news.

"A team of Korean medicine representatives came to China last month to challenge everywhere. They have already defeated the representatives of Hudong, Tailin and Shangdong provinces. They have published their itineraries online. In a few days, they will arrive in Jiangcheng, Jiangnan Province, and formally challenge you with Korean Medicine... Challenge traditional Chinese medicine!"


Luobeiming suddenly got up.

Next to Zhong Shu and others are also shocked.

However, Hao Zhengsong bowed deeply to luobeiming.

"Master, we Chinese traditional medicine has been broken for five times. Now there is a lot of laughter in the world. If these Korean doctors win another game, they will return to Korea. By then, our Chinese medicine industry will be at the critical moment of life and death. We must not let these clowns continue to be rampant. Please do whatever you want! Beat them! Save Chinese traditional medicine! Please. Please

Hao Zhengsong clenched his teeth, bent to 90 degrees, and firmly called out.

Luo Beiming's expression is serious innumerable, old eyes open huge.

This is by no means the so-called dispute of morale.

This will never represent personal interests and reputation.

This is an unprecedented challenge!

No matter who he is, he knows what it means...

LUO Beiming did not speak, but turned around and looked at a painting of pine and cypress in the hall.

It was a long time before I got back a word.


When I got home, it was already 12 o'clock.

Lin Yang will stop the car downstairs, then crept open the door.

Unexpectedly, the house was full of lights. Su Yan was sitting at the table with her delicate chin in her small hand, as if she was thinking about something.

"Not yet asleep?" Lin Yang smiles.

"I don't know whose car it is. The engine is so loud that it was sleeping and was awakened again."

"Well... This..."

"how did you come back so late?"

"Something happened to the hospital."


"The newspaper type, you'll know tomorrow."


Su Yan answered softly and turned back to the room.

"It's hot and the living room is full of mosquitoes." Lin Yang called out.

A moment later, the door opened, a mosquito repellent incense was put on the ground, and the back door was closed again.

"Forget it."

Lin Yang shook his head, ordered mosquito repellent incense and fell asleep on the sofa.

The next morning, Su Yan went to work early.

To his surprise, Zhang Qingyu also went to Su's company.

Probably knowing what happened in the hotel that day, Zhang Qingyu's attitude towards Linyang was a little better.

After breakfast, Lin Yang is thinking about what to do now, Luo Qian's phone call.

"Are you all right?" Lin Yang asked.

"I'm fine." Luo Qian's voice is a little hoarse: "Lin Yang... I'm sorry."

"I said, it's not your fault... By the way, I don't have to go to work today?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

"No, the hospital should be closed."

"Close? What are you doing when you shut it off Lin Yang was surprised.

Luo Qian hesitated and said, "this hospital is funded by my grandfather. I don't want to rely on him any more. Lin Yang, how about a joint venture between you and me?"

Lin Yang was stunned.

A moment later, he shook his head. "I'm sorry, I'm not interested."

"How about opening my own hospital and hiring you?"

"I can think about it, but I only do odd jobs. Don't come to me for medical treatment. I don't have a license. I can't practice medicine illegally.""Good, good! That's settled! " Luo Qian suddenly became happy: "wait for me to find my friend to borrow some money, as soon as possible to implement this matter!"

"It doesn't look like you don't have money. Do you want to borrow it when you open a hospital?"

"I won't use a cent of the Luo family any more!"

"Er... Ok... Call me on the opening day, and I'll go and support you!"


Luo Qian said with a smile.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something and asked, "Lin Yang, do you know that China and South Korea will face each other three days later?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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