"The supreme ring?"

Lin Yang was slightly stunned.

"Yes, the supreme ring, probably... Like this." Lei Hu took out a sketch from his body and handed it to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang glanced, but the sketch was quite detailed. The texture on the top was very clear. The most striking thing was a roaring black dragon on Jie.

"This is what we constructed according to the description of the survivors. The supreme ring is mostly like this. Mr. Lin, if you can find it, please leave the tomb quickly and give it to us." Thunder Tiger Road.

"Really? What does this ring do?" Lin Yang looked for a while and suddenly asked.

Lei Hu's face changed slightly, stammered his lower lip and whispered, "Mr. Lin, there are rules in the line. Just take the ring for us. Don't ask more about the rest."

"All right, I won't ask."

Lin Yang said lightly, but he left a heart.

What can make Lei Zetian Pavilion so interested? How can it be a general thing? I think there are many secrets in this supreme ring.

There are not many people now, about a hundred people.

Lei Zetian Pavilion only sent dozens of elite to escort Lin Yang this time. The scene was not good.

But everyone who can come here has a terrible breath. The lowest level of those who can participate in these potential groups are the overlord potential groups.

At this time, a representative of the potential family came to the front open space and hugged the people.

"You guys, I'm Qiu Hai, the deputy leader of Zhenyan sect! I suggest that all the people you sent join forces to enter the divine tomb and share benefits! After all, the divine tomb is extremely dangerous, and one person's strength is limited! If you join forces, it's impossible that your representatives can successfully complete the visit to the divine tomb. What do you think?" Qiu Hai smiled.

The words fell to the ground, and many potential families nodded.

"That's a good proposal."

"I seconded!"

"I agree!"

People said one after another.

Seeing this, Lei Hu hesitated, went straight forward and said lightly, "we Lei Zetian Pavilion can agree, but I have one requirement, that is, the supreme precepts should be owned by Lei Zetian Pavilion. Otherwise, we would rather not cooperate."

The words fell to the ground and many people turned pale.

"What? Lei Hu, you Lei Zetian Pavilion want to swallow the supreme ring alone?" A bearded old man stood up and said coldly.

"Lei Hu, you've got a good plan! Who is standing here preparing to enter the Supreme God's tomb for the supreme ring? Now you're going to take the supreme ring in one word? What are we going to do next?" Another woman sneered.

"Since everyone is here for the supreme precepts, let's not talk about cooperation. Whether the supreme precepts can be obtained depends on their abilities!"

"You can't say that. If Lei Zetian doesn't want to cooperate, it's not him. We just cooperate! There will always be times when they regret it!"

The words fell to the ground. Lin Yang frowned and said, "Lord Lei Hu, are you going to make me the target of public criticism?"

"Mr. Lin, I lei Zetian Pavilion do so much just for the supreme precepts. How can I share it with others?"

"This is not the time to share or not. If you do this, I can't even enter the gate of the divine tomb."

"Do you want me to compromise?"

"It's not that I want you to compromise, but that you must compromise if you want to take the supreme ring." Lin Yang Shen said.

Lei Hu thought for a while. Forced by helplessness, he could only sink and say, "it's all right, we Lei Zetian Pavilion agree to cooperate!"

However, the words fell to the ground, but the people at the scene did not say a word.

After about ten seconds, the man named Qiuhai looked at Lei Hu faintly: "Lord Lei Hu, I'm afraid it's too late for you to make such a decision now!"

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