Someone's body is covered with a layer of stone like skin. Although the miasma is fierce, it can't break the stone skin and enter unharmed.

Some people are shrouded in a circle of green light, allowing the miasma to crack their flesh, but they can heal quickly, which is nothing.

When representatives of various forces enter, it can be said that the eight immortals cross the sea and each shows his magic power.

Seeing this, Lin Yang couldn't help looking at Lei Hu.

Lei Hu looked a little unnatural and hesitated: "Mr. Lin, can you remember the night pill? We have prepared a night pill for you, Mr. Lin, which can resist malaria. It was personally refined by our pavilion Lord and took decades, but I didn't think you took the night pill and didn't respond, so there's nothing we can do."

"Sacrificial night pill?" Lin Yang frowned: "can this object resist miasma?"

"Immune to most miasma!"

"I see."

Lin Yang nodded, suddenly took out a silver needle and stabbed his neck.

In an instant.


A pale gray halo flickered on his skin.


The Thunder Tiger here was stunned.

Without hesitation, Lin Yang took a step and jumped directly into the tomb of the Supreme God.

"This son doesn't have any protective measures. Is he going into the divine tomb like this? He'll die himself!!"

"Lei Zetian Pavilion is too perfunctory this time. It seems that there is no light between the Supreme God's tomb and Lei Zetian Pavilion this time."

"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed.

Lei Hu has a dull face.

"Lord Lei Hu, are you okay?"

The person next to him asked cautiously.

Unexpectedly, Lei Hu suddenly slapped and laughed.

"OK! WOW! Ha ha!"

When this scene appeared, everyone was stunned.


The representatives of other potential families looked one after another and were confused.

"Lord Lei Hu, why are you so surprised?" Others ask carefully again.

"I always thought this man was a mediocre, and his talent was not outstanding. He couldn't even absorb the night pill. Unexpectedly, I was frivolous!"

Lei Hu clapped his hands and smiled: "this Lin Yang's talent is much more amazing than we thought. He perfectly absorbed the sacrificial night pill!"

"Perfect absorption?"

People are stunned.

"Yes! It's 100% perfect absorption!"

Lei Hu squinted: "After absorbing the pill, ordinary people would have white hair and red lines on their pupils, just like a demon man. I thought he had not absorbed the pill at all. Now it seems that I am wrong. The reason why he has no characteristics is that he absorbed the pill perfectly, which makes the effect of the pill burst out completely in his body. At the moment, his internal organs and bones have been increased by the pill, which is unusual and has entered the world The sacred tomb can resist most miasma, and he will be the least afraid of miasma among these people! "


"In this way, Lei Zetian Pavilion is expected to take the ring this time!"

The crowd was excited.

"Ordinary people take the night pill, but it's like painting skin, while this son takes the night pill, but it's like painting bone. How good is this son's talent? I'm afraid... Only the top three heroes can be compared with it."

Thunder Tiger whispered, and a trace of pity for talent was born in his heart.

If you can recruit this son into Lei Zetian Pavilion, it will be a great help to the development of Lei Zetian Pavilion.

"It's a pity... It can't be done."

Lei Hu sighed slightly, as if he thought of something, and his eyes were full of regret.

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