In the main tomb.

As the man pushed the sarcophagus away, everyone's heart jumped to their throat and stared at the sarcophagus.

"Supreme ring! Supreme ring! Supreme ring!!"

The man trembled and shouted, and immediately looked into the sarcophagus.

But the next second.


A blood light gushed out of the crystal sarcophagus.


Before the man could see everything in the crystal sarcophagus, he was blinded by the blood light and retreated.


Ye Yan also frowned and looked.

Gollum, Gollum, Gollum

At this time, bursts of strange bubbles sounded.

Then he saw a lot of blood gushing from the crystal sarcophagus and spreading directly around.

The ground was covered with blood.

And the man's feet were soaked with blood. Then he gave a scream, and the whole man fell into a pool of blood, looking very painful.

"Ah!! it hurts! It hurts!"

"Help me!! Lord Ye Yan! Help me!!"

The man roared sadly and climbed out madly.

But the blood spread much faster than he climbed, and the man melted in the blood a little bit.

In the blink of an eye, a living person was melted by this blood.


The rest of the people were so scared that their scalp numbed and retreated sharply that they didn't dare to touch the blood.

Ye Yan stared at the blood and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Why are you... Disturbing me?"

At this time, an ancient and thick voice came from the sarcophagus.


"Cheat... Cheat the corpse! Cheat the corpse!!"

"Ancient supreme! Resurrected

People screamed, one by one as scared as seeing ghosts!

Ye Yan's face was also tight and cold.

But at the crystal coffin, a ferocious and blood red hand stretched out!

Everyone was stunned.

People who have been dead for thousands of years Can you revive??


I saw the ferocious blood hand firmly grasping the coffin cover next to me, and then made a sudden effort to support the body and slowly sat up.

That's a man without a skin bag.

His whole body was red with blood, and all that was exposed in the air was subcutaneous tissue.

What's more frightening is that all his internal organs, brain and other organs are clearly visible, so they are exposed to the air.

At the same time, all these organs were stabbed by silver needles, in which several thin lines were connected to the organs.

The silver needle and thread trembled as the monster moved.

"Is this... Death sacrifice?"

Ye Yan opened his eyes slightly and was quite surprised.

"Death sacrifice? Lord Ye Yan, how is this possible? Isn't this a legendary means?"

Tianshu was shocked and said in a trembling voice.

"Legendary means? The owner of the Supreme God's tomb is a legend!"

Ye Yan returned to calm and said faintly.

Tianshu is incredible.

Death sacrifice?

It is a unique means in ancient times.

It is said that the ancient power of the annihilation domain can use the silver needle to seal the brain or internal organs of a dead person and let him revive at a specific time.

Of course, this resurrection is short-lived.

But Rao is so, and it is particularly terrible.

"This... Is the master of the Supreme God's tomb, the legendary supreme power?" Someone trembled and asked.

"He's not!"

Ye Yan shook his head: "he is just the guard of the tomb."


"Yes! This tomb is not the tomb of the supreme power! We all went wrong! We were fooled by the supreme power!" Leaf inflammation hoarse road.

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