The world was shocked.

Lin Yang also immediately realized that something was wrong.

"It turned out that the attack and killing just now came at my pulse!" Linyang hoarse road.

"You have such pure soaring power. If you don't break it, it's not easy to kill you. My flying needles are not for you, but for your qi. If you sacrifice the soaring power, my flying needles can absorb your qi. Now, you can't fight me without half a breath!"

Ye Yan said quietly. The next second, the man rushed to Lin Yang and pinched him up.

Lin Yang's legs hung in the air, as if unable to resist.

"Now, rest in peace. It's your honor to die in the tomb of the Supreme God and be buried with the ancient supreme god!"

The words fell, and Ye Yan buttoned his other hands towards Lin Yang's shoulders and waist and abdomen.

Then we will force Lin Yang to be divided into five parts.

"I... may not lose!"

At this time, Lin Yang, who was strangled by his neck, said these words hard.


Ye Yan was slightly stunned.

Suddenly, he realized something and quickly threw Lin Yang aside.

But it's still a little late.

Bang Bang

A violent explosion rang through the tomb.

The position where Ye Yan stood was covered by a terrible gas explosion.

The destructive force produced by the gas explosion spread everywhere and fiercely impacted the surrounding walls.

The people were shocked and hid behind the pillars.

However, even the pillars in the tomb were slightly shaken by the impact, and the yellow sand fell.

It's not terrible!

People didn't put their heads out until the explosion was over.

But I saw that the void over there was distorted by the explosion.

Lin Yang was thrown away and hit the sarcophagus.

The huge force caused the sarcophagus to burst.

The man fell heavily to the ground and couldn't help vomiting blood.

The skin and flesh were constantly blown up, and the skin and flesh were all turned over.

"It turns out that outsiders in this area have arranged Qi strength around their body in advance. When Ye Yan approaches, he will detonate this Qi strength!" The kite Yin said stupidly.

"How can he not be found by Lord Ye Yan?" Asked Tianshu trembling.

"I don't know. I can't see through this level of people." The kite Yin whispered.

"But now... They seem to lose both." Tianshu said.

"What? Lord Tianshu has an idea? Maybe you can have a try!" Kite Yin side first road.

Tianshu trembled and thought about the tragic death of the two people before. He hummed: "if you want to go up, I won't go up anyway."

"Luckily you didn't." The kite Yin chuckles.

"What do you mean?" Tianshu asked.

Yuan Yin didn't speak, but looked at Ye Yan over there.

Tianshu also quickly turned his eyes and looked. Immediately, he was stunned.

However, the damaged skin and flesh on Ye Yan began to coagulate rapidly, and the broken limbs grew out again.

After only five seconds, the man recovered as before.

"Is this man... Immortal?" Tianshu murmured.


Yuan Yin said faintly, "this outsider is going to be seriously punished!"

People looked at Lin Yang one after another.

At the moment, Lin Yang also got up.

Although he was still spitting blood in his mouth.

Ye Yan stared at him faintly and walked towards him.

But Lin Yang didn't go to see Ye Yan, but looked at his palm and thought.

"It's a smart choice to ambush the rising Qi to detonate it, so as to counter me. Unfortunately, these powers can't kill me!" Ye Yan said calmly.

"I didn't expect to kill you with these forces!" Lin Yang suddenly clenched his fist and looked at Ye Yan indifferently.


Phyllitis is a bit of an accident.

At the moment, Lin Yang suddenly became calm.

and.... His eyes were still full of confidence.

Yes, that's extraordinary confidence!

Before that, he didn't have such confident eyes at all.

What brought him such confidence?

Ye Yan felt something wrong and his eyebrows coagulated.

But at this time.


A strange light burst out of the broken sarcophagus.

Then the whole Tomb of the supreme god trembled wildly.

The world was shocked and looked around.

"This is..." Ye Yan was also stunned and looked at the trembling sound source.

"Lord Shengjun! It seems that some mechanism has been opened!" Tianshu screamed.

As soon as Ye Yan heard this, he immediately understood, stared at the sarcophagus and said, "I know. These coffins hide mechanisms. If you destroy them, you can open the dark space hidden in the tomb of the supreme god!"

"It must be so!"

Cried the kite Yin.

"Listen, I order you to go to the other tombs quickly and break the sarcophagus! Come on!" Ye Yan drank.


The crowd quickly got up and rushed out.

Ye Yan looked at Lin Yang and didn't speak again. He walked a little and hit again.

The burst of Qi whirled on his fist, turned into a wild dragon and rushed straight to the door of Lin Yang.

Lin Yang resisted immediately.

But the next second, his remaining five arms are also crazy.

Lin Yang instantly ate the attack and retreated again and again.

Ye Yan has a fierce attack and wants to kill Lin Yangsheng.

Lin Yang retreated one after another, as if he were defeated.

But at this time, his right arm burst into a terrible light, and a light like lightning came from his arm, quickly swam through the bones all over his body, and then quickly gathered on his fist.


Leaf inflammation, sudden tightening of breath.

"Hit me so many times, now it's my turn!"

Lin Yang suddenly gave up his defense and raised his fist to Ye Yan.

Ye Yan immediately blocked with six arms.





The sound of broken bones sounded.

Ye Yan suddenly flew out and hit the wall heavily.

Take a look.

All six of his arms are broken!

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