
A wind like figure rushed out of the entrance and exit of the Supreme God's tomb.

But when the figure just flew to a height of 100 meters.


His body hit a gasification barrier heavily.


The figure, Ye Yan, stopped, looked at the barrier in front of him faintly, and then looked around.

I saw thousands of people around me.

These people are all supreme and powerful, and they are all famous beings in the extinction region.

Their eyes were hot and covetously looking at Ye Yan.

Around the entrance and exit, a barrier has been arranged in advance to seal all the areas around the opening.

Obviously, these barriers prevent the escape of Phyllitis.

Yuanyin, Tianshu and others who have just fled have informed outsiders that Ye Yan has obtained the supreme ring.

They also called for support and sealed the entrance and exit just to wait for Ye Yan.

"Ye Yan! Hand over the supreme ring, and I will spare you from dying!" Lei Mengzong's patriarch came to the scene in person and shouted at Ye Yan.

Lei Mengzong's strong men are ready to start.

"Lei Mengzong?"

Ye Yan glanced at the people under his eyes and shook his head lightly: "a third rate sect door. How dare an be presumptuous in front of me? It seems that I have to go to Lei Mengzong."

Lord Lei Meng's face suddenly changed.

If Ye Yan comes to the door, it must be the end of killing the whole door.

This man can't talk about morality!

"Ye Yan, don't be arrogant. If you bring all the strong ones in the temple of God, we are still afraid of three points, but now you have only one person! How can you defeat so many of us? If you obediently hand over the supreme ring, we can let you go. If you don't give it, you'll be buried in the Supreme God's tomb today!" Another man walked out slowly and stared at Ye Yan indifferently.

When the man appeared, Ye Yan's eyes tightened for several minutes.

"Long teeth?"

Ye Yan Shen Dao.

This man is the vice president of heaven and earth. His strength is extraordinary.

Unexpectedly, the elder Qin man invited the vice president.

It seems that heaven and earth attach great importance to this action.

"Ye Yan, I know you're strong, but today there's a vice president in charge, and more than a dozen of our overlords work together. You're afraid you can't fly and leave the supreme ring! You have a life. You have such a high talent and outstanding strength. Over time, you're bound to become an extraordinary existence. If you die here for such a small ring, wouldn't you regret it all your life?" A woman came forward and began to persuade.

The others also persuaded one after another.

"Yes, Ye Yan, give up the supreme ring! Why lose your life for this thing?"

"Your future is very bright. You don't have to die here."

"Hum! You guys, I think you'd better not talk nonsense with this man. Kill him. Whoever gets the supreme ring depends on his ability!"

"Yes, forget it. We can't kill this son with so many people?"

All kinds of voices can be heard.

Ye Yan looked at it indifferently, but he laughed a moment later.

"Interesting! So interesting!"

Laughter spread far away.

People frown.

But see Ye Yan's face gradually ferocious, overlooking everyone below.

"I haven't encountered such an interesting situation for a long time! Do you want the supreme ring? Come on, let me see your means. Kill me, and the ring is yours!"

He raised his hand and showed the shiny ring.

"Ye Yan, are you sure you want to do this?" Long teeth look cold.

"If you can fight a hearty battle, even if you lose this ring, what's a pity?" Ye Yan smiled.

"Hum, you're welcome! Don't drink! Don't eat!"


With a roar, everyone rushed to Ye Yan.

And in the tomb of the Supreme God.

Lin Yang looked weakly at the rotten body, silent for a moment, suddenly raised his hand and grabbed it at his chest.


A sternum, removed by him show_ htm3();

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