
Turbulent mushroom clouds erupted in the plain where the Supreme God's tomb was located.

Countless air needles vibrate between heaven and earth, spinning like dust.

Those who attacked and killed Xiang yeyan had all flown out and fell heavily to the ground.

Someone's body split and died miserably on the spot.

Someone vomited blood and was dying.

Even if you are a top expert like changya, you are unable to compete and fall to the ground.

In contrast, Ye Yan still stood in place, undamaged.

Those who survived looked at the figure in despair and were speechless one by one.

Ye Yan didn't talk nonsense and walked towards these survivors.

He is not a soft hearted man.

He's going to be killed, of course!

Ye Yan walked step by step. People were terrified and trembled wildly.

Finally, someone couldn't hold back, tried his best to get up, knelt on the ground, and the leader knocked heavily on the ground.

"Lord Ye Yan, please... Lord Ye Yan, please..."

When someone asks for mercy, someone responds immediately.

"Lord Ye Yan, we have no eyes and offended you. Please give us a chance and spare us!"

"We will make cattle and horses for you in the future. Go through fire and water. Please let us go!"

The crowd fell to the ground and cried for mercy.

They are completely afraid.

Almost all the people who can come here are dignitaries in the quiet area. However, now they are as miserable as drowning dogs.

Long Fang watched all this in despair.

He can understand these people.

Dignity doesn't matter much more than life.

What's more, why should we be ashamed to beg for mercy and kowtow to a land fairy?

In fact, changya wants to beg for mercy, but he can't.

Because heaven and earth are super hegemonic forces and have the ability to resist the land gods.

If he kneels, he will bow to Ye Yan on behalf of heaven and earth.

This is not allowed by heaven and earth.

His family is still in the power family.

If he did so, his family would be executed as punishment.

"Why? Long teeth are the Lord. Why don't you beg for mercy?"

Ye Yan lightly swept his eyes and teeth and asked.

"A scholar can be killed, not humiliated. Ye Yan, I have to congratulate you on entering the land fairy and becoming the youngest land fairy in the history of my extinction domain, but if you want me to bow my head, I'm afraid you can only be the head of me!" Long teeth sink.

"Oh? It's a little backbone. In this case, I'll keep your whole body!" Leaf inflammation light path.

Long teeth clench their teeth and secretly urge their Qi to prepare for self explosion.

Ye Yan suddenly launched his soaring force and waved it over there.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang

All those who begged for mercy burst into blood fog and died miserably.

The rest of the people had a sudden respiratory fibrillation, unbelievable.

"Ye Yan's style has always been to kill everything without leaving future troubles. Begging for mercy is also a dead end. How can I let go? And I always despise such kowtowing people! Therefore, they will die as well, and you will be better than them. I will completely erase your source of life, so that the medical skills of silencing people in the region can't save you, and leave your whole body. In this way, at least you can be buried in the grave."

Ye Yan said faintly and walked towards the rest of the people.

The world was shocked and angry, but there was nothing to do.

After all, it was a land fairy.

"Where is heaven and earth?" Long teeth erase the blood from the corners of the mouth and roar in a low voice.

"I'll wait!"

Behind him, heaven and earth experts shouted together.

"Although the body is dead, don't disgrace its name. Today, we will fight again. Even if we are broken to pieces, we can't lose the reputation of heaven and earth!" Long tooth roared.

"Follow the vice president to the death!"

The crowd shouted angrily, one after another, trying to make a final struggle.


Ye Yan drank it lightly.

In an instant, all the energy just accumulated by everyone collapsed, and it was difficult to condense again.


Long teeth and pupils tremble wildly.

Is Ye Yan strong enough to easily break the strength of others?

If so, what's the odds?

Long Fang closed his eyes and waited silently for the arrival of death.

All the others stopped.

Without the blessing of Qi strength, they are just mortals with greater strength.

How can we fight the land gods?

Xianfan, after all, is a natural chasm.


must not.... overcome!

Ye Yan slowly raised his hand and prepared to kill these people.

But just then.

"Cough... Cough..."

A violent cough sounded from the direction of the Supreme God's tomb.


Ye Yanshun was stunned when his reputation went away.

But seeing the entrance and exit of the Supreme God's tomb, a figure with ragged clothes climbed out.

That man is Lin Yang!

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