Lin Yang's words fell to the ground, making Ye Yan feel a trace of pressure.

He hasn't felt like this for many years.

He didn't know what chance Lin Yang had in the tomb of the Supreme God, but as far as the strong body he had at present was concerned, it was no small matter.

Maybe this man really has some killing tricks!

Ye Yan secretly left a heart.

However, Lin Yang's palm was raised, and a golden cyclone gushed out of his joints all over his body and quickly converged towards his palm.

In the blink of an eye, one of his palms turned golden.

"This force... Is it familiar?"

Ye Yan's pupil is slightly dilated.

He is a very cautious man.

At present, although he has broken through to the realm of land gods, everything is just like what changya said. His foundation is unstable, his pure soaring power in his body has not been fully controlled, and his state is not very good.

Ye Yan thought for a moment, and his heart had retreated.

"Gentlemen, you can retreat from here for the time being!"

At this time, Lin Yang on the sky opened his mouth faintly, but shouted to the long teeth and others below.

The long teeth were stunned and looked at Lin Yang one after another.

"Mr. Lin... Is he going to protect us from leaving?" Long Fang asked excitedly.

"With my move, mountains and rivers will collapse and heaven and earth will collapse. If you stay here, you will only lose your life. Please leave here immediately. Ye Yan can't hurt you with me!" Lin Yang drinks heavily.

When people heard this, they were moved.

More people couldn't help wiping their tears.

"We treated Mr. Lin like that before, but Mr. Lin repaid good for evil and helped us leave. With such kindness and such mind, don't we be ashamed?"

"Mr. Lin, we'll never forget your kindness and kindness! Please hold on for a while. When we leave, we'll move rescue troops at a fixed speed to help you!"

"Mr. Lin, let's go first. Please hold on!"

The crowd trembled and left one after another.

They know it's no good for them to stay here. What they should do now is to find help.

If you don't help Lin Yang, at least you can't walk away from Ye Yan.

You know, he still has the supreme ring!

All the people left.

Ye Yan's eyes are slightly tight.

"What a favor. You take me as a favor. In this way, these potential families are grateful to you. Do you want to unite them to deal with me?" Leaf inflammation light path.

"Yes, not only these, but also Yu Jue and Ye Yan. I admit that I am not your opponent at the moment, but I believe that when half of the silence domain regards you as an enemy, no matter how strong you are, it won't help." Lin Yang road.

Ye Yan didn't answer, but his eyes rippled with killing intention.

He found that the man he regarded as a mole ant posed a much greater threat than he thought.

"It seems that I have to take this person seriously. I must erase this person! Otherwise, it will cause great trouble in the future."

Ye Yan murmured, his heart was already killing, and his surging soaring power surged out like a tide.

In an instant, heaven and earth changed color and the void twisted.

Everything in the world began to focus on it.

Everything in this world seems to be controlled and mobilized by Ye Yan.

Lin Yang's eyes also tightened countless.

However, at this time, Ye Yan suddenly realized what he saw and suddenly looked back.

However, a large number of dark clouds appeared on the rear sky.

Among those thick clouds, human figures flickered faintly.


Those who had not left pointed to the distant sky and exclaimed.

"What's that?"

"It seems that the rescuers have arrived!"

"Great! Help is coming!"

The crowd was overjoyed.

Lin Yang and Ye Yan raised their eyes together.

Those who come are the strong men of Lei Zetian Pavilion!

The disappearance of Lei Hu and others is to move the rescuers!

"It seems that you can't kill me today, but you are going to be surrounded!"

Lin Yang smiled and looked at the thick clouds in the distance. He could clearly feel the supreme power diffused in the thick clouds.

I'm afraid The supreme being of leizetian pavilion has also come!

After all, it's to deal with Ye Yan and to get the supreme ring. How can Lei Zetian pavilion not pay attention to it?

You know, for this visit to the Supreme God's tomb, the leader of leizetian Pavilion spent decades refining night pills for Linyang!

With the leader of Lei Zetian Pavilion coming forward, Lin Yang is not afraid of Ye Yan at all!

Today is the best time to kill Phyllitis!

Lin Yang's eyes were fixed, and endless killing thoughts rippled in his pupils.

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