The momentum of tyranny erupted like a fountain of spirit.

In an instant, the whole desire inside and outside the home was covered by a terrible force.

The sun was shrouded in fragments.

The domineering soaring power almost oppressed the nine dead real person, almost suffocating.

The nine dead man trembled wildly, as if a magnitude-12 earthquake had occurred in his heart, and looked at Lin Yang who was coming.

How dangerous!

What power is this?

Her eyes widened.

Such pure soaring power is almost unprecedented.

This is not easy!

Never easy!

The nine dead immortal woke up and realized how terrible he had been against the enemy.

I think so. How can those who can leave the Supreme God's tomb alive be ordinary people?

"No more fighting!"

Nine dead immortal got up straight and drank in a deep voice: "get out of here quickly!"

Those disciples and grandchildren haven't reacted yet.

Lin Yang was already moving and rushed like a whirlwind.

The power of tyranny turned into innumerable lightning and attacked this quickly.

The nine dead man's breath trembled.

She found her strength destroyed in an instant!

It was caused by the impact of Lin Yang's soaring force.

In front of this pure soaring force, her Qi strength can't hold even a breath.


At present, the nine dead real person is like a naked person without any defense.

Her eyes were in a hurry and she retreated madly.

"Protect the Dharma for the teacher!"


Some loyal disciples rushed forward to stop Lin Yang.

But they haven't used their moves yet, only one face to face.

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheezing

The bodies of these people were all split into several pieces and died miserably on the spot.


The rest were frightened white and stunned.

"This man's soaring power is too strong! He is clearly not a land fairy. Why can he have such terrible soaring power?"

Nine dead immortal's scalp trembled, but he didn't dare to stop. He raised his hand immediately and his fingers moved rapidly.

The disciples behind her have begun to run away.

However, those who had been stabbed by bone needles just wanted to escape, but their bodies were stiff and could not move.

Then, the strange green breath diffused from the body of the nine dead immortal and quickly rushed towards them.

After a while, these people who were hit by bone spurs were like silkworm pupae, surrounded by poisonous gas, and kept shouting in pain.

"Poison offering?"

Lin Yang stopped and said expressionless.

"I didn't expect you to have such pure power to soar. It's amazing, but you can't defeat me by this alone! Let's see my 'Heavenly corpse mysterious poison skill'!"

The nine dead man roared, his fingers moving together.

In an instant, more than a dozen people wrapped in poison all roared and rushed to Linyang.

The virulence of their whole body has been integrated with their flesh and blood.

Not only that, these virulence even sublimated their flesh and blood and doubled their physical strength.


More than a dozen people eroded by the poison roared in pain, raised their fists and blasted at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's face was cold and his fingers moved.


A circle of pale evil force appeared in front of him.

Bang Bang

These poisonous people's fists hit the evil force heavily, and the poison on the fist immediately exploded and covered the evil Qi.


There was a crack in the evil spirit.

The virulence eroded the evil force.


Lin Yang's eyes were cold.

This is not an ordinary poison.

This is God poison!

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