Basement Parking.

Xu Tian applied the brake and parked the car at the innermost parking space on the second floor.

The three were extremely nervous.

Although the parking lot is full of vehicles, it is not too difficult for the other party to find them.

"I don't think the other party found us?"

Su Yan asked cautiously.

"Not necessarily."

Gongxiyun said: "if the other party can destroy others with such accuracy, it must know us. I'm not sure. The other party already knows that we are hiding here."

"How is that possible?" Su Yan was shocked: "we didn't even see each other's people. They knew where we were?"

"How can it not be? If we say we have an insider, we know everything about convenience!" Xu Tianshen said.


Su Yan's breathing faltered.

you bet.

It is not difficult for such a big Yanghua to insert an internal ghost, no matter whether it is Tianmo Dao or dead territory.

If someone had disclosed their whereabouts in advance, they would be in a very dangerous situation at the moment.

Now Su Yan can only pray silently in his heart. All this is just his guess. The other party doesn't know their trace.

But just then.


A terrible thunder burst forth.

There was such a loud noise that the people on the lower second floor stopped clearly.

"No! They're coming!"

Hearing the thunder, gongxiyun's face changed greatly: "the other party already knows that we are hiding here. We must leave here!"

"There are two exits in the basement, but if they are blocked by the other party, we will be caught in the trap by going through the exit! We have to hurry into the mall!"

Xu Tian shouted and immediately untied his seat belt and got off the bus.

Su Yan also hurried to follow them to the nearest elevator.




At this time, a series of three terrible thunders exploded again.

The three people who had just entered the mall immediately understood that the other party was afraid that more than one person would come.

"Go through the gate on the first floor!"

Xu Tian whispered, leading Su Yan and gongxiyun to walk quickly.

The Tianhong shopping mall is the largest shopping mall nearby, with a huge flow of people every day.

Especially near the night, many students and young couples nearby will choose to go shopping here, so the gate is full of people.

It is not difficult to fish in troubled waters and leave at this time.

But when the three of them were walking at a gallop.


A blue figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed directly at the gate.

The man fell to the ground, and the thunder was everywhere. Several people entering and leaving the gate were directly stunned to the ground.


The people around immediately panicked and fled in a hurry.

The three of them also stopped in a hurry.

But he saw the man raise his hand and wave it. It seemed that there was a flash of lightning in the palm of his hand. He dragged the green lightning, as if he were pulling a warning line, from the left to the right of the gate, and directly sealed the gate.


Gongxiyun and xutianmu stared dumbfounded.

Su Yan was also very white, and was shocked by the other party's immortal means.


The man frowned and looked at the three men. Then he took out a photo and looked at Su Yan. Then he walked here.

"No, I was found by the other party. Let's go!"

Xu Tian shouted angrily. He immediately took out a pistol and shot at the man.

Bang Bang

The muzzle of the gun spewed flames.

Blue bullets flew past.

The other party obviously didn't expect Xu Tian's bullet to be specially treated. He thought it was just an ordinary bullet and didn't dodge.

But when the bullet hit him, he realized it was wrong.

Pooh! Pooh

Several bullets pierced his body. The man almost fell to the ground, and his blood was bubbling.

Xu Tian was overjoyed. He rushed over immediately and wanted to shoot the man in the head. He killed the man.

But the next second, the man suddenly raised his hand.


A green lightning burst from his palm and hit Xu Tian instantly.


Xutian was immediately blackened by electricity. His whole hair was set up, emitting black smoke. Then he fell heavily to the ground and died on the spot.

"Xu Tian!!"

Gongxiyun screamed bitterly.

Su Yan stared at the man on the ground who was beyond recognition. His brain was also blank.

The man was shot several times, but still alive.

He gritted his teeth and walked towards gongxiyun and Su Yan.

Gongxiyun angrily pulled out his pistol and fired several shots at the man.

Bang Bang

The bullet flew through the man's head.

He fell to the ground and died.


Gongxiyun looked at the gate, but did not choose to leave. Instead, he took Su Yan upstairs and ran.

Such a thing happened here. It must have attracted others' ideas. If you go out, you will be arrested.

The shopping mall is big enough. The two girls can only hide in it to wait for rescue.

Not surprisingly, the two girls left soon, and several figures rushed here.

These figures are moving like lightning.

After landing, I saw the dead people with frozen eyes.

A man went up to check, noticed Xu Tian's body, took down his pistol and unloaded his magazine.

"It's a special bullet, which can easily penetrate Qi power. It's especially effective against martial artists. It seems that Yanghua has firepower that we can't ignore." The man held a blue bullet and said hoarsely.

"Zhaoqing should have just died. I think Su Yan will be nearby. Send someone to chase him right away! Be sure to take him down!"


Two people rushed out of the gate immediately.


At this time, another dark thick cloud rushed here.

All these people turned pale and looked at the thick clouds.

But when the thick clouds cleared away, two forbidden area guards appeared in the sight of everyone.

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