"Tianhu red guards?"

Zhan Hong was stunned and asked: "Lord Qian, what is the heavenly tiger red guards group?"

"You don't even know this? The red guard team of the heavenly tiger is one of the strongest fighting forces in the conference! It is the matrilineal organization of the apocalyptic ruling team and the excommunicator! Everyone in the ruling team of the heavenly tiger and the excommunicator is trained by the red guard team of the heavenly tiger! How strong do you think their fighting power will be?"

Qian Shen whispered.

Zhan Hong was stunned, and then she was so happy that she almost fainted.

If they were so strong, they would be saved today!

It's just another village with a bright future!

"Great! Great!"

"Now we just ask the adults of the red guard team of the heavenly tiger to protect our lives!"

Qian Shen said with a happy face.

He believed that the people of the Congress would certainly uphold the principle of justice and leave their lives behind.

Not to mention that they have not violated any principles, even if they have violated the norms of the general assembly, it is up to the general assembly to punish them.

Now that the members of the red guard team of Tianhu have arrived at the scene, Lin Yang is not allowed to make the decisions here.

Linyang looked carefully at the sixteen figures that suddenly appeared in front of him.

He was also aware that these were members of the general assembly.

However, what puzzled him was why the people of these conferences suddenly appeared in Jiangcheng? And everyone's strength is very terrible!

This is by no means unusual.

What did the Congress find out about the experts of this level?

Lin Yang frowned and worried.

Although the annihilation of Yu and his entourage has promoted him a lot, he has also set up many enemies.

Don't mention the heavenly demon road and the dead area. Now there is a heavenly temple!

If the Congress starts to suppress him at this time, Lin Yang will be in a very dangerous situation.

Lin Yang's heart was slightly frozen, but his face was calm and he stared at these people.

"Who are you? Are you trying to protect these two dead men?" Lin Yang spoke faintly.

One of them glanced at Lin Yang, then hugged his fist and said calmly, "we are the red guard group of the general assembly of heavenly tigers! We have received the news that the heavenly demon road attacked the river city and slaughtered it wantonly, so we have come to support here! Are you the miracle Doctor Lin?"


Lin Yang nodded, but was puzzled. He frowned and asked, "I heard that the red guard group of the heavenly tiger has always been operating outside the territory. Why are you here? In addition, who informed you?"

"You don't have to ask. Now the situation in Jiangcheng is stable. We need to interrogate the rest of the people before we deal with them. Please Doctor Lin quickly to stabilize your Yanghua situation. Don't make trouble again, don't make evil again!" The man said quietly.

Lin Yang frowned, glanced at Qian Shen and said: "these two people help Tianmo Dao and persecute my Yanghua people. I want to take them away. Shouldn't you adults interfere?"

The man heard the sound and looked at Qian: "are you demon men?"

"No! No! Sir, we are people in the dead area! We are not demons! We have nothing to do with this incident! Please help us!"

Qian Shen shouted.

"Why are you here since you are from the dead territory?"

The man asked again.

"We... We are purely here to travel. We didn't expect this to happen. Please be aware!"

Qian Shen was so flustered that he made up an excuse casually.

Although this excuse is rotten, the Red Guard will not believe it.

But they are still members of the assembly.

"Take them back to investigate! If they are found to be related to this incident, they will be punished according to the procedure!" The man said lightly.


Others nodded and immediately walked forward to tie Qian Shen and Zhan Hong.

The two were overjoyed.

They would rather be taken away by the red guards of the heavenly tiger.

In this way, they will have a way to live.

Let alone what we can find out. Even if we do, the punishment will not be serious.

At least I won't lose my life.

But this is not a good thing for Linyang.

The people of the red guards of Tianhu took Zhan Hong and Qian Shen and left.

However, at this time, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth.

"Who let you go?"

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