Get out?

Everyone thought they had heard wrong!

Dare you say such a thing to the red guards of the heavenly tiger? In the whole world, I'm afraid only Lin Yang dares to say so!

Group leader Wang stared at Lin Yang with dumbfounded eyes.

White disaster water was even more pale. He walked forward a few steps and whispered, "Doctor Lin, are you crazy? Why do you want to make things so stiff?"

"Lord Bai Meng, how did you get out?"

Lin Yang frowned at the white water.

"Hum, if I don't come out, the river city is gone. Do you still care about this?"

Bai Zhenshui glared at him and said in a low voice, "in a word, leave this matter alone. Those two people will let them take away. They won't come to a good end if they resist the general assembly for a while!"

"Then you may be disappointed!"

Lin Yang pinched the flame in his palm, stared at Zang Hu and said, "the river city is the river city. Your conference can't save the river city. Then Lin doesn't care about the so-called conference shelter. You can't provide what I need. Why should I abide by your rules!"

"Well, then don't talk nonsense!"

The Tibetan tiger took a deep breath and said to group leader Wang, "group leader Wang, you should step back, or you will be killed for fear of hurting you!"

"Lord Zang Hu!"

Group leader Wang frowned, but did not know how to persuade him.

Tibetan tiger obviously didn't want to say more, so he waved his huge sword.


A fierce sword wind suddenly rose in all directions, instantly blocking group leader Wang and others.

Group leader Wang's face changed greatly.

"Lord Zang Hu, please stop! Lord Zang Hu!"

White disaster water is also extremely anxious, repeatedly shouting.

But it doesn't seem to work.

"This is trouble."

White disaster water looks ugly.

"Bai Meng, what should we do now?"

The red willow eyebrows frowned and asked.

Bai Zhenshui sighed. It seemed that there was no better way. He could only sigh and shake his head.

"Now I can only hope that Lord Zang Hu will not hurt doctor Lin."

Bai Zhenshui said in a low voice, "Lord Zang Hu is a member of the Congress. He will certainly save the doctor Lin. I will try to dredge him up and save him! You don't have to worry too much."

Mansahong nodded silently, her eyes full of worry.

She also knows the strength of the Tianhu red guards.

This time, it seemed to her that Lin Yang had been greatly entrusted.

"Great! Great!"

Seeing that Lin Yang is going to fight with the red guards of the heavenly tiger again, Zhan Hong dances excitedly.

Qian Shen's eyes flashed a strange light, and he lowered his voice and said, "don't be too happy. Find a chance to run away later! Do you know?"

"Run?" Zhan Hong was stunned and said cautiously, "after that, the assembly went to the dead area to find us. What should we do?"

"Hum, what do you care about now? Just run! If you fall into the hands of the assembly, you won't be asked anything!"

"That's good."

Zhan Hong nodded, looked around and stepped back quietly.

At the same time, 15 members of the red guard team of the heavenly tiger have already set their positions.

They held up their huge swords, and their violent vigorous Qi surged madly, connecting each other.

The terrible force was like a violent storm, blowing around Linyang.

Lin Yang held Tiansheng Dao in one hand, the other hand raised slightly, and a little spark in the palm of his hand was thrown into the air.

Mars rippled and flew in the sky.

Seeing this, Lin Yang jumped immediately and grabbed Mars in the air.

The Tibetan tiger rushed at once with a huge sword.

"Doctor Lin, let me cure your arrogance!"

"Nine unique thunders, open the sky!"

With a roar, the Tibetan tiger lifted his sword horizontally and killed him.

In an instant, everyone's supreme fury divine power was fully mobilized, like an incomparable energy against the sky, which blasted at Linyang.

At this moment, the void seemed to be broken inch by inch, completely twisted and filled with cracks.

The sky darkened.

The earth is surging and fluctuating.

The smell of the whole river city was stirred by this.

The people outside were shocked and their eyes were dull.

They will never forget this scene.

"I can't stop it!"

Mansahong seemed to be aware of something and screamed, "stop, stop! Doctor Lin can't stop the blow, stop!"

Group leader Wang was also startled and shouted: "Lord Zang Hu, stop quickly. Are you going to kill Doctor Lin?"

Such an earth shattering blow was completely aimed at Lin Yang's life.

People think like this.

But the Tibetan tiger was different. He saw Lin Yang's physical strength.

If you didn't go to such a violent attack, you wouldn't hurt Linyang at all.

"Doctor Lin, you can't run away!"

The tiger's eyes were frozen, and the sword fell down fiercely.

But just then.


Linyang grasped the spark, and the whole person suddenly became bright.

Then, an overwhelming trend suddenly fell from the sky and directly affected all the members of the red guard group of Tianhu!


The Tibetan tiger seemed to know something. His pupils trembled violently. The whole person seemed to have lost his soul.

"This force... Is it..."

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