After the light disappeared, Yi Qilin was completely petrified.

In front of countless bodies, they all stood up.

Faking a corpse?


It doesn't look like a corpse!

Their bodies have clearly recovered, intact.

"God, what the hell is this... What's going on?"

Yi Qilin mumbles.

"What happened to me?"

"I... am I not dead?"

"What happened?"

Those who woke up also looked at their bodies.

Their consciousness still stays at the moment of being killed, but they can see the undamaged body and all fall into confusion.


At this time, Lin Yang suddenly put down his Tiansheng Dao. He stumbled and nearly fell to the ground. He was busy supporting the ground with his Tiansheng Dao and barely stood still.

"Doctor Lin!"

"Mr. Lin!"

The crowd recovered and rushed to help Lin Yang.

"Doctor Lin, are you all right?"

Mansahong also ran over.

When she saw those who had survived in the college, her small face was still full of shock.

Although she guessed, she still couldn't believe it when she saw it with her own eyes.

"I'm ok, but I've consumed a lot of energy!"

Lin Yang was pale and sweaty on his forehead.

"Dr. Lin, you are amazing! You are like a God in my heart!"

Yi Qilin rushes in, kneels down directly in front of Lin Yang, kowtows and shudders.

He witnessed the miracle with his own eyes.

At this moment, he was already the most devout believer in Linyang.

"I'm not a God. I don't have much I can do!"

Lin Yang wiped the sweat off his face and gasped slightly, but his eyes were unwilling.

"What I saved was only the people whose bodies were still intact. Judging from the blood stains and broken meat on the scene, at least half of the people could not be revived by my means. I... finally came late!"

People were stunned, their faces were sad, and they were silent.

"Bring all the bodies of people from other places, and save every one!"

Lin Yang sat down and said as he swallowed the medicine.


People acted at once.

Soon, a large number of corpses were being transported to Xuanyi school.

Among them are Xutian, Shen Nianhua and others.

Xunandong brings people from Nancheng to help.

All the people of the thousand family members also went out.

After a long time of hard work, the situation in Jiangcheng was finally stabilized, and most of the Yanghua people who died in the battle were also saved.

But after this battle, Yanghua also lost more than 2000 martial artists.

Not only that, most of the high-level officials, including Mahai and Shenhuo venerable, were captured by Tianmo Dao!

Linyang knew that Tianmo Dao had captured them, but he used them as a chip to deal with himself.

With these hostages, Lin Yang at least dare not use Jingshi Bailian at will!

"Lin Shuai! You are back!"

Temporary office of the college.

Linyang is still asking about them. Zhouxuanlong leads a large number of people in.

Linyang cast his eyes away.

But Zhou Xuanlong was followed by a man who was nearly two meters old.

The man is nearly forty years old. He is covered with bronze skin and has a scar on his face. He has a fierce temperament.

The most striking thing is the flowers on his clothes.

This is no ordinary position.

I'm so young. I'm afraid I didn't get my life for sitting in such a position.

"Lin Shuai!"

The man strode forward and saluted Lin Yang.

Lin Yang got up and saluted.

"Commander Zhou Jun, you have worked hard for this incident." Linyang light road.

"What is Lin Shuai saying? It is my duty to protect the people!"

Zhouxuanlong smiled, and then hurriedly introduced: "by the way, Marshal Lin, this is commander Fu!! he was ordered by his superiors to lead the Nanchuan army to support Jiangcheng!"

"All Nanchuan troops are in place. Please ask Marshal Lin for instructions!"

Fu Niu shouted angrily.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yang stared at Fu Niu silently, and then asked faintly, "I remember that Nanchuan army is the elite of the southern army. Why didn't commander Wan Jinsong come to the Jiangcheng disaster this time?"

"Report back to Marshal Lin that the war situation in the north is urgent. Marshal Wan is on the front line and can't support Jiangcheng. Please forgive me!" Fu Niu shouted.

Linyang nodded.

If so, I can't blame Wan Jinsong.

It's unexpected that the situation in the Dragon kingdom is so serious.

There are demons in the sky and people in the dead area making waves inside, and there is a battlefield in the North outside. There is no peace for a long time!

"It seems that some extraordinary measures must be taken!"

Linyang took a deep breath and said hoarsely, "immediately reorganize the army, repair the river city first, and resettle the people displaced by the turmoil! And then subdue Tianmo Dao!"


Pay cattle to shout.

"Mr. Lin and Mr. Ma are captured and in danger. Our top priority is to rescue them first!"

Xu Tian, who had just recovered, came in and said eagerly.

"The people in Jiangcheng have suffered because of me. Naturally, they are the main people now. I expect that Mahai will not worry about their lives. If the people of Tianmo Dao wanted to kill them, they would have fought in Jiangcheng earlier. Why take them back? So, you don't have to worry."

Linyang light road.

Xutian stammered his lower lip and tried to stop talking.

"Let me go! Let me in.... don't kill me.... i... I have something important to report to Doctor Lin! Let me go..."

At this time, there was a commotion outside, and bursts of shouting sounded.

"What's going on?"

Mansahong came out of the room and shouted.

But I saw a Yanghua man coming to report.

"Report back to your excellency, we have caught a demon Taoist! He said he wanted to see Mr. Lin!"

"Devil Taoist?"

Man Sha Hong was stunned.

"Bring him in."

Lin Yang shouted.

Soon, two Yang Chinese entered the house with a bewildered demon.

"It's a demon, that's right!"

Mansha Hong made an appraisal and rushed to Linyang road.

Linyang nodded and stared at the man: "who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Tell Doctor Lin that I'm the herald of the demon killing army. I have something to report to you this time!"

The demon man knelt on the ground and shouted eagerly.

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