"What is this?"

Linyang asked.

The people around were also confused.

The boss asked Lin Yang to wait here for an hour. Is that the rotten wood?

However, Jia Gang hurriedly explained.

"Marshal Lin, this is an oriental token! It is a keepsake given by the Oriental God Island owner to Yi Taigong, the father of Yi Gong, during the founding of the country. Yi Gong means that you should hold this token and go to the Oriental God Island to mobilize 3000 elites on the island to help you eliminate the heavenly demon road!"

People look at me and I look at you. Every face is full of puzzles.

"Dongfang Shendao? Have you ever heard of it?"

"Never heard of it!"

"What is this place?"

"Is it a place like Shenhuo island?"


There was constant discussion.

Lin Yang was also very strange. He looked at the man and asked, "where is the Oriental God Island?"

"Here is the address!"

Jia Gang took another waxy yellow drawing from the password box and submitted it to Linyang.

Lin Yang took over and saw that there was a nine palaces and eight trigrams map on the top, but it was different from the general map. On the nine palaces and eight trigrams, there was a long thin red line from west to East!

"Dongfangshen island is an isolated Fairy Island! It also belongs to the territory of the Dragon kingdom. It is located in the East China Sea of the Dragon Kingdom, but its location is difficult to find. Because the island is surrounded by natural fog and frequent rainstorms around the fog, ordinary fishing boats can't get close to the island at all. Even aircraft and military ships dare not get close to it. Because the magnetic field in the fog is very strong, it will interfere with signals and radar, so the island is inaccessible to outsiders If the people inside don't come out, there is naturally very little information about this island. " Jia Gang explained.

"I see..."

"Unexpectedly, there is such an island in the world. Are all the immortals living on this island?"

Mansha Hong and others could not help sighing.

Jia Gang smiled: "it's not a fairy. Like us, they are all the people of the Dragon kingdom. During the war of the Wei Kingdom, all the experts from Dongfang Shendao came out together to help the army defeat the invaders. But they didn't receive a reward. When the country was peaceful and the people were safe, they returned to the island. They gave the Dongfang order to Yi Taigong, saying that if something happened in the future, they could be transferred by virtue of this order, but it must be a matter of the Dragon Kingdom, and they would not shirk it."

Linyang nodded silently at the sound.

"They are really righteous men!"

"Lin Shuai, the long thin red line on this picture is the access to the island. Just follow this thin line, you can avoid the storm and climb the island unimpeded!" Jia Gang added.

"I see! In that case, let's go!"

Lin Yang said.

Tianmo Dao may soon kill the city to sacrifice the devil.

Time is pressing.

"OK, I'll arrange the warship at once!"


Linyang nodded.

"Dong Lin, what should we do with those who have been captured? The horse is still in their hands!"

Xu Tian hurried.

"If I go to rescue them now, they will certainly use them to intimidate me. There are hostages in my hands. Even if I attack Tianmo Dao, I will be at a disadvantage. What I need to do now is to stabilize Tianmo Dao and prevent them from harming Mahai and others. At the same time, I will find out the position of Mahai and others and wait for an opportunity to rescue them!"

Linyang Shen said: "well, I'll go to Tianmo Dao first. After Jia Gang has made arrangements, I'll go to the island and bring the strong people of Dongfang Shendao to help! You send more eyeliner to Tianmo Dao to investigate the place where Ma Hai is being held, collect information and prepare for rescue!"


Xu Tian ran down.

Linyang cleaned up and drove to Tianmo road alone.

Ma Hai and others were arrested. The demon Tao made it clear that he was trying to lure Lin Yang to come.

So no matter how many people Lin Yang brings, it's no use. Instead, it's better to go alone and talk to each other.

Time was so urgent that Lin Yang didn't even have time to meet Su Yan.

He clung to the steering wheel, pressed the accelerator to the bottom, and the car rushed forward like crazy.

At the foot of the demon mountain of the heavenly demon road.

Lin Yang got out of the car and walked towards the area of the heavenly devil road step by step.

Countless demons in the periphery caught his figure and recognized who the evil spirit was. They didn't dare to take rash actions and just moved with Lin Yang.

Before long, a figure appeared in front of Linyang.

"Doctor Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to visit me personally! What a rare guest!"

The dead dragon looked at him with a smile, and his eyes were filled with thoughts.

"Where are my men?"

Lin Yang asked calmly.

"Don't worry, they are all well. Although they have lost their hands and feet, they are still alive."

Dead dragon Tian squinted.

"Did you arrest my men to threaten me with them? If so, I think you may have made a mistake! Although they have followed me for a long time, they are only my men after all. I can't lose my life for them! So I advise you to either release them or wait for my revenge!" Lin Yang said coldly.

"Ha ha ha!" Dead dragon Tian laughed: "Doctor Lin, what kind of person are you? Don't I know? You don't care about your men! Stop saying such words! Everyone is not an idiot. It's better to be honest!"

Lin Yang's eyes were frozen and he said hoarsely, "what do you want?"

"In fact, the meaning of the Taoist priest is very simple!"

Dead dragon Tian walked forward with a smile, and his blood eyes narrowed: "the Taoist Lord wants to cooperate with you to open up a new world hand in hand. I wonder if you... Are interested?"

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