"Ladies and gentlemen, we are the official people of the Dragon kingdom. The Oriental order is here. Don't fight!"

Jia Gang went to the bow of the boat, took the rotten Oriental token and shouted loudly.

He held the Oriental token high. Although the token was small, he could see it clearly.

However, the people on the shore did not reply.

When the ship is about to land.

Whoosh, whoosh

The people on the shore suddenly jumped one by one, jumped onto the deck, and instantly put their swords on the necks of all the crew members, subduing them all.

Even Lin Yang had a sharp blade on his neck.

He frowned, but did not move.

Jia Gang was a little confused. He looked at Lin Yang and looked at the people on the bank.

"Bring them down."

A middle-aged man dressed in brown robes came up and drank in a deep voice.

The man had a goatee beard, and he was not angry. He was very imposing. When he came, people around him shouted 'Lord warden'.

All the people boarded the island from the ship, but they were surrounded.

The middle-aged man, who was called the warden, walked up to Jia Gang without expression, grabbed the Dongfang Ling in his hand and looked carefully.

"Sir, we are from the Dragon kingdom. Why are you doing this?"

Jia Gang is a little unhappy.

Although these people live in seclusion on the Holy Island, they are also descendants of the Dragon kingdom. They should speak about the laws of the Dragon kingdom.

How come Jia Gang is also an official? How can he tolerate such a thing?

However, he kept his temper and did not break out.

"We in Dongfang Shendao haven't contacted outsiders for a long time. How can we know if you are the official people of the Dragon kingdom?" The supervisor said expressionless.

"Can there be any fake Dongfang ling here? Can't you still recognize Dongfang Ling?"

Jia Gang is in a hurry.

However, the supervisor sneered: "we haven't seen Dongfang Ling for many years. How can we know whether it is true or false?"


Jia Gang was wronged and didn't know what to say.

Lin Yang shook his head and sneered: "I thought dongfangshen island was a place with outstanding people. I didn't expect it to be so unbearable."

"What did you say?"

The supervisor frowned and stared at Lin Yang: "young man, are you insulting our God Island?"

"Am I wrong? No matter whether the Oriental order is true or false, your island's hospitality is really bad! We are unarmed, but you are facing each other with swords. Your island is so grand!"

Lin Yang chuckled, and his words were full of sarcasm.

The supervisor's face was not very natural. He hesitated and said, "what a smart tongue!"

Then he waved his hand.

The people immediately put down their swords.

"Somebody! Take them to the main hall and wait. Don't let them leave the main hall. I'll meet the island owner!"

"Yes, sir!"

People shouted.

The captain immediately turned and left.

Soon, Jia Gang and Linyang were taken to a hall in front of Hulu mountain.

The two were sitting in the hall.

The crew were led to the side hall to wait.

"Lin Shuai, I don't feel so good!"

Jia Gang, worried, looked around and whispered.

Linyang nodded: "it looks different from what he expected. I'm afraid it's hard to invite the reinforcements."

"Ask for reinforcements? I think it's a question whether we can leave well!"

Jia Gang smiled bitterly, "the other party is obviously hostile to our attitude!"

"After all, I haven't had contact with the outside world for nearly a hundred years. This reaction is normal!"

Linyang smiled.

At this time, a burst of rapid footsteps sounded from outside the hall.

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