"That's impossible!"

Lei Fu immediately roared.

Their eyes were so wide that they almost fell out of their sockets.

Que Ming, who just abolished his accomplishments in public! How can you motivate me in the blink of an eye?

Is this magic?

"Tomorrow, how is your cultivation getting better?"

Que Qiu also said with a shocked face and tears of joy.

Que Ming immediately showed off several sets of fists and moves, which were extremely powerful.

Que Qiu was overjoyed when he saw this.

All the people around me look like ghosts.

But at this time.

Whoosh, whoosh

All the silver needles that stabbed que Qiu suddenly flew out and returned to Lin Yang.

Que Ming, who was still dancing, fell to the ground. He was embarrassed.

"Ha ha ha..."

Many people could not help laughing.

Que Ming got up with a disheartened face and looked at his hands. His eyes showed Horror: "mother, my strength... Is gone again?"

The words fell to the ground, and the laughter stopped suddenly.

All eyes focused on Lin Yang.

This time the fool also knew that que Ming's sudden recovery of strength was all Lin Yang's means!

"Lin Shuai..... This......"

Que Qiu wanted to talk but stopped, his eyes burning.

"Que Island leader, I have had some conflicts with young master Ling. These are trivial matters. Young master Ling has a strong nature and has abandoned his accomplishments. But it doesn't matter. As long Guolong Shuai, he naturally wants to care about all the people. I will take full responsibility for que Ming's injury and help him recover his accomplishments! Ensure that his accomplishments are intact and the same as before!"

Lin Yang said lightly.

Que Qiu was overjoyed and immediately hugged his fist: "if so, thank you, Marshal Lin!"

"You're welcome."

Lin Yang said calmly.

Lei Fu listened and his face was extremely gloomy.

How could he not hear the meaning of Lin Yang's words?

Lin Yang intended to make friends with que Qiu. He wanted que Qiu to discuss with the island leader and send troops to support him in eliminating the Tianmo Dao.

Lin Yang only said that he would help que Ming heal his injury and recover his accomplishments, but he didn't say how long it would take to heal him.

This is not only a sell, but also a chip!

If que Qiu doesn't help, why que Ming's cultivation can be restored depends on Lin Yang's mood.

Lei Fu clenched his teeth and stared at Lin Yang angrily.

He wanted to take this opportunity to pull que Qiu down from the position of vice Island leader, but he didn't want to be destroyed by Linyang.

"Marshal Lin, although Dongfang Ling was given by my ancestors, no matter who we are, we have never touched it. Please rest on our island for a night. Let me discuss with the island owner and give you a reply tomorrow. How about that?"

Que Qiu said respectfully.

Compared with the previous attitude, it can be said that one day one place.


Linyang nodded.


Lei Fu was immediately annoyed. He shook his sleeves and took people away.

Que Qiu glanced at him, but did not say anything. He shouted: "come on, arrange your guests to have a rest. Listen, clean up the best room. All your guests are satisfied with what they want. Don't neglect it. If anyone dares to make the guests unhappy, I'll ask him!"

"Yes, deputy island Master!"

The people nearby hurriedly replied.

"Lao que island Master!"

Linyang nodded and left with the others.


Bang Dang!

The teacup fell to the ground and fell apart.

"Asshole! Asshole! How dare you!!"

Inside, Lei Fu threw the tea set to the ground and roared angrily.

The deputy chief Wu nearby said nothing and looked at him silently.

"Que Qiu, that bitch, obviously wants to ask Lin to cure her son. This guy who eats inside and eats outside. For his own selfish desires, he wants me to send troops to Dongfang Shendao for support? Don't even think about it!! tomorrow I must go to see the island leader in person, and she will never succeed!"

Lei Fu shouted angrily.

"Chief Wu, it's natural to discuss this matter with the island leader. In fact, the Deputy Island leader was also calculated by Lin today! He deliberately angered que Ming, then abolished his kung fu skills, and publicly said that he could heal que Ming, so as to control the Deputy Island leader. The Deputy Island leader is such a son. He is afraid to fly in his hand and afraid to melt in his mouth. Naturally, he is very distressed! The dragon country and the Dragon commander are very deep in the city, so he must be protected!" The deputy chief of the martial arts lowered his voice and said.

Lei Fu's furious temper converged a little. After thinking for a while, he said coldly, "then you say, how should we deal with them?"

"These people have Oriental orders. If we force them out of the island, it must be unrealistic. Otherwise, we will be charged with disloyalty and unfilial." The deputy chief Wu touched his chin, and suddenly whispered, "why don't you... Let them walk away."

"Retreat in the face of difficulties?"

Lei Fu was stunned. He suddenly turned his head and drank: "what can you do? Say it quickly!"

"Chief Wu, have you forgotten the West Island?" Vice chief Wu said with a smile.

"West Island?"

Lei Fu was stunned: "you mean..."

"Let them go to the West Island for us and take out our ancestors' belongings. If they promise, they will never return. If they don't promise, how can we promise them and send troops to help?" Vice chief Wu said with a smile.

"This can be a way, but if they go to the West Island and bury themselves there, the Dragon kingdom will blame them. Even though we are reclusive in the east god Island, it belongs to the Dragon kingdom. Once it becomes big, will I not become a sinner?" Thunder frowned.

"Ha ha ha, chief Wu, don't worry about this. Tomorrow you can tell the West Island story clearly in front of Lin! I think those people will quit after listening to it!" Vice Wu Chang smiled.

"Oh, it must be you!"

Lei Fu laughed.

In the guest room.

"Marshal Lin is really smart. In this way, the que Island leader will certainly try his best to help us, and let Dongfang Shendao send troops to destroy Tianmo Dao!"

Jia Gang smiled and gave Lin Yang a thumbs up.

Lin Yang sat down at the table and poured a cup of tea. He said lightly, "Que Qiu is easy to deal with, but I'm afraid that Lei Fu will have some trouble. I just went to inquire about the position of the chief martial arts officer in the Dongfang God Island. Moreover, the people in the island know that Lei Fu has been dissatisfied with que Qiu's being the vice island Master. He wants to take her down and sit on it himself. Tomorrow, he will pick a fight!"

"Marshal Lin, why should you worry? Lei Fu is only the chief martial arts officer after all. As long as we stick to que Qiu, things will be done!" Jia Gang smiled optimistically.

Linyang did not speak.

He knows that tomorrow will not be peaceful.

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