Dongfangshen island is really different.

When Linyang entered here, he already realized that it was a unique and extraordinary place.

Now, I have bumped into the existence of the power of ascension.

It seems that this place is no worse than the silence area.

"Be careful!"

The leader of the Eastern Island gave a low cry and said to Lin Yangshen, "Marshal Lin, that man on the mountain is what we call a freak! He is extremely powerful and terrifying. I had fought with him before, but I couldn't walk a hundred moves in his hand. He was injured by him and recovered after a full year of recuperation!"

"Really? The strength of this strange man can't be underestimated!"

Linyang nodded.

"Later, Lin Shuai will follow us. If we take the relics of our ancestors, we will take them. If we can't take them, we must evacuate at the first time. We must not force them to do so. Otherwise, we will lose our lives. The gains will outweigh the losses!"

The East Island leader sank.


"Lei Fu! Que Qiu, you are responsible for Lin Shuai's safety! Don't make any mistakes!"

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone answered.

Then the Oriental Island leader took the lead and headed for the West Island.

As the crowd approached, the roars on the West Island became more and more frequent.

There is no doubt that the strange people on the island have noticed these invaders.

He seemed to want to warn these people with his own roar and tell them to stay away from the West Island.

But it didn't work at all.

The strange man ran to the top of the mountain, watched the figure stepping into the West Island from a commanding position, and then sent out a roar that was enough to crack the sky.

"Cover your ears!!"

The leader of the Eastern Island shouted loudly. He immediately covered his hands with his Qi and covered his ears.

Others followed suit.

However, the sound is full of terrible Qi, which is very penetrating. Even if you cover your ears, it is difficult to completely cover the sound.


A Shendao expert could not bear the terrible roar. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell heavily to the ground. He did not know his life or death, and his seven orifices slowly bled.

The rest of the people were no better. They felt as if their heads were going to explode.

But Lin Yang didn't feel anything. He put his hand down slightly. He felt that the sound didn't seem to have any effect on him.


The West Island freak roared again.

Then, a vast general trend fell from the sky and was suppressed by the people.

The leader of the Eastern Island shouted, jumped into the air, and shot at the falling situation with one hand.


His palm hit the general trend hard, and the palm overflowed and spread a general trend to compete with it.

"Into the island!"

Que Qiu saw this and shouted loudly.

The people rushed into the West Island immediately, hurried up the eaves and walls, rushed to the top of the mountain, and killed the strange man.

The strange man was so enraged that his dark hands buckled on the ground that he grabbed a rock the size of a hill and threw it at the people.

Lei Fu drew a long sword from his waist and split several swords across the air.


The stones broke on the spot.

But the next second, these broken stones were suddenly wrapped by a terrible force, and the speed of falling suddenly accelerated and rushed down like bullets.

"No! Get out of the way!"

Que Qiu was shocked and tried to shout.

Everyone dodged.

But there were two people who had no time to avoid. They were directly pierced by the gravel hole, fell off the cliff and died straight away.


The people of Shendao all had blood red eyes and were furious. They all rushed to the top of the mountain and besieged the strange man.

Seeing this, Lin Yang also wanted to help.

But que Qiu grabbed him at this time.

"Marshal Lin! The relics of our ancestors are behind the island! Please go and get them quickly. If you get the relics of our ancestors, it will be done!" Que Qiu said seriously.

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