Qiu Ji was so angry that she took out the sword from her waist and pointed at the disciple and shouted: "are you afraid of their guns, so you are not afraid of the Qiushui sword in my hand?"

"Master Ling, this......"

"Go ahead!!"

Qiu Ji roared, with a determined attitude.

As soon as they saw the death order, they had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Zhou Xuanlong's eyes tightened, and he immediately drank again: "please stop immediately and stand by! If we move forward rashly, we can only fire!"

But Qiu Ji stood by her, and Zhou Xuanlong's warning had no effect at all.

"Ready!" Zhou Xuanlong growled.

All the soldiers of the Dragon Xuan army immediately loaded their bullets and waited for a 'fire'.

The disciples of Lingxin mausoleum showed fear and fear on their faces. Looking at the dark guns of Zhou Xuanlong, people's heads trembled and their pace slowed down a lot.

"What are you afraid of? Let's go! We're here just to eliminate Yanghua. Don't worry about anything else! I can bring you back safely, and I can take you back safely!"

Qiu Ji drank heavily, as if she had vowed.

But everyone knows that this is just good words.

Zhouxuanlong frowned.

He clearly saw the fear and panic on these faces, but they still refused to stop.

Zhouxuanlong immediately realized that these people were forced to come here. I'm afraid they didn't want to attack Jiangcheng.

Thinking of this, zhouxuanlong immediately shouted: "if any of you are willing to obey our arrangement, you can put down your weapons and hold your hands high. We will ensure your safety!"

As soon as the disciples of Lingxin mausoleum heard this, they all breathed hard and thought to themselves.

"You'd better not have any crooked thoughts. The people in front of you are not the officials of the Dragon Kingdom, but the people of Yanghua. You surrender to him, and what awaits you is only a dead end."

Qiuji's eyes were cold and she cried out coldly.

"Mausoleum Lord! It seems that they are members of the Dragon Xuan army in Jiangcheng. When did they become Yanghua people?" The old man was slightly shocked and asked with wide eyes.

A group of potential clans are not hidden clans. How can they not know the uniforms of Zhou Xuanlong and others?

This is no joke.

"What? Is Mr. Jia always questioning my judgment?" Qiuji asked coldly.

"This... Jia Zhi dare not..."

The old man bowed his head, but thought of something, and hugged his fist again: "Jia Zhi understands that the Lord of the mausoleum is eager to save his father, but hopes that the Lord of the mausoleum can abide by his heart and keep his mind. What is the identity of those people in front of him? Jia Zhi understands that the Lord of the mausoleum should understand that if we attack them, the Lingxin mausoleum will be completely finished. Please think twice..."

What the old man said was true.

He knew that Qiu Ji said that Zhou Xuanlong and others were Yang Chinese, but it was just a lie to others and herself. She did not dare to disobey the evil way of heaven, or she would die if she became rich for thousands of years.

But at this time, Qiu Ji didn't care. She directly held up her long sword: "rush for me. If there are obstacles, kill them without mercy!!"

"Tomb master!!"

The old man's face changed greatly and he shouted hurriedly.

"Shut up!"

Qiuji had lost her patience and slapped the old man directly.


The old man flew out on the spot, fell heavily to the ground and vomited blood. Nearby disciples hurried to help him up.

"Jia Zhi! If you dare to disturb my mind again, I will kill you!"

Qiu Ji was so murderous that she turned her head and shouted, "listen, if anyone doesn't kill again, he will disobey my order. I will kill him!"

"Kill me!!"

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