"What? Is there such a thing?"

The dead dragon sky in the rear received the news. His eyes were cold, and his eyes wavered with determination: "in that case, use some extreme means!"

"Lord Mojun means..."

"They are not willing to betray the Dragon kingdom because they have a desire to serve the country. In that case, wipe out their hearts and see if they will surrender!"

The dead dragon Tianchen said, "take that thing out and distribute it to the leaders of all potential families so that they can use it immediately!"


The demon man immediately hugged his fist and turned away.

"Husband, is this too determined?"

A slim woman with short hair rode forward and said in a low voice.

Her name is luotanhua. She is the newly selected Witch of the dead dragon heaven. Luotanhua's accomplishments are not high, but her wisdom is outstanding and her talent is extraordinary. However, she is not her talent but her physique in the dead dragon heaven.

Since he was injured by Lin Yang last time, dead long Tian has fallen into the root of the disease. The root of the disease has not been eliminated, and his accomplishments have increased slowly. Therefore, he plans to use his special constitution to cultivate and eliminate the root of the disease.

The Epiphyllum Epiphyllum has a very rare body constitution of burying flowers. It can bury impurities in the body and bury everything. But the Epiphyllum Epiphyllum has not opened. At present, dead dragon Tian can only wait and cannot have skin contact with her.

"No? What do you mean?"

Dead dragon sky swept his eyes and asked calmly.

"If they use that thing, their minds will be eroded, and they will all become walking corpses. There is no human emotion, and they will be reduced to killing machines. If this matter comes out, I am afraid no one will be willing to submit to our heavenly demons! Even if they capture their close relatives, they will not give in! This is breaking my way back and blocking the world's help! It can be said that they are killing the goose to lay the egg." Falling Epiphyllum willow eyebrow light Cu, whispered.

"Falling Epiphyllum, you are too soft hearted! What our heavenly demon Taoism advocates is absolute force and means. We don't care about what you said. Are there any people who don't submit to absolute power?"

Dead dragon Tian smiled faintly, and seemed not to care.

Falling Epiphyllum hesitated and did not say anything.

Soon, more than a dozen potential clan leaders, including Qiu Ji, were given something by the demon man.

That's a packet of powder.

The use method is very simple. Open the package, cover your nose and blow away the dust.

The devil didn't explain what the dust was for. He only said that it could help them conquer the river city and destroy Yanghua. At the same time, he promised them that once Yanghua was destroyed, their relatives would return to them unharmed.

Although these leaders guessed that these things must be strange, they have already reached this point. How can they turn back?

As a result, many of them took apart the powder bags and blew with their noses.

Some people are not in a hurry to move, but look at other people, and want to quietly know what the use of this powder bag is.

"Lord Ling, there must be something strange about this item. You can't disassemble it. Throw it away quickly. Let's go to head Zhou Jun!"

Jia Zhi was helped to come and shouted hard.

But how can Qiuji answer? Directly hold your nose to open the powder bag, and then blow it.


The dark dust flew up at once.

But they did not flutter with the wind, but, like living creatures, they all drilled into the noses of the people around the Lingxin mausoleum.

In an instant, all the disciples of lingxinling who had been bitten by the dust suddenly twitched, and then fell down to the ground, unable to move.


Qiu Ji was stunned and stunned.

What the hell happened?

Why did everyone fall?

Qiu Ji looked around and found that people of other clans were the same.

All the people were lying on the ground except the leaders who held their noses were still standing.

However, before long, those lying on the ground suddenly began to tremble wildly one by one. Then their eyes turned white and trembled to get up from the ground like walking dead.

Even Jia Zhi couldn't escape.

He was convulsed all over, his eyes rolled, his mouth overflowed, and his limbs shook like epilepsy.

Qiu Ji's eyes widened, and her eyes were obviously filled with fear.

She could feel that these people were not dead yet, but their appearance at the moment was almost thrilling.

"Jia Zhi! Are you ok?"

Qiuji bravely asked in a deep voice.

Jia Zhi looked at him with difficulty. His mouth was wide open. It took a long time for him to slowly utter a few hazy voices.

"Come on... Go... Go..."


Qiu Ji was stunned.

But at this time, all the people lying on the ground around stood up, but they seemed to have completely lost their reason, and all rushed towards Qiu Ji in a crazy way.

Qiu Ji was so shocked that she immediately abandoned her horse and retreated.

The white horse under her crotch was torn to pieces on the spot

Losing the goal of Qiu Ji, all the crazy disciples turned around and rushed towards the nearest Zhou Xuanlong army.

They were desperate and fearless. They even stumbled when running, and some fell down.

It seems that they can no longer control themselves.

"What the hell is going on?"

"What happened to these people...?"

The soldiers of the Dragon Xuan regiment stared and said tremblingly.

They are also human beings. How can they not be afraid?

Such a change is beyond everyone's imagination.

"Fire!! fire!!"

Zhou Xuanlong roared.

The crowd pulled the trigger in a hurry.

The bullets poured out again.

But when they hit these people, they didn't respond at all. They didn't seem to know the pain. They just kept rushing forward until they completely lost their ability to move.

"It's like a zombie!"

A soldier of the Dragon Xuan army trembled.

Those clan leaders who have not used powder bags have been completely frightened by this scene.

"This must be the method of the devil. He wants us to use this thing to make our people become a walking corpse killing machine! Headmaster! Please discard this thing quickly and go!"

"OK! Move! Move!"

After all, the leaders of those clans still had a conscience. They couldn't bear to see the people of the clans become like this. They immediately threw away their powder bags and ran away.

"Go? Kill me!"

Seeing this, the powerful people of Tianmo Taoism who were staring here immediately rushed to the front and slaughtered the people of this sect.


The rest were stunned.

"Listen, you have only one way. Either kill me in Jiangcheng or die here! You choose!"

Dead dragon day rode slowly over on his horse and said coldly.

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