
Dead dragon Tian laughed, and his face was full of joy: "go! Go into Jiangcheng! Go into Jiangcheng!"

He growled.

The demon army poured out like a tide.

There are dark figures outside the river city.

Zhouxuanlong, Zhang Qi, Chu Qiu and others can only fight to the death.

The situation became deadlocked.

At the same time, it is on a national road hundreds of miles away from Jiangcheng.


A young mother ran away screaming with a child in her arms.

Behind them, two demons followed with bloody butchers.

"Don't run away, you can't run away!" A slightly fat demon man laughed with excitement in his eyes.

"Sand devil! How about the woman for me and the child for you?"

Another thin devil squinted.

"Go away! The woman belongs to me and the child belongs to you!"

"Brother! My realm is about to break through. I need a woman to make my meat tripod! Can't you let me? Look at that child. How delicate the skin and flesh is. Don't you like it?"

"Stop chattering here and catch people first! The army is estimated to have arrived in Jiangcheng. If Lord Mojun knows about our sneaking out, you and I will be cut to pieces!"

"OK, let's get rid of it first!"

The demon man laughed, then suddenly jumped to the woman.


The woman screamed and fell to the ground with the child in her arms. When she got up, the two demons surrounded her, and their faces were full of ferocious smiles.

"No... don't kill me, two brothers. Let me go, let my children go!"

The woman hugged the child in her arms and cried tremblingly.

The child seemed to be frightened and wailed in the woman's arms.

But the two demons ignored them, and one of them caught the child.

"My child! My child!"

The woman went crazy to grab it, but the next second, her arm was seized by another demon and dragged it forcibly.

"Let go of me! Let go of me! Give me my child back!"

The woman is breaking down and struggling.

But her strength could not be the opponent of the two demons.

"Hahaha, where shall we enjoy it?"

The fat devil laughed ferociously, especially excited.

"What? Do you want to choose a place of blessing? Just enjoy it here. Finish it early and go after the troops early!"


The fat devil nodded, thought of something, and said: "shit, the woman left it to me!"

"Oh, yes, yes, here you are. Here you are!"

The thin devil was too lazy to argue again and pushed the woman over.

The fat devil grabbed the woman with one hand and threw the child to the thin devil with the other.

As soon as the thin devil took his hands, he would open his mouth and bite the child.


The woman screamed bitterly.

But to no avail.

At this critical juncture.


A cold voice sounded.

The fat and thin demons were all stunned and looked back at the sound source.

But a figure appeared behind them.

The man had long white hair and a cold look. He was wearing a black suit, and his breath was almost imperceptible.

"Yo? Here comes a man who is not afraid of death?"

"The desert, this man is for you to enjoy!"

"Ha ha, OK!"

The two demons laughed.

But slowly, their smiles became rigid.

I saw the sky behind the man, and a large number of air beams rushed, and directly landed behind the man.

Joo! Joo! Joo! Tweet

There are thousands of these figures.

The breath of every shadow is so terrible!

The two demons petrified on the spot.

"You... Who are you?"

The fat devil trembled and lost his voice.

"My name is Linyang! I am the fourth dragon handsome in the Dragon kingdom!"

Linyang stepped forward and stared at the two demons coldly.

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