"Zhang Qi?"

Chu Qiu covered her broken arm and shouted, but she couldn't help her.

He is now a mud Bodhisattva crossing the river. He can't protect himself. How can he save Zhang Qi?

"The Epiphyllum Epiphyllum, what you said is really good! These two people have no strength to compete with me. It's really easy to kill them!"

Dead dragon Tian walked towards them with his magic sword, and his face was filled with a strong smile.

"Lord devil, these people have been delaying us for too long. Don't hesitate. Kill these people quickly and invade the river city. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be changes if they are late!" Falling Epiphyllum calls.


Dead dragon Tian nodded, no longer hesitated, took a little step, rushed to the two men, tore the void in his magic sword, and cleaved to the nearest Zhang Qi.

"Zhang Qi, get away!"

Chu Qiu screamed and ran to kill him.

Zhang Qi is struggling to climb forward.

But his legs were broken. How far could he climb by climbing like this?


The fierce demon sword was like a fierce beast's tusk, which directly tore his flesh.

Zhang Qi's body split on the spot, turned into several pieces, fell to the ground, and his blood broke to pieces.

Chu Qiu stopped and looked at the scene with disbelief.

"I heard that ji'mie area is a place where there are many doctors. So killing people doesn't destroy corpses. It's the same as not killing them in your place! Right?"

Dead dragon Tian narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Chu Qiu breathed hard, and seemed to be aware of something. He rushed to Zhang Qi again, intending to take back his body.

But He was a step behind in the end.


A magic fire spewed out of the palm of the dead dragon sky and instantly covered Zhang Qi's shattered body.

All of a sudden, Zhang Qi's body was burned into coke, and his flesh and bones turned into ashes. He died completely without a whole body

This time, even if there is all-round medical skill, it will never be saved.

Chu Qiu looked at it in a daze, and a surge of resentment appeared in her mind.

But he was not affected by the anger.

He knew that there was little chance that he would win if he tried to kill long Tian. Strictly speaking, his strength would not differ much from that of dead long Tian. Zhang Qi helped him and was able to suppress him. Now he has broken his arm and his strength has been consumed by the other party. If he fights with him, he will be defeated.

Chu Qiu immediately retreats and wants to leave here.

Can the dead dragon heaven let him go?

"Want to go? You'd better leave your life!"

The dead dragon smiled coldly. His magic sword, like a poisonous snake, spit out a message and stabbed Chu Qiu's face.

Chu Qiu's breath trembled and she raised her hand to explore.


A strange halo burst out of his palm.

The halo was like a shield, blocking the attacking magic sword.

The sword tip of the magic sword stabbed on the halo, and the sword tip trembled slightly, as if it could break through the halo at any time.

Chu Qiu clenched her teeth and urged her whole body to stop.

But at this time, his whole body was full of demons. What's the use of stopping the attack of the dead dragon?



After a while, two terrible knives hit Chu Qiu's waist and shoulder.


Chu Qiutong screamed and let go of the halo that blocked the magic sword. The magic sword immediately broke the halo and directly pierced his arm.

The severe pain was almost unbearable to him.


Dead dragon Tian narrowed his eyes and the magic sword trembled.


Chu Qiu's other arm was broken by the blade.

He retreated again and again, his arms were cut off, and he had no means to counterattack

"Hold him down!"

Dead dragon heaven light path.

The demons on both sides immediately clasped Chu Qiu's shoulders and pressed him to the ground.

Chu Qiu was seriously injured and could not resist. Although she struggled with all her strength, she was still pressed to the ground and could not get up.

"Yanghua mole ants, look here!"

The dead dragon shouted loudly.

Zhouxuanlong and others, who were still commanding the soldiers' bloody battle in the distance, immediately looked at this head.

When seeing Chu Qiu, whose arms were all broken and covered in blood, everyone was shocked.

"Lord Chu!!"

"Young villa leader!!"

There was a constant moan.

People rushed here like crazy.

But for a while, they could not get close to Chu Qiu, let alone rescue.

"A group of mole ants, do you dare to fight against our Tianmo Dao? Now, I'll show you what will happen if you fight against our Tianmo Dao!"

Dead dragon Tian was ferocious and smiled. He held up his magic sword at random, so he wanted to behead Chu Qiu and put him to death in front of everyone!

The world opened its eyes wide.

Especially those who went out of the quiet area with Chu Qiu and Zhang Qi and went to the river city to help Lin Yang, all stared blankly.

No one could believe that Chu Qiu would end up like this outside the country.

This is extraterritorial.

They have always looked down upon it.

However, the young villa leader of Lianyun Xiao mountain manor will die.

Their hearts are not only full of anger, but also full of fear!


Chu Qiu was furious and roared madly, trying to break free from the bondage around him.

But the magic sword has fallen mercilessly at this time.

Chu Qiu's eyes widened and her brain went blank.

Am I dying?

I didn't expect Chu Qiu would die in such a place

Chu Qiu's heart was so unwilling that her heart was full of outrage.

But no matter how sad and angry he was, he could not change the status quo. He could only wait silently for the arrival of death.

At this critical juncture.


A vast general trend suddenly fell from the sky and directly suppressed here.

"Doctor Lin!"

Dead dragon Tian realized what the hegemonic power was in an instant and roared, but the blade kept cutting at Chu Qiu's neck.

Lin Yang fell from the sky, but he had no time to stop the fall of the magic sword.

The dead dragon laughed wildly.

It's the most enjoyable thing for Lin Yang to kill his people in front of him!

But when the magic sword just struck Chu Qiu's neck.


A clear sound came out.

Then he saw that the magic sword hit his strength heavily, but it was difficult to split it.


The dead dragon trembled and stared.

I found a silver needle on Chu Qiu's neck!

This silver needle strengthened Chu Qiu's body, making his body harder than diamond.

Dead dragon Tian's face was ugly. He was about to raise his sword and cut again.

Bang bang!

Two waves of irritable energy fell and directly hit Chu Qiu's two demons who pressed his shoulders.

The two demons died in a blood fog.

The dead dragon's breath is slightly tight.


A figure fell from the sky and fell in front of Chu Qiu.

"Doctor Lin!"

Dead dragon sky is hoarse and roaring!

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