Linyang went alone, carrying a rag wrapped thing in his hand. He didn't know what it was.

"It's Doctor Lin!"

An Xuan squinted and looked behind him.

There was no one behind Lin Yang.

There is no doubt that he went here alone.

"Now, it's up to him to choose!"

An Xuan whispered.

Lin Yang came to the entrance of Tianmo road alone.

At this moment, all the mechanisms outside the entrance are open, the ground is full of barbs, and various strange devices are densely distributed on both sides of the road.

At a glance, such a mechanism went deep into the end.

At the end, there was a dark place, and countless demons were ready.

Lin Yang is only one person. Even if he has the ability to connect with heaven, I'm afraid he can't pass through here.

Sure enough.

Linyang looked at the avenue for a while, then suddenly turned around and walked towards the stone forest.

Seeing this, an Xuan was immediately overjoyed.

He believed that with Lin Yang's ability, he would send eyeliner to Tianmo Dao. Lin Yang must also know this path.

"Master an Xuan, get ready quickly!"

The well at the back is Yanhe sinking channel.

"Don't worry, well hall leader, we are ready for everything. As soon as he comes in, he will die!"

An Xuan smiled.

Falling Epiphyllum's vision fell on the parcel in Lin Yang's hand, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

What is that?

Why is there blood on the rags?

"Falling Epiphyllum, ready to open the mechanism, Linyang is coming!"

An Xuan whispered.

"Yes, my Lord!"

Epiphyllum leaves.

An Xuan stared at Lin Yang and watched him step by step.

At the moment, every step of Lin Yang seemed to step on an Xuan's heart, which made him particularly nervous and excited.



Linyang stepped in the middle of the trap and triggered a mechanism buried there.



A circle of golden air cover shrouded Linyang in an instant.


Lin Yang's eyebrows moved and he looked around indifferently.

He was surrounded by barriers, like a huge cage, which completely surrounded him.

Lin Yang didn't have any waves.

However, an Xuan couldn't sit still. He rushed out of the dark and shouted: "open all the mechanisms!!"

In an instant, the ground around Linyang vibrated, but the earth cracked, and terrible Dharma arrays rose, and all the mechanisms hidden in the boulders around appeared.

In an instant, all kinds of swords and blades rushed towards Linyang like a torrent.

The enchantment was immediately destroyed.

Linyang was directly submerged in endless attacks and kills, and soon disappeared.

"Great! Great!!"

An Xuan was overjoyed.

This lasted for 5 minutes, but it didn't stop. They continued to order the people to launch mechanism attacks.

It lasted for ten minutes until the pills in the mechanism were empty.

The earth over there has been ploughed over and over again, and the huge stones have all been reduced to fragments the size of fingernails. The ground has been cut off for three meters. The sky is covered with dust and the sun is covered with clouds. It is horrible.

An Xuan was very excited.

If Lin Yang can be destroyed here, he will be the first hero of the demon road!

He hurried forward to make sure that Lin Yang in the trap was dead.

But at this time, falling Epiphyllum caught him.

"Lord an Xuan, don't come near! Doctor Lin is strong in body and may not die!"

Falling Epiphyllum eagerly shouted.

"What did you say?"

An Xuan was stunned.

Looking into the smoke.

But the smoke was falling, and a figure slowly appeared in his sight.

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