"Attack the enchantment quickly and welcome Marshal Lin out quickly!"

The leader of the Eastern Island roared and dared not hesitate. He led people to attack the border area desperately.

However, their attacks did not help at all.

How terrifying is the enchantment that the Taoist priest personally gave us? Even though their strength is extraordinary, they can not be completely penetrated.

Lin Yang stared at these dark air bundles wrapped around him, and then made a sudden effort to break them.

But just after the strength was used, the air burst and then quickly gathered and tied to him again.


The eastern Islander was astonished.

This method is so strange.

"Ha ha ha, Doctor Lin! You don't understand the power of our Taoist Lord! He has become a real devil and has transcended mortals! How can you compete with him as a mortal?"

An Xuan below laughed, his face full of arrogance and complacency.

But Lin Yang was not impatient. He stared at the white bone devil hall below with a pale face, and then raised his hand.


A powerful shock burst from his palm and spread throughout his body like lightning, instantly tearing the air beam that enveloped his body.

And this force will not collapse, and then cover the debris.

Just crush the power to nothingness, and then stop.

"Soaring power!!"

The Taoist priest's cold voice spread.

"Isn't your breath beam also released based on the power of flying?"

Linyang light road.

The Taoist priest did not speak.

But he could feel that Lin Yang's soaring power was much purer than him.

"Annihilation domain and his party seem to make you gain a lot. Good, good!"

The Taoist priest said hoarsely and drank again.


Two horrible evil hands sprang out of the white bone devil hall and beat Lin Yang like an avalanche.

Lin Yang waved his backhand.

to be sonorous!

A soaring force stood out from his arm, turned into a golden half moon, and cut to a big hand.

The five fingers of the big hand were cut off directly.

However, the next second, the other hand was already heavily patted on his back.


Lin Yang's body was like a shot, and fell straight on the skeleton mountain.

The whole mountain shook immediately, and many of the mountains cracked.


A terrible roar came out of the mountain.

Then a huge shadow suddenly appeared in the split mountain.

The evil shadow stood up with Lin Yang in his mouth. At the same time, he tried to bite Lin Yang Sheng in half with his vaporized teeth.

"What is this?"

"Strange... Monster? How terrible..."

"Is there such a creature in the heavenly demon way?"

All the people on the Dongfang Shendao outside were scared by the 100 meter demon from the mountain. They were all scared and their scalp was numb.

"This is a monster transformed by evil spirit!"

The leader of the eastern island looked cold and said in a low voice: "this magic mountain is the lair of the Taoist master's cultivation. It has a strong magic gas. These magic gases surround the magic mountain all the year round. Over time, they will agglomerate. As long as someone takes advantage of them, they will produce such monsters! I think this is the master's masterpiece!"

"Is Lin Shuai all right?"

A man trembled.

The owner of the eastern island said nothing.

He is not sure now.

The leader of Dongfang Island admires Lin Yang's strength, but he is not easy to provoke.

This battle was a fight between immortals.


At this time, the evil spirit of the demon seemed to flow into its mouth, as if it was strengthening its bite force.

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