
The heavenly demon Taoist priest roared, struggled like crazy, and retreated back.

However, Lin Yang has been fighting for his life, and the two supreme bones and hands refuse to leave his body.


Finally, the Demon Lord had no choice but to explode his chest.

A large piece of flesh and blood was blown open at the chest.

All the internal organs were damaged. People vomited blood at the mouth and tried to pull back.

When he stood still, the whole man was in a mess, looking miserable, and his standing posture was very staggering.

The world stared at the huge reversal.

"What happened?"

"I don't know..."

"What did Doctor Lin do?"

No one can understand the situation.

But when he saw that Lin Yang had put away the supreme bone hand, he quickly stabbed him with several needles, swallowed several pills, and then sat down with his knees crossed and closed his eyes.

The God demon Taoist priest over there was furious and wanted to attack, but now his chest was almost rotten and his blood was gurgling down, which was very terrible.

If he is not treated in time, his condition will be very bad.

The Taoist priest was forced to sit down and recover his strength.

So, on the broken earth, they sat together.

The atmosphere is so strange.

People were wide eyed and at a loss what to do.

At this time, the demon Taoist priest suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "all the demons listen to the order! I want you to kill the river city Doctor Lin at all costs! Abandon all the enemies in front of you and kill the Doctor Lin! Kill the Doctor Lin! Kill the Doctor Lin! Kill the Doctor Lin!"

This sound directly spread through the whole demon road.

Countless demon people raised their heads and looked at the sound source. The sound seemed magical, making their eyes more blood red and the whole person more crazy.

Almost in an instant, nearly 100000 demon people rushed here madly.

Their goal is only one, that is still sitting Linyang!

"No! Guard Doctor Lin quickly!!"

The East Island leader roared.

"Quickly join forces with the powerful Yanghua and the official troops of the Dragon kingdom to guard Doctor Lin!!"

"Come on!"

Almost everyone reacted and rushed to Linyang.

Even a dozen potential people who accompanied Lin Yang to attack Tianmo Dao rushed over.

They knew that the war could not be defeated.

Once the Tianmo Tao cannot be pressed to death, it will be liquidated one by one when the Tianmo Tao is out of breath, and these potential families will have no other results except being destroyed.

As a result, the two sides broke out a shocking war on the plain.

Although the demons are crazy, they are also fighting for their lives.

Everyone has a reason not to lose!

Everyone is fighting to the death.

The situation seems to be deadlocked.

"Burn the sky with my blood, break the thick earth with my soul, tear up the stars with my claws, and run through the sun and the moon with my will..."

At this time, the demon Taoist priest who was sitting with his eyes closed suddenly began to whisper.

The voice is not loud, but it seems to be ringing in everyone's ears. Everyone listens to it really.

"This is..."

Someone realized that it was wrong.

"No, the Demon Lord is strengthening these demons!"

"Be careful, everyone!"

A cry of sadness rang out.


After this pithy formula appeared, all the demon people's eyes overflowed with blood and tears, and their skin became red.

Then all the demons went crazy.

They lost their reason, gave up their lives one by one, no longer defended, and only rushed to Linyang.

Under this kind of attack like a zombie, the people of the alliance could not resist, and were eroded by the people of Tianmo Dao.

The most peripheral heavenly demon Taoist priest is less than 100 meters away from Linyang.

"Star River in the same boat!"

At this time, the leader of the Eastern Island shouted loudly, jumped into a small boat like the gathering of stars, and rushed to the front of the demon army alone.

"The stars shine on me!"

The leader of the Eastern Island drank again. The boat of stars suddenly exploded under his feet, turning into countless streamers and splashing around. I don't know what terrible power these stars carry. If they hit a demon, they will be shattered.

In the blink of an eye, he cleared a large area of demon people.

"Structure defense!! guard the miracle Doctor Lin!"

The Oriental Island leader drank loudly and then played a huge Qi barrier.


The people behind recovered and rushed forward to inject breath into the barrier.

With the barrier as the boundary, the two sides are temporarily separated.

Although this is a temporary barrier, with the concerted efforts of all the people, the barrier is quite firm and energetic. No matter how crazy the demon man is, he can't break it for a while.

All the people clenched their teeth and tried to hold on.

At this time.

Pooh! Pooh! Pooh

There was a sudden chaos behind the demon man.

"Island Master! Look!"

Someone exclaimed.

The eastern Islander is anxious.

But I saw a group of powerful martial artists coming here.

The demons along the way could not stop them! The demon army was killed by them.

"The strong have come to help us!"

"That's great! Another strong man is coming. Today must be the end of Tianmo Dao!"

Everyone was ecstatic.

"Open the barrier quickly! Let me wait!"

When the team approached, they immediately shouted to the East Island leader.

The island leader shouted: "open the barrier and welcome them in!"


People stopped together.

"No!! they are dead people!"

Just then, Yi Qilin in Yanghua suddenly screamed.

"Dead man?"

Many people trembled.

The Oriental Island leader was stunned.

He didn't know what kind of power the people in the dead area were, and he hadn't seen this group of people.

But he didn't dare to hesitate and hurriedly urged his breath to re solidify the barrier.

However, it was too late!

The strong men in the dead area seemed to have been prepared. At this moment, they all burst over, broke through the barrier in an instant, and killed Linyang like a meteor!


Everyone was stunned.

"People of the dead area! You are so bold! You dare to murder Marshal Lin! Do you want to betray the country?"

"Kill! Kill!"

"People of the dead area, you really deserve to die!"

Countless people were angry and roared towards the other side.

The people around Lin Yang quickly resisted, but they couldn't resist the sudden attack of a group of dead domain experts. All of them were wiped out.

Da Yuanchang directly drew out the sharp sword from his waist and slashed Lin Yang's neck.

This sword, he used all his strength!

The body of the sword is shining brilliantly. It is unparalleled sharp enough to open the sky and tear up the earth and tear up the stars!

Countless pairs of eyes looked to this side, staring at this terrible sword.

This will be a sword to rewrite history!

This will affect the fate of the Dragon kingdom!

But the moment the sword struck.


Two fingers suddenly stretched out and clamped the sword body accurately.

For a moment, the sharp sword stopped three inches away from Lin Yang's neck and could not advance any more.


Dayuanchang breathed and looked up abruptly.

But Lin Yang, who was sitting in a cross seat, slowly opened his eyes

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