The heavenly demon Taoist priest stared at Lin Yang, and his heart was full of anger besides fear.

He did not know what means Lin Yang had used, but he knew that this man must die!

"No one can defeat me! No one can challenge my authority!! kill! Kill! Kill! I will make you die without a burial place!"

The Taoist priest roared and rushed to Linyang again.

However, Lin Yang has robbed him of some accomplishments, and his speed and responsiveness are not as good as before.

Lin Yang, on the other hand, suddenly moved and disappeared.

This speed is almost the same as the previous offensive of Tianmo Taoist priest!

The Lord of the heavenly demon road was trembling and hurried to stop his defense.

But just as he was about to take a defensive stance, an iron fist stretched out from the nearby void and hit the Lord of the devil road heavily.


The Lord of the heavenly devil vomited a big mouthful of dark blood, and the whole man flew backward and crashed into the incoming army of demons. Sheng Sheng smashed more than a dozen demons and fell to the ground, breaking the earthquake.

The world was shocked.

Dayuan, who had fled to the distance, looked back and was scared out of his wits.

"His strength... Seems to have increased countless!"

"Is it difficult... Has he made a breakthrough?"

Several yuan chiefs were in panic.

"Dr. Dayuan, Doctor Lin is so terrible. I'm afraid the devil Lord was defeated that day. If he defeated the devil Lord, what's the use of us now even if we run away? He will kill the dead area and settle accounts with us someday. That's the end of us!"

Three Yuan Long said eagerly, his face full of panic.

Dayuan Chang gasped violently with his pale face.

He dared to look over there again, but he saw that Lin Yang rushed to the side of Tianmo Taoist priest again and bombarded him crazily.

The Demon Lord had no room to fight back.

The previous situation has now been completely reversed.

Dayuan looked tight and said nothing.

I don't know how long it took before he said hoarsely, "go back first!"

"Da Yuan Chang..."

"Go back! I will make my own decision when I go back!"

Dayuan sank into the path and immediately ran out of the heaven devil path.

People have no choice but to follow it.

On the battlefield, the Lord of the heavenly demon road had been beaten by Lin Yang, bleeding from his seven orifices, spitting blood in his mouth, and half of his barbed teeth had been knocked out.

He doesn't have the supreme bone, and his physical strength is far beyond Lin Yang's.

At the moment, Lin Yang robbed him of more than 30% of his accomplishments, and the strength of his fists was terrible.

If he goes on like this, he will be killed alive.

"Stop him! Stop him!"

The Lord of the heavenly demon road can only drill into the demon crowd and roar while drilling.

He is now blue with regret.

If he knew that Lin Yang had such means, how could he care about Lin Yang's viscera and flesh? We should decisively kill them!

But there is no regret medicine in this world.

The heavenly demon Taoist priest was shocked when he saw that the Taoist leader was being chased so badly, but they couldn't react for a while. Hearing that the Taoist leader asked them to intercept Lin Yang, they rushed to stop him.

However, Lin Yang was like a God. Although the demons and Taoists were as dense as a flood, he was also fearless. He ran into and killed all the living people. All the way was unimpeded. He went straight after the Taoist leader, leaving only a river of blood and corpses.

The Taoist priest ran frantically to the southwest.

He was so fast that he refused to stop.

Linyang realized that the Taoist priest must have a purpose. In order to avoid extraneous problems, he jumped to the limit, and immediately narrowed the distance with the Taoist priest.


With Lin Yang's loud drink, the general trend of terror fell from the sky and roared to the Taoist priest.

The Taoist leader was caught off guard, and the whole person was suppressed by the general trend. He immediately fell to the ground and was in a mess.

Linyang saw this and pointed at it.


The Hongmeng dragon needle turned into dozens of golden lights, which gathered together toward his arm.

When the Dragon stabbed into the flesh and bones, Linyang's arm burst into colorful light.

He locked the Taoist master's body and jumped, landing like a meteorite and blasting his body.

This blow will surely destroy the Lord!

But at this critical juncture.

"Vertical son! How dare an kill my demon leader?"

The sound fell to the ground, and several dark evil spirits swung from the front and directly hit Linyang.

Lin Yang's eyes were cold, and he immediately twisted his arms and blasted at those evil spirits.


The two forces collided at one place, splashing a circle of destruction ripples, killing more than a thousand people in the four directions, flattening countless mountains and cracking the surrounding earth.

Lin Yang swayed slightly, but did not retreat.

But the evil spirit burst away, leaving only a small part of it to retreat.

When the evil spirit stopped, it flared up again.

Linyang stared, but he found several figures in the evil spirit.

"Senior, help me!"

The Taoist priest shouted excitedly and hurried to climb over there.

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