you 're right!

Although the Lord of the heavenly demon sect has been practicing in the white bone magic hall and almost never left the magic hall, it would be different if it were a forbidden area.

No one is allowed to enter this place except the Lord of the demon road and the guards of the eight forbidden areas.

If Lin Yang is the Lord of the devil, he will hide half of his brain here!

Lin Yang didn't dare to hesitate and rushed to the forbidden area immediately.

"Lord Lin!"

Manshahong exclaimed with poor Qi and hurriedly followed.

But before they ran far, they were shocked back by the terrible death in the forbidden area.

The strong deadliness did not allow them to enter at all.

"Man Sha Hong, what should I do?"

Poor Qi's eyes were burning and asked eagerly.

"We can't enter the forbidden area, and we can't help Lord Lin if we want to..."

After killing the red eyes, he seemed to think of something and said, "come with me quickly!"

With that, she immediately ran out.

Poor Qi was stunned, as if he didn't understand what mansha Hong wanted to do, but he still followed.

The fight is still on.

The whole demon road has been reduced to purgatory on earth.

These angry Shi clan people, Yanghua people and the official troops of the Dragon Kingdom did not accept the surrender of Tianmo Dao at all.

After all, they have seen too many inhuman means of the demon Taoist.

They all hate these so-called demon people.

Only the people of Dongfang Shendao didn't feel much. They just followed the instructions of long Guolong Shuai and came here to annihilate the enemy.

As for Lin Yang, after rushing into the forbidden area, he immediately looked around to search for the place where the Demon Lord might hide the corpse.

Only then did he realize that when he entered the forbidden area previously, he didn't see the figure of the Demon Lord.

I'm afraid that at that time, the Demon Lord had realized that he was not Lin Yang's opponent, so he deliberately took half of his brain and left it for rebirth.

Lin Yang was more convinced by what the Lord of heaven demon said before his death.

His eyes were like frost, staring at every tombstone.


A unique tombstone appeared in Lin Yang's line of sight.

The tombstone was completely lifted, and the soil was dug out. It seemed that something had drilled out of it.

Look at the location of the tombstone.

It's not the place where Lin Yang and the Lord of the demon road fight at all!

There was no fighting at all in that place!

It must be here!

Lin Yang's face tightened, and he rushed over immediately, smelling his breath.

Sure enough, there was a rotten smell in the air, which was quite different from the previous forbidden area demon head and the Demon Lord.

He immediately locked the breath and chased it directly.

In this way, Lin Yang directly crossed the whole forbidden area and found that there was a path at the end of the forbidden area.

When Lin Yang ran along this path, he found that he had reached the territory of Tianmo road.

Outside is a lake.

The lake is quiet, and all three sides are the territory of Tianmo Road, except for a village on the opposite side.

Lin Yang's eyes were cold, and he jumped on the lake and came to the village.

However, the village is peaceful and nothing unusual.

Lin Yang's sudden intrusion into the village startled these simple farmers.

"Where did this man come from?"

"I think it's from the lake?"

"From the lake? Isn't that a fairy?"

"My God, has a fairy come to our village?"

"Everyone is coming out to worship the gods!"

For a moment, the whole village was in a commotion.

Every household ran out and went to Linyang.

Lin Yang frowned, but he didn't have time to delay with these people. He immediately asked one person, "fellow villagers, did anyone come here in your village just now?"

"Immortal, few outsiders come to our village!"

The man responded.

Lin Yang immediately thought.

Tianmo road was originally located in a remote area, and the village was also located in the mountains. It had little contact with other places. If someone broke in, they would also notice it at the first time.

If not found Did you guess wrong? Did the Lord of the demon road not go this way?

no way! Go and have a look again!

Lin Yang's eyes were cold, his steps suddenly turned into a beam of light and ran away.

Seeing this, the villagers knelt on the ground and worshipped Lin Yang.

"Living immortal! It's really a living immortal!"

"Immortal, bless our village!"

The cry was overwhelming.

But Lin Yang couldn't hear it.

However, not long after Lin Yang rushed out of the village, two lying down figures suddenly appeared on the road.

Lin Yang fixed his eyes and saw that it was mansha Hong and qiongqi!!

"What happened to you?"

Lin Yang rushed over and gave them silver needles.

Both of them woke up immediately.

"Lord Lin!!"

Mansahong shouted weakly.

"What happened?" Lin Yang drank heavily.

"Lord Lin, everything was as we predicted! The Lord of the demon road did put half of his brain in a flesh and fled from here. We wanted to intercept here, but he injured US..."

Mansha red emergency road.

"How long did he go?"

Lin Yang asked.

"Soon! He wanted to kill us, but he seemed to feel you coming, so he hurried away!"

Poor Qi shouted.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yang dared not hesitate and immediately pursued forward.

Sure enough, he chased forward for a distance, and Lin Yang immediately smelled the rotten smell.

Lin Yang was overjoyed and rushed forward at once, reaching the limit of speed.

Slowly, the rotten smell in the air became stronger and stronger.

It's close!

It's close!

Finally, a dilapidated figure appeared in Lin Yang's line of sight.

It was a completely rotten figure, like a zombie, staggering when running, but the speed was not slow.

"Demon lord, you can't escape!"

Lin Yang's eyes were cold and his speed was extremely fast. He rushed out in an instant, just like a rainbow, and fell directly in front of the Demon Lord.

In an instant, the demon lord stopped and looked in horror

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