The dead people at the scene were also stunned and at a loss.

Looking at Yi Qilin walking towards Fu Nancheng step by step, everyone was tacitly silent.

"What are you doing? Why don't you talk? Help me quickly!"

Fu Nancheng was anxious and shouted hurriedly.

Lin Yang smiled coldly, "Da Yuanchang! Didn't you just say that one person does what one person does! What do you want them to do for you? Don't worry, as long as I cut you thousands of times, I won't investigate the matter of the dead domain, and I, Yang Hua, will cancel it with you! Of course, this has to be agreed by all present!"

Lin Yang glanced at the two yuan long, three yuan long and others, and calmly said, "everyone, do you agree with what I just said! Let the big Yuan Long bear all the responsibilities?"

"I agree!"

Immediately someone shouted without thinking.

Others hesitated and began to speak.

"I agree!"

"Since dayuanchang is willing to sacrifice for the peace of the two families, we should make dayuanchang perfect!"

"Just do as big Yuan said."

The sound is gradually scattered, and more and more.

Two yuan long and three Yuan Long ignore one eye and frown.

They could see that Lin Yang was provoking the relationship between DA Yuanchang and the people, and wanted to thoroughly uncover the tricks of these people.

But they did not know how to deal with it, so they all chose to remain silent.

The grand master flew into a rage.

He never thought that these people would directly agree with Lin Yang's words.

This clearly means that he should carry the blame alone.

"A bunch of bastards!

The eldest yuan simply stopped pretending, pointing to the people and scolding, "do you want me to carry the pot for you and protect you? Don't think! I'll suffer a thousand cuts, and you're safe? Who do you think I am, Fu Nancheng? Don't think!"

People's faces changed at the sound.

"Da Yuanchang, what do you mean by this? Are you not prepared to bear all the consequences?"

Lin Yang snuffed out the cigarette end and asked faintly.

"Lin Shuai! This is not my responsibility alone. Everyone present has the responsibility. They also mean to assassinate you in Tianmo Dao! Otherwise, how can I make such a decision alone?"

Dayuan snorted and threw the pot directly on the people present.

Hearing this, four Yuan Long immediately worried, "Fu Nancheng! What are you talking nonsense about here? It was you who put forward this opinion at the beginning, and it was your decision! Now you can rely on us? How shameless are you?"

"That's right! As a grand master, you have the greatest power except the domain master! We can only listen to you. How can you accuse us now?"

"Too much!"

"You're right!"

People scolded one after another.

Dayuanchang was also unwilling to be outdone and fought with him.

The whole hall was in chaos.

Yi Qilin looked on coldly and couldn't help admiring Lin Yang.

As a result, the dead zone high-level, which was originally united, has fallen apart.

It would be much easier to fight these people now.


At this time, Lin Yang shouted loudly.

The noisy hall immediately quieted down.

"Lin Shuai! I was also misled by them! Please forgive me!"

Da Yuanchang knelt directly on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Yang, crying bitterly.

Others also knelt down.

"It's all da Yuanchang's fault. We just follow orders. Lin Shuai apologizes!"


Everyone shouted, one by one in tears.

They don't have much resistance.

After all, it is not difficult for Lin Yang to kill the Lord of Tianmo Dao, according to the spies placed at Tianmo Dao in the dead field, and some people predict that Lin Yang has arrived at the land God fairyland.

If they reach this level of legend, they simply cannot defeat Lin Yang.

Therefore, begging for mercy has become the only thing everyone can do at present.

"Read your sincere repentance, don't worry, I'll spare your life, but I'll deprive you of all your accomplishments! I intend to abolish all your accomplishments in the dead area, you should have no problem?" Lin Yang said faintly.


Everyone was stunned. Qi Qi looked up and looked at Lin Yang in shock.

"Why? No?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Lin Shuai, if we abolish our martial arts, it is almost equivalent to depriving us of our lives!"

"Without cultivation, how can we stand?"

"Death domain is not a name for nothing?"

"No! Lin Shuai, absolutely not!"

Everyone wailed and kowtowed frantically.

But Lin Yang was determined. He was too lazy to talk to these people anymore, so he had to start.

He directly urged the power of flying. If the dead domain intended to resist, it would not be as simple as abolishing cultivation. He would kill.

But at this critical moment, sanyuanchang suddenly shouted, "Lin Shuai, wait!"

"What else do you want to say?" Lin Yang Shen said.

Sanyuanchang didn't answer Lin Yang's words, but shouted to the people outside the door, "hurry, please bring the young lady quickly, hurry!"

The man outside the door immediately ran down.

Lin Yang frowned.

A moment later, I saw the flame Saint dressed in red enter the hall.

Lin Yang frowned.

"Lin Shuai, miss Qingwu, we have been taking good care of her. Please forgive us for her face!" Ternary long trembling path.

Seeing this, the goddess of divine fire knelt on her knees and kowtowed to Lin Yang.

"Saint, why are you doing this? I don't want to be angry with you! Get up quickly."

Lin Yang was stunned and immediately stepped forward to help him up.

But the goddess of divine fire did not get up, but lowered her eyes and said, "Doctor Lin! The reason why I kneel is that the elders are still kneeling. You may not know that most people here... Are my uncles... How can I not kneel?"

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