Everyone's brains are buzzing and blank at the moment.

Including Su Yan.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at Lin Yang in shock. The contract in her hand slipped from her fingers and splashed all over the floor.

Su Guang and Zhang Qingyu are also unbelievable.

As for old lady Su, she had been sitting on the chair as if she had lost her soul.

"Lin... Lin Yang, how can you..." Su's lips trembled.

"No! You must not divorce! You have to sign these contracts, you have to sign them! " Su Meixin almost screamed.

Subei is no longer arrogant at the moment, and quickly got up to squeeze out a smile: "Linyang, don't be impulsive. Think about it carefully. This is a marriage event. How many times can a person get married in a lifetime? It's not easy for two people to be together. Don't be impulsive

"That's right, Lin Yang. Don't be impulsive."

"It's a big deal."

"Don't be so hasty!"

Liu Yan and others hastily agreed.

Attitude is 180 degree turn!

Lin Yang's face showed a mockery: "didn't you put the divorce agreement here and asked me to sign it? Why are you trying to persuade me now? You are the one who told me to leave, and you are the one who advised me to leave. What do you mean? "


the Su family was in great distress.


The sound of the stick clubbed on the ground.

I saw the old lady with a gloomy face and her old eyes staring at Lin Yang coldly. She snorted out of her nose.

"Good! Good! Good! Lin Yang, good! Are you hard on your wings? If you really have the ability, then sign! Sign the agreement now! Don't scare people! I don't believe you're so bold, you useless coward! You are nothing without my su family! "

The old lady didn't believe that Lin Yang had such courage!

She looked at Lin Yang, waiting for his next move.


without hesitation, Lin Yang directly picked up the pen on the tea table and brushed two beautiful big characters.

The old lady was struck by lightning.

A group of Su family's relatives were totally stupid this time.

Su Yan closed her eyes and a little tear flickered in the corner of her eyes.

"Old lady, are you satisfied now?"

Lin Yang looked at old lady Su without expression.

"You... You... You dare to sign?" Old lady Su raised her arm and pointed to Lin Yang tremblingly. She was too angry to speak.


All of a sudden, Subei howled and rushed directly over. He grabbed the divorce agreement on the tea table and tore it into pieces.

"Subei, what are you doing?"

"I'm your third uncle!" Northern Jiangsu glared at Lin Yang: "I don't agree with your divorce!"

"Third! Who told you to do that? " Mrs. Su slowly came over and pressed her anger and asked in a deep voice.

"Mom, I don't agree with Lin Yang's divorce from Xiaoyan! For what? He is just a son-in-law. He can leave if he wants? What does he think of himself? Did he come and go whenever he wanted to? "

"Not bad!" Su Hui also responded: "the more he wants to leave, we can't let him succeed! Otherwise, it will spread out, how shameless our Su family will be! "

"Yes, yes, Lin Yang! You can't divorce! " Su Meixin seemed to realize something, so she spoke quickly.

"Divorce or something can't be mentioned voluntarily by Lin Yang."

"Unless Xiao Yan wants to leave."

"What is Lin Yang? How can you say that? "

"That's it

Others echoed, and their attitudes changed.

Old lady Su nodded and said in a righteous way: "you are right! Lin Yang, you are not eligible for divorce, and you can't sign this word! "

"Why deceive yourself?"

Lin Yang shook his head and looked pitifully at these people: "you suddenly forbid me to divorce. It's just that you are worried that the news of my divorce with Xiaoyan will be spread out. Those big bosses behind you will immediately take back the benefits and projects given to you. The Su family is now in a deep quagmire, and it is very difficult to get rid of it. Don't treat me as a fool. I'll look at your situation Eyes. "

The Su family breathed hard.

"You..." old lady Su was speechless.

"Lin Yang, go back."

There was a husky voice nearby.

Lin Yang side head, just see Su Yan low head, face some haggard.

"Good." Lin Yang moved his eyes and nodded.

The family of four went straight to the door.

"Lin Yang!"

"You must not die easily!"

"You will be punished!"

"Your family will not have a good result!"

Su family crazy curse!

They thought that Lin Yang would be frightened by old lady Su and signed the contract. However, they never thought that Lin Yang was so resolute that he gave the Su family a strong hand.The real fear of Lin Yang's divorce is not Lin Yang, but their su family.

The Su family has taken too many advantages from the big bosses. They bought a lot of luxury goods through loans and overdraft credit cards. This is going to be yellow, and they can't pay off their debts.

The Su family were all dead.

The old lady sat in her chair without saying a word.

Her hand holding the stick was shaking gently.

After leaving the Su family, the four took a taxi and went back the same way.

Su Guang sighed repeatedly, but Zhang Qingyu was silent.

"Aren't you angry?"

Lin Yang looked at the same speechless Su Yan and couldn't help opening his mouth.

"Not angry." Su Yan shook her head.


"Because I know that the reason why you agree to divorce is because you know that the Su family is just bluffing you with this! If you want to get a divorce, you will certainly prevent the third uncle from tearing up the agreement, but you are indifferent, so I know you are not sincere. Grandma frightens you, you just scare back. " Su Yan said seriously.

Lin Yang was stunned.

Sometimes this woman is rather dull, but sometimes she is very smart.

"But... I really want you to divorce!"

Just then, a painful voice sounded.

Lin Yang and Su Yan looked up, only to see Zhang Qingyu's eyes red, staring at them, tears from their faces.



Su Guang and Su Yan are shocked.

"Why don't you stop Subei from tearing up the agreement? Why don't you just sign it? "

Zhang Qingyu suddenly yelled at the top of his voice.

The sharp voice startled all the taxi drivers who were driving.

Su Yan's face changed.

Lin Yang said nothing.

"Do you know how much our family suffered because of you? How many white eyes did you get? Because of you, I can't even raise my head to see people when I go back to my mother's house, because of you! I've been laughed at by countless people up to now! Why? Why don't you get a divorce soon! "

Zhang Qingyu seems to be a complete collapse, covering his face and crying.

Su Guang sighed, hugged Zhang Qingyu and comforted him softly.

Su Yan looked at her mother who was crying in her father's arms. She was stunned for a long time. Then she raised her head and asked, "Dad, what happened when you went back to grandma?"

Su Guang smiles: "nothing... Nothing happened...

" Dad! " Su Yan is in a hurry.

Su Guang smile slightly stiff, stammered his lower lip, and then whispered: "your mother and I were driven out by your grandmother's family..."


Su Yan was completely stunned.

She just reacted.

My parents arrived at 6 a.m., but it took only 4 hours for grandma to get to Jiangcheng by car.

Why do they go to the bus at 2 am instead of sleeping?

Think of this, Su Yan's eyes are also red.

She knew that her mother had suffered so much injustice.

Lin Yang took a deep breath and was about to speak.

"Mom, give me another year!" Su Yan took a quick step, lowered her head and said, "let me slowly... Slowly..."

"what do you say?"

Zhang Qingyu wiped away his tears and looked at Lin Yang seriously.

"Good." Lin Yang did not refuse.

Zhang Qingyu said nothing more.

Back home, Zhang Qingyu and Su Guang entered the room.

Su Yan took the initiative to hold Lin Yang and said hoarsely, "I'm sorry."

"You are right."

"It's not fair to you."

"What is it to you?" Lin Yang said with a smile.

Su Yan slightly stiff, spin and side head light way: "give me a year, I will do a good mother's ideological work."

Lin Yangdun Leng: "you don't want to leave?"

"I su Yan is not the kind of person who likes to go along with others. Since I'm married, I naturally have to be responsible for it. Before that, I just comforted my mother. I should never say anything about divorce until the last minute."

Su Yan said hoarsely, then turned into the room.

Lin Yang was stunned and looked, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

This woman is... Much more mature than I thought!

It's just, did she take so much?

The days that followed were peaceful and not peaceful.

Su Yan was expelled from Shenghua group by the Su family the next day.

She's out of work!

The Su family was not so happy. The luxuries that Subei, Su Hui and others would buy would be returned if they could. Old Su was too busy to make friends with each other and walked around.

The Su family are fighting the fire.

Even at this point, they are reluctant to compromise.

Lin Yang is too lazy to manage.

Calculate the time, it should be time for China and South Korea to fight a decisive battle."Like tomorrow?"

Lin Yang picked up his mobile phone and strolled around the news.

The Internet has exploded, and there are discussions about the medical confrontation between China and South Korea. Jiangcheng forum is almost paralyzed.

"Su Hello, Su Hello, Su hello..."

suddenly, the mobile phone vibrated.

It's Luo Qian's.

Lin Yang will be connected immediately.

"Isn't it tomorrow? Why call me now? " Lin Yang said with a smile.

However, Luo Qian on the other side of the phone was choked with sobs:

"Linyang, something's wrong!"

"What happened?" Lin Yang was worried: "what's the matter?"

"Grandfather... Is in the hospital!" Luo Qian cried.

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