"You are such a brave dog!"

Qi Feilong was the first to recover, and roared: "Break his hands and feet!"

"Master Feilong! The police are still here! Don't mess around!"

Others are busy persuading.

"Stop fucking talking nonsense with me! This bastard dared to beat my sister in public! I won't abolish him today, and I won't be called Qi Feilong!"

Qi Feilong roared angrily, and led people directly to Lin Yang.

"Flying Dragon! Stop!"

Qi Simou couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately stepped forward to stop him.


"Back off!"

Qi Simou growled.

If he messed up in front of the police, it would affect Qi Simou's reputation. If someone caught him and made use of it, it would be difficult for him.

With Qi Simou coming forward, Qi Feilong could only bear with it.

"Call the police to deal with it!"

Qi Simou pondered.

"Good guide Qi!"

The people next to him ran out immediately.

But after a while, the man turned back.

"Director Qi, the patrol said to come over later."


Old Qi Simou frowned, and looked at Lin Yang meaningfully.

"Yi Feng, right? Can you hear me now?"

Lin Yang ignored Qi Simou, and looked directly at Yi Feng who was getting up in a panic.

"You... who are you? What do you want to do?" Yi Feng panicked, covering his face and retreating.

"My name is Lin Yang, and I'm Su Yan's husband. You accused my wife of sexually harassing you?"

"Yes, your wife is a flirtatious slut. The first time she saw me, she was like a slut. She treated me like a slut. I tried my best to reject her, but she kept getting worse! This kind of slut can only You are worthy of something as low as yours!"

Yi Feng scolded angrily, speaking unceremoniously.

"What did you say?"

Su Yu was furious and wanted to refute immediately.

But Lin Yang stopped him.

"Xiaoyu, you don't need to waste your time with such a reckless person. Besides, such an ugly person is not worthy of our anger."

Lin Yang said lightly.


Su Yu was stunned.

"Of course, the three inches of this person's wrists are dark, his eye sockets are sunken, and his hair looks healthy, but it is the result of wax and gel. This kind of person looks healthy, but he doesn't do it in reality. He is not like this kind of person who has no happiness in life." What are you angry about?"

Lin Yang shook his head.

When these words fell to the ground, there was a lot of discussion all around.

"No? Is it true or not?"

"Don't tell me, there seems to be rumors in the past two years. It seems to be Yi Feng's ex-girlfriend who said that after talking with Yi Feng for two years, Yi Feng didn't even touch her hand, doubting his sexual orientation!"

"Isn't it? Such a handsome guy, why doesn't he lift it?"

"What a pity!"

People whispered and expressed regret.

Yi Feng's face turned green with anger, and he pointed at Lin Yang and shouted tremblingly: "Nonsense! You are talking nonsense! I...how could I not lift it? I...I want to sue You slander!"


Lin Yang responded directly: "You sue me, we can go to court and ask the doctor to test you! See if what I said is true or not!"

Yi Feng was at a loss for words immediately, and stared blankly at Lin Yang, his face turning pale.

When everyone saw it, they knew what Lin Yang said was inseparable.

"Boy, don't confuse the public here! No matter whether Yi Feng has physical problems or not, that's not the point. The point is that your wife harassed him!"

Qi Feilong shouted angrily.

"Harassment? Are you sure?"

Lin Yang looked at Qi Feilong.

"Then there are fakes?" Yi Feng snorted angrily.

Lin Yang shook his head again and again, and sneered disdainfully: "Your name is Yi Feng, right? You can doubt my wife's character, but please don't doubt my wife's taste. How can my wife see you as crooked? superior?"

"Crooked melon cracked dates?"

Everyone was stunned.

Then there was a roar of laughter.

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