People you look at me, I look at you, and then...


More exaggerated laughter resounded through the banquet scene.

"Mr. He, I think this Mr. Lin Yang is more suitable for acting in comedy than you!"

"I think if Long Guo wants to remake the Chinese version of "Joker", this gentleman must be the most suitable actor!"

"It's so much fun! It's my source of joy today!"

"Is there really someone who dares to brag in public? It's so funny!"

People joked and laughed, but they didn't take Lin Yang's words seriously. After some ridicule, they left without bothering to talk to this lunatic.

"My surname is Lin, you still can't figure out your position? Who do you think you are? Doctor Lin Jiangcheng? Let me tell you, even if you are that goddamn doctor Lin, in this circle, you have to be humble when you see my grandpa. head!"

Qi Feilong stared at Lin Yang coldly: "If my grandpa hadn't taken care of the situation today and refused to turn his face, do you think you guys would be so proud? Don't push your noses!"

After speaking, several people also left one by one.

Su Yan sighed and said nothing more.

Everyone also walked out of the hotel and returned to Jiangcheng.

"I'm sorry, brother-in-law, for causing you so much trouble again."

In the car, Su Yu said with a guilty face.

"Xiaoyu, this has nothing to do with you. I caused this trouble. Don't take the blame for me."

Su Yan said immediately.

"It's okay, it's just a small thing."

Lin Yang smiled.

"Small things?"

Su Yan glared at him viciously: "Originally the matter was settled, why did you say that? Do you really think we can offend those people?"

"What can't you afford to offend? They're just actors!"

Lin Yang shook his head.

"Actor? It's not ancient times now, so what about opera actors? How influential are they? Just target you, and their fans will block you so much that you can't even get out!"

Su Yan snorted angrily, "Ask them to kowtow to Director Song and Xiaoyu? Do you think you have such a big influence?"

"I don't have one, but I think Miracle Doctor Lin should have one."

Lin Yang said with a smile: "Don't forget, both Xiaoyu and Song Dao belong to Yanghua. If Doctor Lin knew about this, he would definitely not give up, and would definitely seek justice for them!"

As soon as these words came out, Song Jing and Su Yu both looked at Lin Yang.

Song Jing hesitated to speak.

Su Yan frowned and said: "Of course I know the energy and means of Miracle Lin, but Qi Simou is not a simple person, he is a giant Buddha in the entertainment circle, didn't Qi Feilong say that? circle, even Miracle Doctor Lin can't do anything to him..."

"Then it's none of my business."

Lin Yang smiled: "Anyway, this matter is on the hands of Miracle Doctor Lin, how to deal with it is his problem."

"You... are really a fox pretending to be a tiger!"

Su Yan pinched him hard, and looked out of the car window angrily.

Su Yu smiled wryly, but there was a moment of silence in her eyes.

In fact, she agrees with Soo Kyung.

Even if they knew that Lin Yang was the miracle doctor Lin with extraordinary energy, they offended not only Qi Simou, but also half of the entertainment industry.

If these people join forces to block them, I'm afraid Yanghua Lin Dong will come forward and he won't be able to make it clear.

"Forget it, it's a big deal, I won't be in the entertainment industry anymore!"

Su Yu thought to herself, comforted herself, and stepped on the gas pedal.

The car galloped towards Jiangcheng.

at the same time.

Shanghai Police Station.

"What? No bail?"

Qi Feilong, wearing a peaked cap, looked at the staff at the window in disbelief, with a look of shock on his face.

"Yes sir, if there is nothing else, please leave as soon as possible!"

The staff member said seriously, then lowered his head and got busy with other things.

"Wait a minute, let me make a call!"

Feeling that something was wrong, Qi Feilong quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Qi Simou's number.

"Grandpa, the other party won't grant bail! The attitude is very firm!"

"Ask Lawyer Tang to come over immediately!"

"it is good!"

Qi Feilong nodded heavily.

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