An hour later, Qi Simou slumped on the teacher's chair.

The phone slipped from his withered fingertips and fell to the ground.

There are also people who keep calling, the phone keeps vibrating, and the ringtone is played back over and over again.

However, Qi Simou didn't want to pick it up any more.

Every news that broke out from inside only made people despair.

Qi Simou is not an idiot, he realized that he was being targeted.

In such a short period of five or six hours, a large number of artists under his banner were exposed to black spot scandals one after another, ruining their acting careers one by one.

Not only that, but Yi Feng couldn't survive.

And... In the calls he received, actors from other companies also had problems.

Among the actors who had problems, they were all people who attended the banquet tonight.

"Is it the revenge of Miracle Doctor Lin?"

Qi Simou's old eyes were tight, and his fists were tightly clenched.

He knew that Song Jing and Su Yu belonged to Yanghua, but Yanghua's contribution in the entertainment industry was not outstanding except for a few films of "War Tiger", and his status was not considered high. in the eyes.

Even if Miracle Doctor Lin's attainments were high and he was well-known in the Dragon Country, but as a big name in the entertainment industry, he ignored him, and Miracle Doctor Lin couldn't do anything to him.

But Qi Simou never expected that this Jiangcheng's Lin Dong could make the entertainment industry go crazy with just a flick of his finger...

"Doctor Lin! You chose to start the war, so don't blame me for fighting back!"

Qi Simou's old eyes turned cold, he took out a mobile phone from the drawer, and dialed a number.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"I was targeted."

"Aimed at? What aspect?"

"Inside the circle."

"Aren't you the emperor in the circle? Since you are being targeted, kill him!"

"The things he exploded are almost all real hammers. I'm afraid a group of artists under my banner will not be able to use them in the future!"

"Really... It seems that your opponent is a little capable. Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Help me go to the Shanghai Police Station to fish someone out first, and I will arrange your next move after the person is fished out!"

"Find who?"

"Yi Feng!"

"Give me a few minutes, I'll make a call!"

After all, the phone hangs up.

In fact, Qi Simou no longer valued Yi Feng at this moment.

Although Yi Feng is currently the most popular male star, for capital, it is not easy to create a male star!

But Qi Feilong asked Yi Feng to do this. Qi Simou was worried that Dr. Lin would use Yi Feng to make a big fuss and write close-ups. This would be devastating to Qi Simou's status in the circle.

1 minute later.

The phone vibrated again.

Qi Simou pressed the connect button without thinking, and said directly: "The next thing you have to do is..."

"Etc., etc...."

The person on the other end of the phone directly interrupted Qi Simou.

"What's wrong?" Qi Simou frowned.

"The person didn't fish it out." A hoarse voice came from the phone.

Qi Simou trembled suddenly, and the hand holding the phone also trembled a few times.

"You... can't get it out?"

"Don't talk about fishing, I don't even have the right to ask too much...Qi Simou! Who did you offend?"

The other party said coldly.

Qi Simou gasped.

He knows the identity of the person on the other end of the phone best.

Unless it was a last resort, he didn't want to beg this person at all, and spend the favor he saved back then.

But now, even this one can't be solved, seems so humble.

Could it be that... Jiangcheng's Miracle Doctor Lin has an unknown identity?

"The other party is the genius doctor Jiang Chenglin, you should know that, right?"

Qi Simou took a deep breath and confessed directly.

"Doctor Lin? Why did you mess with him?"

"It's him who wants to mess with me!"

"Okay, okay, I won't get into trouble with you, Qi Simou! The matter has come to this point, I can only say that you are no match for Dr. Lin at all. Let me give you a suggestion, surrender to the other party as soon as possible, and see if the other party can forgive you , anyway, I can't protect you, and I don't think there are many people you know who can protect you!"

"Surrender? If I surrender, everything about me will be gone, and everything I have in the entertainment circle will be burned!"

"If you don't vote, you will only lose even worse!"

"No! I won't just lose like this."

Qi Simou felt unwilling, his old eyes sparkled with determination, and he growled in a low voice: "Where is your brother?"

"Are you crazy?"

The person on the phone immediately growled.

"I'm not crazy! Back then, when you two brothers were on the streets, I was the one who rewarded you with a bite of food. You have one piece of paper and one martial arts. Now, you are flourishing in the officialdom, and your brother is unparalleled in the martial arts! Since you If you can't help me solve this matter, I can only ask your brother to help!"

Qi Simou's old face was ferocious, and his eyes revealed determination!

There was silence on the phone.

I don't know how long it took before the sound came out.

"My brother has been away from home for more than 20 years. I only communicate with him on the phone. He is not in Longguo at present, but if you insist on asking him to take action, I... can send a message. With his temperament, he will definitely Repay your kindness!"

"Then tell him to roll over immediately!!"

Qi Simou roared.

"Qi Simou, if my elder brother arrives, then we two brothers will have nothing to do with you! You have to remember!"

"I only want Miracle Doctor Lin now, and I don't want to hear anything else!"

"it is good!"

After speaking, the phone hung up directly.

Qi Simou slammed his phone to the ground, and the ferocity on his old face became more intense.

At the same time, the entertainment industry has undergone earth-shaking changes.

All kinds of explosive news bombarded the Internet like a thunderstorm.

The whole network exploded.

Countless people who eat melons gather on major post bars, forums, blogs and even all social software.

Everyone was frantically discussing all kinds of big melons, and many people were almost stuffed to death.

Lin Yang, on the other hand, stood silently in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching all this quietly.

"Director Lin!"

Ji Wen walked into the office.

"Has anyone brought it up?"

Lin Yang said lightly.

"It's already been brought up."

There was admiration in Ji Wen's eyes.

"I leave it to you. I'm not very interested in this matter. When it's done, report the result to me."

Lin Yang put on a coat and left in a hurry...

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