"So, you are also called the Empress?"

Lin Yang asked in a low voice.

"This title, how ironic!"

The emperor smiled, her eyes full of sadness: "That night was the most unforgettable night in my life. If it hadn't been for His Majesty's order to arrest those alive, my parents would have died, but even so, I still cut off theirs. Hands and feet, hand them over to His Majesty...Now, my parents are imprisoned by His Majesty in the sky prison, tortured day and night! I must save them from..."

Lin Yang watched the emperor silently. I never imagined that such a tragic experience happened to her.

He really wanted to ask the emperor why she wanted to kill her whole family.

But after hesitating for a moment, he chose to remain silent.

The two rushed all the way, passed through the magnificent palaces, and soon came to the imperial garden of the palace.

"Please send a message from your father-in-law that the emperor is asking to see Your Majesty."

The emperor walked to the door and said to an old eunuch.

"Yo? The princess is here? Come in quickly, His Majesty is talking about you!"

The old eunuch said with a smile, and led the two of them inside.

"My lord is here!"

Following the shrill shout, the two walked into the imperial garden.

I saw a resplendent reclining chair in the center of the imperial garden, and on the reclining chair was a figure with a big belly in a dragon robe.

Lin Yang took a closer look and felt that it was extremely exaggerated.

Because this figure is completely a mountain of meat, its body is extremely exaggerated, its limbs are fat and swollen like a pig, a large amount of limp flesh is scattered around its side, and its robe is as loose as a bedding.

This is at least five or six hundred catties.

This is the monarch of the Sword Dynasty?

Lin Yang frowned, and glanced at the figure's waist.

There was indeed a sword hanging there.

Although it is very short, judging from the scabbard and hilt, it seems to be extraordinary.

"My daughter pays homage to her father!"

The emperor stepped forward a few steps, knelt down and worshiped, respectfully.

"Yo? The girl is here?"

The fat figure moved its body, and the dragon chair creaked.

He squinted his eyes, and his bean-sized eyeballs glanced at the emperor, and said with a smile: "I was thinking about where you have been these days, the flowers in this garden are about to bloom, so you will stay with me here Enjoy the flowers!"

"Yes, father."

The emperor clasped her fists.

"Who is this guy next to you?"

"Father, this person is a flower protector I carefully found for my father. It is said that this person is very proficient in the art of flowers and plants. If he takes care of you, the flowers in the imperial garden will not only be more beautiful when they bloom, And the more intoxicating the fragrance of the flower, the better the medicinal effect of the flower!"

The Empress said respectfully.

"Oh? There are such strange people?"

The monarch's eyes lit up, and he looked at Lin Yang with a smile: "What's your name?"

"Your Majesty, my name is Lin Yang!"

"Lin Yang? Okay, okay, since you were brought here by the emperor, you must be capable. The dragon's tail flower over there will be in full bloom today. Go show me your hand and let me have a look. Listen, if you can't surprise me , then you are deceiving the emperor, and I will definitely peel you off! Do you understand?"

The monarch laughed.

Lin Yang frowned, but finally nodded.

He sacrificed the Hongmeng Dragon Needle and walked towards the Dragon's Tail Grass.

But after walking a few steps, his sight was suddenly attracted by a fluorescent light.

"Heavenly Chosen Leaf Flower?"

Lin Yang was breathing hard!

It was a strange flower surrounded by several guards, and it was shining with white light, like the bright moon in the night sky, shining brightly.

As if sensing Lin Yang's gaze, the guards all stared at Lin Yang, their eyes cold and bloodthirsty.

"What? My words? Didn't you hear?"

The voice of the monarch smiling came again.

But this time, the words were full of killing intent.

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