The other three guards were all stunned, completely unaware of what the prince was doing.


Another sharp sword struck, cutting off the neck of the guard on the left in an instant.

The guard froze, and then his head fell from his neck, and blood gushed out.

At first glance, it was an old eunuch!

"They are not the prince and father-in-law, kill them!"

The remaining two finally came to their senses, and they drew their swords together to attack and slash.

The two have extraordinary skills, superb swordsmanship, and even a little bit of power to ascend, which is very good.

The old eunuch, the empress, immediately fought with one person.

But this guard's skills are very superb, and he was defeated in the first day of junior high school.

On the other hand, the prince, who is Lin Yang, is more than capable, holding a natural knife in his hand, with ease.

"Leader Lin, don't waste time. Once the monarch comes to his senses and brings people here, none of us will be able to escape!"

The Empress gritted her teeth.

"Well, let's make a quick decision!"

Lin Yang's eyes froze, and he suddenly activated the Hongmeng Dragon Needle, stabbing the back of his hand in unison, and then the power of rising like a tide rushed towards his palm, pouring into the handle of the Tianshengdao.

The natural knife strikes.

The void vibrates, shocking beyond compare!

The guard's breath trembled, and he raised his sword subconsciously to resist.

But the moment the sword leaned against Tiansheng Dao, he regretted it very much...

This sword can't stop Tian Sheng Dao at all!

as predicted.


The powerful soaring power of the natural sword directly shattered the blade, and the blade was like a broken bamboo, directly cutting on the guard's forehead.

In an instant, the guard's body was shattered and he died tragically on the spot.


The other guard turned pale in shock, knowing that he was not the opponent of Lin Yang and the emperor, he turned around and left.

"Want to run?"

The emperor wanted to pursue her, but Lin Yang shouted in a low voice: "Stop chasing! It's important to take Tianxuan Yehua!"

"it is good!"

The Empress stopped and nodded.

"Protect me!"

Lin Yang quickly took out the Hongmenglong Needle and began to give Tianxuan Yehua the needle.

Right now, it's exactly five o'clock.

Tianxuan leaves and flowers bloom just in time.

Lin Yang carefully applied the needles to nourish, and the flowers gradually bloomed, and the intoxicating fragrance permeated all directions.

At this time.


A rainbow of light bloomed from Tianxuan Yehua's body and shot straight into the sky.

"Perfect bloom?"

The watching emperor's breath trembled, her eyes widened, and she exclaimed in disbelief.

She has a little understanding of how to protect and grow flowers. Although she is not proficient, she also understands how harsh the conditions for perfect blooming are.

Especially for exotic flowers like Tianxuan Yehua, if you want to make it bloom perfectly, you must first understand it very well.

Never thought that Lin Yang could make it bloom perfectly under such circumstances.

"This really a strange man!"

The emperor murmured in her heart, with admiration in her eyes.

The rainbow light dissipated.

Lin Yang took out a palm-sized box, then carefully picked off the Tianxuan Yehua and put it in the box.


Without hesitation, he immediately drank in a low voice.

The emperor nodded, and the two ran straight to the outside of the palace.


A shocking noise spread.

Lin Yang and the two suddenly stopped and turned their heads.

But in the direction of the prince's bedroom, there is a golden light rippling all over the sky.

"The enchantment is broken!"

Lin Yang said hoarsely.

The emperor's breath trembled.

"Who the hell! How dare you covet Yehua, my chosen one? No matter who you are! Today, you must die! You must die!"

"Hear the order, arrest Xiaoxiao and take back Tianxuan Yehua!"

The angry roar of the monarch came from the prince's bedroom and swayed in all directions.

82 Chinese Network

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