"You want to be my wife and concubine, and become my man. When my Qingxuan Alliance grows stronger in the future, you will tell the Sword Dynasty about today's affairs, so that the Sword Dynasty will fight with our Qingxuan Alliance! And you will definitely Instigate me to attack the Sword Dynasty! To avenge the king for forcing you to kill the whole family, right?"

Lin Yang smiled.

The emperor was silent for a long time, and finally stood up and said in a deep voice: "As expected of Leader Lin, you really see things clearly, Xuannv admires you!"

"Put your mind away, the matter is settled, you and I will go our separate ways from now on, don't worry, I will cure your parents, but once your parents' injuries are cured, you will leave the Qingxuan Alliance immediately!"

Lin Yang said calmly, turned and left.

The emperor bit her pink lips tightly and said nothing.

She has thought about it for the rest of her life, and she knows that she will not even have the chance to be friends with Lin Yang in the future.

Back in the Qingxuan Alliance, Lin Yang retreated immediately.

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